War God

Shawn flashed his license at the gaurd as he passed prompting them to let him through and as he left the town he began heading to the forest where he first woke up. The men following him were getting a little annoyed, when Shawn entered the Guild they expected him to spend a few minutes collecting his reward and maybe picking up a new quest, they did not expect for him to spend hours in there. It was a little past noon and they had expected to be back at the tavern right now drinking up a storm with their money that was promised but unfortunately that was not the case.

The first bounty Shawn had planned to finish was the Ursarang bounty, he had fought the bears before and had an excellent grasp on how they fought unfortunately the bear teeth was what was needed to prove the completion of the bounty so Shawn would not be able to make anymore bullets if he wished to hastily complete the bounty and move unto the others.

Because the bears did not move together and had their own sort of territory you would have to do quiet alot of searching to get the 8 bear kills needed to complete the bounty. As he was moving throughout the forest he once again felt like he was being followed but he could not pinpoint their exact location which was starting to annoy him. If they were any stronger he might have been worried but thier tracking skills were sub par if he was able to notice them without using detection magic.

Shawn searched the forest and after many hours he had finally killed all the bears necessary all while being followed by the group, completely unperturbed by thier presence [800exp : lvl up : 2points].

The group on the other hand were no longer that keen on fighting the man like they were paid to do, after seeing the ease with which he killed the bears it was clear he was stronger that them but they were confident that as a group they could out maneuver and overpower him. But just to be on the safe side they decided to wait until he tired himself out fighting the Ursas before they made thier move. Shawn had used only Cro-Van in combat against the bears giving the squad trailing him the impression that he was a melee fighter who specialized in daggers, which unfortunately was not true whatsoever.

Shawn had planned on hunting a few extra Ursas in an attempt to stock up on even more bullets but he was having a hard time both tracking the bears and trying to lose his followers. He had given up and decide to head to the next location to finish the other bounties and as the group saw this change in behavior they assumed it meant he was tired and was ready to take a break so they decided this would be the perfect time to attack the now "tired" man they had spent the whole day trailing.

Gyus the leader of the party ordered everyone to surround the man, Shawn noticed the change in the group and stopped, waiting for them to attack him.

The men all stepped out from the forest in unison with weapons in hand and determination on their faces. As they surrounded Shawn a notification appeared [War God active : 50% stat boost]. A smile spread across Shawn's face as he saw the total amount of expirence he would have received. Surely this was atleast a few levels he thought to himself as he pulled his guns from his cloak hoping to cut the numbers down before trying melee combat.

Shawn fired off four bullets in rapid succession with the intent to kill but the men he aimed at managed to move missing the lethal shot but he managed to gaze three of them with the razor bullets [slash damage activated : three enemies hit : stackable].

Only being able to fire a total of 7 more bullets he decide to shoot at the man who was issuing commands.

The deafening sound rang out again before they could get any closer, Gyus didn't know what it was but wherever the man aimed, projectiles would fly followed by a deafening boom. Gyus knew he had to dodge but as soon as he heard the explosions his body delayed for a split second just long enough for one of the two projectiles to hit him, which were followed by two more but this time he did not freeze up and managed to dodge the attack.

With so little bullets left Shawn discarded the guns and grabbed Cro-Van with full intent to put his stat boost to good use.

The group was pretty diverse in terms of power and skills. They had 2 archers, 4 mages, 1 scout and 3 melee fighters and the one in charge who watched from the back. In terms of offensive output the mages were the most dangerous but the others were playing zone defense with the mages rotating out as the battle proceeded ensuring that the mages were safe.

To the surprise of everyone involved they were locked in a stalemate of sorts for almost 30 minutes, to Shawn he was surprised that he was actually able to keep up with all of them at once taking only 29 damage of health thanks to a couple of miscalculation on his part.

And from the teams point of view they were surprised that one man had been able to keep up with all of them, dodging swords, daggers, arrows and spells as they flew in his direction. The man in turn was able to land a few nicks here and there with his dagger but it was never enough to cause any substantial damage. But nevertheless Gyus felt like a battle of attrition was taking place and he could tell that his guys were getting slower as the fight went on.

Shawn felt the slighty change in the pace of the battle and he knew that these guys were hanging on only by a thread. They just needed a little push to put them over the edge, Shawn momentarily lowered his defense and as the others saw this they falsely assumed that he was tiring out. The the guys with swords rushed in and the archers released their arrows aimed at the man's head but from nowhere a lethal amount of mana was suddenly felt throughout the entire battlefield.

The pressure was so great that even the arrows were stopped mid flight and forced to the floor, everyone stopped and looked around wildly thinking that maybe a beast had intruded on thier battle. The only person who knew what was going on was Gyus, it was obviously the man they were fighting who had released this pressure but before he could warn his men the three who surrounded Shawn all had thier throat sliced at blinding speed and and both archers were killed as well.

One had gotten Cro-Van thrown into his chest and the other had gotten shot by Shawn. One of the mages who was busy resisting the mana attack had been critically wounded as well taking him out of the battle [6 kills].

The mages were all in a state of confusion, due to thier affinity for magic they were experiencing the effect of the mana onslaught to a much greater degree that the others were. To a mage their mana was like an extension of their body and in the presence of this overbearing pressure it felt like thier mana was being consumed and it was unbelievable painful.

The only down side to Mana Supression was that it could only last so long because it was just moving the mana from inside of a person's body to the outside eventually when there is a much greater amount outside of your own mana on the outside of the body the body would just naturally start reabsorbing the mana.

The mana pressure rescinded and Shawn was standing there with his weapon in hand ready for a round 2. The mages were as good as out for the count and the scout had disappeared long ago sneaking away during all the chaos. Shawn dashed towards Gyus and slashed Cro-Van upwards with a sudden instantaneous burst of speed from out of nowhere .

The skill only lasted for an instant but it had allowed Shawn to land the first hit but Gyus caught himself and countered by swinging his blade at blinding speed which Shawn attempted to dodge but the blade managed to slash him diagonally tearing into his flesh and causing his black blood to gush form the wound.

Shawn never being hurt this badly before, out of painc he lost his composure for a second causing him to get another deep slash from Gyus's blade [-160 health], Shawn had a new found appreciation for the War God title without it he surely would be dead right now but he saved his adoration for later because right now his life was in danger.

Gyus was now 100% sure that his opponent was not human between the black blood, irrational mana pool and the fact that he shook of that clearly lethal attack was evidence enough that he was fighting a monster in the shape of a man. Even though Gyus hand landed that last and powerful attack he could feel that the battle was taking a toll on him, the shallow wounds that were inflicted upon him were refusing to heal and the wounds were just bleeding continually and those last attacks took the rest of the energy he had left.

Gyus's body began to grow cold and he could feel death approaching, but he was not exactly sad. He wanted to die, even if he had managed to win somehow he could never live with himself knowing he had lead so many of his friends to death just because of his greed. With one last defiant shout towards his enemy he rushed Shawn knowing fully well that this would be his last fight.

As Shawn finished with Gyus he made his way towards the unconscious mages who could not withstand his mana pressure and collapsed earlier who were swiflty handled. [3800exp : + 2 levels : +5 points : War God has worn off : Achievement achieve (battle to the death) : +passive ability : Health below 0 : error : fixing error].

Shawn's body was sore and he was riddles with wounds and after getting that notification his body became too heavy to stand and he collapsed to the floor falling into a deep slumber.


Shawn's health is below zero because after the 50% boost gave him more health but all his normal amount of health finished and he was now using the extra but after it wore of the damage that was dealt to him stayed, giving him negative health without killing him.


Name: Shawn

Title: War God

Level: 6 (2100/3200)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Dark elf

Current state: fatigued/unconscious

Passive: Stealth, Futile struggle {when your non-boosted health is below 4%, 2x stat boost except for health}

Points: 7


*mana 3500000

*speed 350

*vitality -0 (350)

*agility 350

*strength 350

*stamina 350


*slash lvl 1 {chance to cause bleeding/unhealable. -0.5 %health/minute per stack}

*critical lvl 1

*impact lvl 1

*puncture lvl 1

*accuracy lvl 2


Mana Supression


*forging lvl 1

*building lvl 1

*luck lvl 1



Cro-Van. {skill : chance to double speed for 2 seconds}

Jack and Jill. (1/16) {skill: low chance to surprise the enemy stunning them for 0.5 sec after each shot}

Razor Bullets. (157)