
As Shawn approached Danafall he dismounted cactus and sent him of to do whatever it is bicorns do when they are not being ridden.

Shawn was a little curious about the creature called bicorn which he had never heard of before so he turned to the book of knowledge to shed light upon the creature.

The book surprisingly for the first time didn't have much to say on the topic. All it had was that is was a distant cousin of the Unicorn but instead of being a symbol of purity and justice, the Bicorn represented chaos and very bad luck. It also mentioned that they were typically tamed by and only rideable by high ranking demons but his only furthered his curiosity of his own existence.

He was a dark elf which was evidently separate from a demon and yet he had force evolved a Unicorn into a creature which only demons could tame. Which he then proceeded to tame and ride around on.

With his curiosity now peaked about a subject which he was inquiring about earlier he decided to ask the book of knowledge about it but no matter how he phrased his questions he got the same annoying reply from the book.

Invalid question. Data cannot be sourced.

It was annoying to say the least, the book which was yet to fail him in regards to information was drawing up a blank when it came to the existence of dark elves. No questions pertaining to how they came into existence could be located. Nor whether or not there were more of them around.

But Shawn had one last ditch attempt to get some information. The guild master had seemed to know a good amount about dark elves when they first met, or at the very least he may know someone who knows the answer he was looking for.

Shawn flashed the guard his liscenes and made his way to the Dojo, bypassing all the stops he had planned to make before heading. Shawn didn't really care that much about the information but just because he was unable to find it, it made him want it even more.

As Shawn entered the dojo Nicholas appeared from the back room with delight to see that his prodigal student had returned. With a crazed smile as he beckoned over his students.

"Your power has grown significantly in just a few weeks. I can tell that much just being near you, and your mana control has become even more refined. It took me a while to sense your presence and even longer to recognize who it was".

"How can your power increase at such monsterous speeds" asked the master as eyed his disciple with nothing but amazement.

"Honestly, master it just happens, I know neither why nor how. But I wanted your help with something" asked Shawn as he sat down on the floor.

After a nod from the master he continued. "I normally have a guy that gives me any information I want no matter how minute or complex but recently I asked a question which he could not answer and I figured with your masterful expertise and your profound degree of knowledge maybe you may be of more assistance" answered Shawn as he continued to eye his master.

"Ofcourse, I will try to help as much as I am able. If I am able to shed light opon a topic that will help you grow in power then I would never hesitate to do so" replied Nicholas with delight, wanting nothing more that to know what information would Shawn want so much that he would act this out of character just to get. The disciple who Nicholas had labeled as a hot head was now respectfully asking for his assistance, it was intriguing to say the least.

"What are dark elves. Where do they come from. Where can I find them" asked Shawn.

Nicholas didn't even need a moment to think about it, out of all the information he had on all the species and sub-species which existed there were a few which he had no idea of and one of those was the dark elf tribe. As far a he knew they were just a name which he came across in a book many years ago in an elven treasure trove but all his attempts to learn more was impeded in every way imaginable.

Until Shawn had appeared he thought maybe they were a cult which had spawned from light elves who had tampered with forbidden magic and had subsequently been erased from the history books but that was just a guess he had based on how tightly their existence was guarded.

"To be honest I actually wanted the same information from you, ever since we first met but if you don't know and are actually a dark elf then this mystery just got even deeper. I had all but given up on finding that information until you came along but I can tell you who could provide some more insite than myself".

"I believe that very few high ranking elves may know the answer to those questions but they will require some coaxing. That is all I really know, I wish I could have been more help but alas that is the extent of my knowledge" replied Nicholas as he looked at Shawn.

"But you know what, seek out Paragon in the magic temple in the center of the town. I am a mana master while he is a rune master, his work depends upon him knowing the secrets of creation as well as destruction. If anyone were to have the information you are searching for it would be him, unless you can convince an elf to tell you the truth. But that is unlikely or they may kill you on the spot, without asking questions, but that is as much help as I can offer" said the master solemnly but he had a look of hunger in his eyes, he knew that Shawn would uncover the truth eventually and he would end up finding out as well.

Shawn thanked the master and left. Even though he didn't get any concrete leads he had an idea of who his next target would be. But before setting out he needed to restock on supplies, specifically metals so he could make more bullets and more grenades which proved to be very useful.

Shawn changed directions and began heading towards the guild. He had completed a few quests and he had collected tons of crystals, selling them should net enough to cover the costs of his hardware.

As he entered the guild powerful eyes were upon him once again but not because he was giving if too much power. It was actually the opposite, Shawn had the presence of a rabbit which was what made them all wary of his approach. Anyone who was too weak would most likely be a threat because their technique was so advanced it made them seem invisible to the senses.

Shawn walked over to the front desk and the woman standing there smiled back. "What can I do for you today hunter" she asked.

"I have some crystals to sell and a few bounties to turn in".

"Okay let's take a look at what you have" replied the lady as she reached out and collected all the items Shawn had collected. A few minutes later after authenticating everything she returned with a bag of coins and handed it to Shawn, thanking him for the hard work. Shawn mumbled a reply and left to take a look at that metal shop he had scout the last time he was in town.


A man entered a large dark room where five figures sat in darkness. The man bowed and prostrated himself in the presence of his superiors. "You may speak" ordered one of the figures as he looked at the sweaty man infront of him who was clearly out of breath.

"This is information that will mostly be important for the acquisitioner, but time was of the essence so I wanted to get it to you as fast as possible" said the man as he panted and continued his message.

"I was posted at the guild earlier today and I saw the strangest thing. A man walked in with nothing in his hand and then crystals appeared out of thin air as well as hundreds of teeth", after a long breath the man continued.

"I believe he was spacial magic of some kind and knowing that there has only been few throughout history who could do that I figured with your power.....".

The man was cut off by the figure to the left most side of the semi-circle. "Excellent, I will send out a collection team to get this mystery hunter. That will be all" replied the figure and the man quickly scrambled from the room.

"Was that really necessary" asked another figure wanting to know more of the spacial ability user.

"I read his mind the second he entered, so there was no need to let him finish. In fact I have already mobilized a team to go find him" replied the acquisitioner.

"Your powers are quite scary aren't they. Would hate to have you working against us" jested one of the other figures.

"That must be a joke right, my powers are literally the least interesting here and have effectively no combat ability but it does have it's uses" replied the acquisitioner. And just like that the tension in the room had disappeared and the five were now joking and talking about their great plans for the future.

"Lets see what else did I want to do" mumbled Shawn as he walked down the street. As he was walking he once again got a strange feeling that he had felt many times before, he was being followed. He couldn't discern exactly how many were following him but they were spread out over a wide area.

These guys were on a completely different level from those guys who were trailing me from before, these were professionals but the important question was what they wanted with me wondered Shawn as continued trying to sense their presence.

I had tried my very best to stay under the radar and I killed everyone I thought of as a threat. So what did these guys want with me, but stressing was not really going to help so I might as well just confront them and get this over with he thought as he scratched his head.

Shawn took a left and headed down a dead end and just waited for the ones trailing him to show themselves.

As soon as Shawn cornered himself the figures appeared and spoke in almost unison. "Please follow us" they said as they stepped closer and surrounded Shawn.

Sensing the looming threat Shawn decided to do what he did best. He would fight his way out of this situation, since being diplomatic was not exactly one of this strong suits.

Shawn grabbed Cro-Van and before allowing his enemy to get the upper hand he would cut their numbers down to a handlable number.

With a deadly throw Cro-Van flew through the air aimed squarely at the head of the closest assassin but with surprising ease the throw was dodged. With a strong pull of his hand Cro-Van changed directions and managed to stab the assassins shoulder drawing blood.

Clearly surprised the wounded figure jumped backwards to remove themself from the battle and as they did others filled their spot allowing for their retreat.

Another figure broke formation and ran over to the injured party before saying a quick chant that healed the wound almost instantly, which Shawn picked up on. These guys were clearly professionals, with healing magic. And without a doubt they would have other ability that would be more combat oriented, Shawn needed to be careful this was not the time to be playing around.


Name: Shawn

Title: War God

Level: 10 (60/100)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Greater Dark Elf

Current state: Battle ready

Points: 12

Passive: Stealth, Futile struggle, greater mana sense


*mana 5000000

*speed 500

*vitality 500

*strength 650

*stamina 500


*range lvl 3

*accuracy lvl 3

*instincts lvl 0 {allows you to predict opponents movement based on subtle visuals like, twitching in muscle fibers and shifts in breathing)


One Will {all weapons made by your powers are bound to you and can be brought back to your hands at will}

Mana Onslaught

Intense Bloodlust

Mana Barrier lvl 2 {blocks mana attacks}

Flash Step lvl 2 {quick traverse 10m}


*forging lvl 3 {making weapons}

*building lvl 3 {making everything else}

*luck lvl 3



Cro-Van. {skill : 2x throwing speed}

Fang. {skill : blade will split into two at will} {will poison target if hit}

Jack and Jill. {skill : Red dot: After emptying both clips, your next shot from each gun is a guaranteed hit and will deal one more damage}

Razor {skill : chance to shoot 2 bullets}

Razor Bullets. (29) {slash}

Alloy bullets. (0) {puncture}

Grenades. (0) {impact, heat}


Cactus {Bicorn}