Empty forest

"Where the hell am I now" I thought to myself as a stood up and took in my surroundings. It seems as though I am in a forest of some sort, I saw flora and fauna all around me and I could hear the sound of running water. After replaying everything the gods told me it finally dawned on me that this was all real, I really did get brought to a new world with magic and monster.

As I looked at the bizzare and twisted tree ahead of me I saw an interface appear out of thin air beside it. [Alder sapling : age 105 : material], it had surprised me a little but it seemed that maybe this was a part of the system that the gods had given me. I mean it was very strange but the gods did semi-explain what the system was and I even had a status function so that I could keep track of my well being.


Name: Shawn

Title: War God (50% stat increase when fighting against over 10 opponents solo)

Level: 1 (0/100)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Dark elf

Current state: confused

Available points: 0 {rewarded for leveling up}


*mana 1500000

*speed 150

*vitality 150

*agility 150

*strength 150

*stamina 150

[can only be increased by leveling up]


*slash lvl 1 {chance to cause bleeding/ unhealable}

*critical lvl 1 {chance to deal 2x damage}

*impact lvl 1 {push back target}

*puncture lvl 1 {penetrat armored targets}

*accuracy lvl 1 {chance a to hit moving target}

[need more points to increase]


*forging lvl 0

*building lvl 0

*assembly lvl 0

*transmuting lvl 0

After reading my own status it seemed as though my power was weapon oriented, specifically guns. That was evident from that fact that my class was a gunslinger and also I was given the same title I had back when I was a soldier, the only thing was now I had a type of ability booster which I doubt I had back when I was a soldier. But then again whenever I was staring down an enemy line with superior numbers I did feel a surge of energy and adrenaline.

The gods were pretty detailed when explaining how most things in this world worked, I was just a little hesitant to believe them but right now it was becoming increasingly harder to deny the facts. This world was a world built on magic, by magic for those who had magic. Every living creature in this world had some sort of magic, even if they are unable to use it consciously.

There were magicians who specialized in certain fields of magic and could expel it from their body and control it externally. There were people who had magic but can not use it like the mages, instead opting to use it to bolster their body and weapons making it many times stronger.

And then there were beasts who had magic but were unable to control it to the same degree which humans can but in return they had many times the mana reserves that people do. They also said they granted me my own unique form of magic based on my previous live, it was the ability to build weapons from my old world that do not exist in this world. And specifically weapons that were oriented around my previous line of work. War.

They also explained how the world was divide, everyone lives on one giant continent called Xaymaca. It was divided into the four cordinal directions. Down south was more or less territory of the demons, a demon lord reigned as king over there and they shared half of the southern land with the draconian empire who were gigantic magical beasts who the demons co-exist with. They owned the least amount of land but generally keep to themselves unless antagonized and with their great power few would be foolish enough to attack and claim responsibility.

To the west was Atlantis, this was where the fishmen and lizardmen live. They very rarely left their territory and avoided all other civilization as though they were a plague. To the North was the holy land of Kal Marijois, they were devout worshipers of their God Kal and would go to war in his name with neighboring factions in order to convert them and show them the light and the true savior of mankind.

To the east was that Crystal empire, which is where I am currently. The empire was ruled by King Lord Vickam and the day to day business was taken care of by his nobel family. The crystal kingdom had many different groups under thier banner, there were the humans, elves, dark elves, spirits and beastmen.

The humans mostly stayed in or near the capital except for the 2 other villages, Mack village and Danafall. The other races lived in small tribes until they reached a certain age where they were free to venture out and do as they please. That was about all that they told me with regards to the world I was transported to but they also stated that I this world, I had no particular purpose.

The only thing they wanted me to do was to stay in this universe forever and if I felt like it maybe have some fun, they told they themselves were not exactly good or righteous gods so they wouldn't expect me to be either. They had seen the amount of lives I had taken in my previous life and they urged me not to do that here until I was strong enough to handle the repercussions of said actions.

I quickly tried to set them straight telling them that, I only did all that because I was serving my country. And they just laughed at me saying that "You did do it because you were ordered to but you didn't have to enjoy it. Someone like you in this new world, especially after they treat you like a 2nd class citizen you won't be able to help yourself" and that was about the last thing they said to be before ushering me off through the portal.

After I explored the forest for a little, inspecting all the things I could in the area around me I became unbelievably bored. It was cool and all being in a new body that was stronger and faster but I had nothing to do, I had been walking around in circles aimlessly and it was starting to annoy me.

There was not even anything to harvest in the area, whenever I inspect an object it gives me a read out of the item as well as weather or not it would be useful in crafting items and so far this entire area was a dud, in fact I have not even run into any animals.

I had tested out my strength earlier and I was able to throw a chunk of rock hard enough to lodge it about a foot and a half into an Alder tree and I wanted to test it out on something that could fight back.

Being strong without something to fight against was boring, then almost as if response to my complaining a roar tore through the silence of the forest, I didn't even hesitate to charge off towards the sound hoping for some sort of stimulus to test my strength against.