New world

As I stood up to look around I noticed how small the room was, it was about a 4x8(m) room that was completely white and on the other side of the small room were 5 figure who seemed as though they had been waiting for me. They all looked quite strange and monsterous even.

On the far left was a short old man who had a long beard that almost touched the ground, he also had a third eye in his forehead and behind him there was a golden halo darting around aimlessly. To his right was a woman who wore a long dress that dragged behind her, she had a gigantic tome underneath her arm and she had snakes running through her hair who seemed to be at war, biting and trying to strangle the other.

Beside her was what seemed like a skeleton who had not completely decomposed, the right half of his face looked like a black skull and the other half looked perfectly normal, he was about 7' and he had black wings sprouting from his back and a large gaping hole in the center of his chest.

Beside that one was a girl who looked about 13, she was small but she looked just as bizarre as the others, her skin was green and from all over her body were vines, even from her ears grew vines.

And then the final one was a being with long curved horns on either side of his face. The being wore no clothes, half of his body was made completely of ice and the other half was boiling magma that bubbled and at the point of contact between the ice and lava formed steam that disappeared almost as quickly as it formed.

The five beings explained to me that they were gods of this world but that they were in trouble. They had begun a war with the other gods and now after centuries of warring and their other allies being killed they have decided to leave this realm before the same fate befalls them and they chose to escape to my realm. They also explained that even though they were gods they were still subjected to the will of the one who created them the ORIGIN and one of his fundamental laws was one of somewhat equivalent exchange.

If they wanted to enter Universe 7 (mine) they would have to bring something or someone of equivalent value back to their universe, or else the exchange would be revesred or they may just get erased by the ORIGIN.

They then explained that there was actually a loop hole in this rule, it stated equivalent value not anything about being equal in power or strength, so their thought was that a being that had almost infinite potential would be worth just as much as 5 gods who together had near infinite power, though they had nowhere near equal power now, just like in physics potential energy is still counted as energy though it is in a state of non-existence until the object is released, similarly my potential would count as power though it is non-existent.

They also explained that in order to make my transition easier they would each be giving me a gift to help compel me to stay in their world and make it so I didn't die instantly voiding the law of equivalent exchange.

From the God of creation, I was given what he called a system whose only real purpose was to help quantify my power as well as other peoples power. From the Goddess of wisdom, I was granted a great book of knowledge which would tell me about the world whenever I needed to know something.

From the God of darkness, I was given a cloak of darkness which was blessed with a pocket dimension inside of it giving me the ability to hold an infinite about of non-living things. From the Goddess of Nature she made me into a creature called a Dark elf with a ridiculous mana pool, and she made me a pact called "one with nature" making all animals as well as very low level monsters passive towards me.

And from the God of chaos I was given a 100% immunity to both fire and ice magic that was weaker that the celestial level. They told me that if I went through the portal behind them, I would be given these gifts as well as my body would stay in it's prime condition like back in my world, and I would be made 18 again.

They also gave me the option of traveling back to my own universe and going to the land of the dead where I will end up because of the fact that I was dead. But honestly the choice was quite easy, I wanted to see this new world that they spoke of and the gifts that had given me were so generous that I just could resist and I without hesitation jumped through the portal and another wave of intense nausea passed over me before returning me to the void.

And after returning to the void and traveling for what felt like weeks another portal appeared in from to me and I was sucked through and thrown on the floor once again in an unknown place.