Killer Cat lady

Shawn sent out a 250 meter pulse wave and felt all the trees, rocks, soil, animals he could even feel the worms in the ground and he more importantly he found his stalker. There has a mass of mana that was not his own up in the trees above him, Shawn didn't know who or what it was but the mana was ferocious so it was more than likely not human.

Not only that but how would a human manage to climb a tree that was well over 50 meters high. The creature was definitely stalking him but for how long had it been following him, minutes, hours maybe even days. Shawn was debating what to do, he could not see the creature so he couldn't use inspect so he had no idea of its level, but it was more than likely strong.

He could just ignore it but that seemed foolish to turn your back on something that was most likely an enemy and one that was capable of moving in complete silence. He could keep on using mana pulse to keep tabs on the creature's location but the creature could also just decide to attack after he depleted his mana or when he was resting. The smartest thing to do would be to just attack the creature when all his stats were at full, which would be the best for him giving him a better chance to win if the creature was stronger than him.

Shira watched from the trees as the man stopped and began to cut off his mana flow. She had been watching him ever since he woke up but he was yet to do anything spectacular, his mana was very dense but that was about it. The mana was very wild and it was clear he had little control over it, the mana was still very ferocious and was indeed reminiscent of a demon but it was very diluted and the quantity was way to low maybe he was a human who had been curse or maybe he was just a species of inhuman that she had never come across yet but he was nowhere close to the level of an infant demon.

Her instinct were telling her that even though he was not a threat now he had only just began to grow, he had alot of potential and that magic he used was clearly some ancient technique because she had never seen it before. Then she had a wonderful idea, if the man could prove his prowess maybe she would bring her master another disciple.

As she was wondering how to test the man, something came flying through the air towards her at great speeds. She was a little startled but she dodged it with ease and as she did, it lodged into the tree behind her and traveled deep into the bark. Shira was quite surprised, the knife moved quite fast a normal man would have been impaled and dead with no idea what had happened. Not only that but the knife was buried deep into the tree behind her, which was so hard that they used it to test whether or not a knight was ready to be moved out of probation and actually joined the ranks of the knighthood.

It was quite impressive that a throw from that far had managed to split the bark, maybe he was worth becoming a disciple after all. She removed the knife from the tree and jumped down landing gracefully.

Shawn watched as the figure jumped from the tree and landed just a few meters from him.

"I'm guessing this belongs to you" said the woman as she landed.

Shawn was a little surprised, he had expected something more ferocious looking. But instead it was a woman who looked odd, he was not exactly one to judge what was normal but she was clearly not human. She had what looked like cheetah spots covering her skin, she had a tail that hung behind her and she had cat ears above her head.

Though Shawn was not sure he felt like maybe she was a beast man, she seems to fit the characteristics having the feature of both a human and some sort of animal. Shawn had contemplated maybe talking his way out of the situation but then he scolded himself for having such cowardly behavior.

He would die if he had to, if it mean the did it as a warrior but dying trying to flee from the enemy or getting attacked from the back was one of the most shameful and demeaning thing he could think of and he would never allow himself to die like that. Shawn readied himself for battle.

"Don't you want to know who I am, or why I am going to kill you" she asked as she watched the man get ready for battle.

"I won't lie to you, I honestly don't really care about your reason. Based on what you just said I don't need to know any of that. I just need to know what to exterminate and right now, unfortunately that is you" replied Shawn as he watched the the cat girl.

As soon as the girl jumped down Shawn tried to see her level but he got question marks but he did see the amount of expirence she would give and that alone showed her ridiculous power. [??????? 36,000exp]

Those words annoyed Shira slightly, she did not enjoy being under estimated. And she decided to crush his spirits instead of testing him, she wanted to crush any hope he had of defeating her and in the process show the vast difference in their power before recruiting him. She released all of her mana in an attempt to overwhelm Shawn.

Shawn felt a powerful force weigh down upon him all of a sudden, it felt like it was crushing him while suffocating him at the same time. Like he was out in the middle of the ocean fighting against the ocean itself, it was sapping his very will to stand, it made him want to find cover from the unknown force.

[Raw enemy mana attack : cannot be blocked : recommended to retaliate with your own mana]

Shawn then began releasing his own mana and the pressure he felt quickly retreated. Shira was thoroughly surprised, she never guessed that the man was restraining his mana while he was walking around the forest. Right now it seemed as though his mana reserve was greater than her own by just a small margin.

Even though mana was not her specialty it was a little annoying because she did not feel like it was his specialty either due to it being so without purpose or focus. And not only that but if he refined and sharpened his mana he would be able to use it to much more efficiently attack and under the watchful eye of her teacher he could reach unimaginable heights. They both deactivated thier mana as it only served to prove thier power and would actually be a liability during the fight.

It was Shira who attacked first charging first and slashing her now elongated claws at Shawn. She was not holding back whatsoever and Shawn only barely managed to block the first attack with the knife that had returned to him by this point. She followed that attack with another swipe that was aimed at his chest but she missed by only a hair and at the same time a loud bang resonated through the forest and she felt a slight pain in her leg.

An alien object had broken her skin and was causing slight bleeding. The wound could have only come from the strange man but she was not sure what exactly it was but was not worried because it was barely able to break her skin. She charged again and heard the sound two more times but ignored it and landed a deep gash along the man's arm.

Shawn was a little disappointed at the fact that his Razor bullets were just bouncing off but atleast with the slash taking effect if she kept taking the bullets head on like an idiot she would bleed out eventually but he needed to ensure that he did not lose before that time.

After about 4 minutes off fighting Shawn had lost 180 health and expended over 30 bullets which should have brought the slash bleeding up to a little over 15% meaning that she should be taking 15% of her health per minute which would weaken her greatly but that was not happening. If the bullet hit and activated slash then it doesn't matter if it was just a scratch, it was proved by the previous battle where he barely nicked an enemy but they began getting weaker almost instantly. The battle continued until Shawn was forced to bring Jack and Jill unto the battle field.

Jack now held a gun in both hands and as Shira went in for the attack again he squeezed the trigger simultaneously releasing two shots into Shira. As Shira was going in for another attack the heard the explosion once again but this time it was accompanied by an intense sensation of pain.

There was no more of her body left where the bullets had hit, instead there were holes which were 3cm across. One in her thigh and the other in he abdomen region. Shawn was glad to know that Jack and Jill were that powerful and he finally had a means to end the fight but now she would be on gaurd and hitting her would not be as easy. He readied himself for the next onslaught and readied his weapons.

Shira had lost herself to her rage and entered a state that even the beast clan themselves feared, her back arched slightly and her muscles bulged. All of her mana had disappeared completely like it was never present at all she had entered carnage mode. She rushed Shawn with speeds that were so much greater than his that he could not even register her.

She blitzed him attacking furiously and slicing at him. She ripped the metal things he held from his hand and sliced at his throat this time which he narrowly dodged. And she followed by stabbing her hand through his stomach, she was moving so fast that all Shawn could manage to do was avoid death by a hair on multiple occasions.

[Futile Struggle activated]

Shawn new what his meant he was about to die but he had no intention of listening to common sense he would not die here in fact he can not die here. Shawn would hate to run but that was the best option because a dead man can not fight as as it stands right now he was too weak to have any hope of winning even with the 2x strength. As Shira charged again he kicked her square in the chin hoping to stagger her to give himself the chance he needed and as her brain shook from the kick her speed decreased slightly.

He held a cylindrical canister and pulled the pin before closing his eyes and looking down quickly. A great flash of light spread throughout the area causing an intense overload of Shira's eyes causing her to go blind, but that was not a problem for her because she could still smell her foe.

She grabbed unto his shoulder but Shawn had expected something like this and grabbed his last weapon just in case. He pushed Razor into her open bullet wounds from earlier and began to fire, letting of 3 bullets inside her. Causing her to release him and with his increased stats he ran straight as fast and as far as he could. With only the regret that he had left Jack and Jill behind but he could always make new ones even though he felt as though he was bonded to those weapons but he chose to live to get vengeance at a later date, right now his weakness as a liability. Shawn ran until he was out of stamina and passed out.


Name: Shawn

Title: War God

Level: 6 (2100/3200)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Dark elf

Current state: unconscious, sad and angry

Passive: Stealth, Futile struggle {when your non-boosted health is below 4%, 2x stat boost except for health}

Points: 0


*mana 3500000

*speed 350

*vitality 350 (2)

*agility 350

*strength 350

*stamina 350


*slash lvl 1 {chance to cause bleeding/unhealable. -0.5 %health/minute per stack}

*critical lvl 1

*impact lvl 1

*puncture lvl 1

*accuracy lvl 3


Mana Supression

Mana Pulse


*forging lvl 4 {making weapons}

*building lvl 3 {making everything else}

*luck lvl 2



Cro-Van. {skill : throwing the blade will cause the weapon to move 2x the speed and will return to your cloak after 3mins if you have not yet retrieved it}

Jack and Jill. {skill(9/10): Red dot: After emptying both clips, your next shot from each gun is a guaranteed hit and will deal one of each shooting status effect. ie: critical/slash/impact/puncture}

Razor. {chance to shoot 2 bullets instead of 1}

Razor Bullets. (118)

Alloy bullets. (54)

Grenades. (3)