
Cro-Van shook violently before flying back to Shawn's hand. His grip tightened around the blade as he pumped 4 points into strength and 8 into speed, he had been on a crazy losing streak lately and he was not going to lose to a handful of bitch ass assassins.

He didn't have any big aspirations and he certainly did want to get stronger to protect the weak, no nothing foolish like that. He wanted to get stronger because having power pleased him. The strong tower above the weak and ever since gaining this body, he had been have a persistent urge to dominate. To stand at the top of all things, man and beast alike.

The need to cause indiscriminate chaos just for the purpose of doing so. But how would he ever achieve that if he couldn't fight against these enemies, this was just the beginning of my journey and I have taken loss after losses.

First it was that cat bitch, then Nicholas who over shadowed me on every possible level. Then there was the incident in the desert, I played it off as though I wanted to leave but that was not the case. It was my instincts telling me to flee, something was lurking out there that scared me to the point that my insides were telling me to return home. And then there was the snake who brutally eclipsed me in combat even though it was virtually on the brink of death from another monster who was also without a doubt more powerful than myself.

Cro-Van flew through the air once agin but this time it had considerably more force behind it. It pierced the healers abdomen and continued until it reached the hilt of the knife. And with beacon from Shawn it pulled itself from her stomach and flew back to his hand before getting launched at the next closest assailant, who with relative ease deflected the knife into the wall behind her with her own blade.

It was a well thought out play on Shawn's part. Behind his obsessive love for fighting and bloodshed was a fairly collected thinker. The healer was the most troublesome one on the field currently, her magic was fairly advanced and would make any non fatal damage he managed to deal obsolete because with relative ease she would be able to reverse whatever he had done. She was the highest priority and with that move she was taken out of the fight.

Though he doesn't get to show it off much when it came to reading the flow of a fight and battle intellect few could match him in that area. When locked in combat it was like time itself slowed down allowing him to process and compute vast amounts of information at once.

From how the assassins walked and how they carried themselves he could tell they were female all in their prime with much battle expirence, not as much as him but they were professionals. They knew what they were doing and how to execute it in the most efficient way. But what they did not calculate for was that Shawn himself was well versed in battle.

The lead assassin was very surprised and not in a pleasant way. That was a relatively new addition to the squadron and to have to do an incident report about getting their only healer killed would be problematic to say the least. But there were bigger things to contend with at the moment.

According to what she was told this was a simple, grab and go mission. Infact she only brought the B-team along because this was quoted to be "light work". She didn't realize it before but whoever this guy was, he was a trained killer. Now that she was close enough to him she could see that almost all his moves were calculated and full of intent. Not just that but the cloak he was wearing prevented her from being able to see his movements.

As long as he kept throwing that knife around they would have a very hard time predicting it's direction and even though it was out of commission now he seemed to be able to use some form of telekinesis to remotely control it while in the air. She could not read him whatsoever, all she got were those deep purple eyes staring into her soul wanting to tear her into shreds.

"Assassins, threat level alpha, he has superior strength and speed, most likely stamina as well. Goliath formation. Ready" shouted the leader as she eyed the man in front of her. Four more assailants showed themselves, they were speaking in code.

Shawn's smile disappeared as the notification he was waiting for never showed itself. Instead he got a quest that lead to him being more confused. There were definable enough enemies here to activate [War God] but for some reason it did not go off, instead he got a quest.

[Quest: Shady Business]

Kill or defeat the enemies [1/11]

Rewards: Treasure map + key

It was definitely bizarre to be receiving a map and key, but rewards are rewards and so far this system was yet to let him down so whatever it was it would be without a doubt useful at some point or another.

Seeing the quest left Shawn with another question though, why did his passive not activate. According to the quest there was certainly enough enemies here to activate it but it would not. Maybe it was bugging out but he found that hard to believe, his thought process broke as a figure rushed him by herself.

The assassin's body shimmered for a second before splitting into 3 other figures who looked identical to one another. The clones begin their attack but their was something odd about them. While they were moving 2 of them were not generating any sound whatsoever.

Shawn picked up on it right away, it was a pretty basic illusionary technique but it was weak. It would only be able to fool the ocular senses, the other senses were able to tell that there was some sort of discrepancy between the information they were being given.

With Shawn's hearing being leagues above what a human could achieve, it was clear that only 2 of the figures were real. There was one real one infront front of him and another trying to flank him.

He released a combination of mana and bloodlust in a large area around them encompassing the battlefield. The sudden and intense pressure change in the atmosphere took everyone by surprise especially the two that were closest to Shawn. It was so heavy that their bodies began slowing down to try and combat the monsterous pressure that was now on their shoulders.

*Bang *Bang *Bang *Bang

*Bang *Bang *Bang *Bang

An empty clip slid from the weapon in his hand and in less than a second Shawn had already reloaded and onloaded another clip into the other assassin who was behind him, filling her with hot lead before she was even able to understand was was going on.

Everyone on the battle field was frozen in shock, they had no idea what had just taken place. All they heard were deafening explosion followed by their friends being thrown unto the ground spitting up a surely lethal amount of blood.

The leader was frozen in place with no idea what to do next. Their healer was out of commission and these two didn't have much longer to live if they kept bleeding out like they were doing currently. The problem was this enemy, she had no idea what he was capable of or how he fought.

Normally they would have done days of recon and sent people to test him slowly to get a good feel on his strength. But because the job was quoted as easy as soon as they were discovered she decided to proceed with an attack. A bad move on her behalf, if she managed to win, it would be her head on a chopping block for losing this many assassins due to being ill prepared.

Shawn frowned as he looked at the two people writhing around on the floor. These guys had much more vitality than Shawn had initially expected, the razor bullets were good on weaker opponents but they didn't really cause that much damage and the gun itself did not have enough power behind it to make the weak bullets lethal.

The bullets were afterall made from the teeth of a E rank rank monster the weakest rank of all, E rank barely qualified as monsters. They were just slightly stronger than normal animals. These bullets would never be able to keep up with the type of opponents that he would be facing, it's a real shame.

Shawn smiled viciously as he zeroed in on the closest assassin this time dual wielding Fang, finally getting to try out the B rank weapons in combat. The blades were pristine and almost seemed to be coated is a slightly green aura.

Tho the opponent was under a vicious assault but Shawn was yet to land a blow on them. A simple dagger was what she wielded as Shawn intensified his attack, slowly gaining momentum as shallow slices began appearing on the cloaked figures skin.

[Poison (stackable)] [poison] × 7

The assassin began to noticeable slow down as thick green veins began spreading from where she had been sliced, but Shawn did not even consider slowing down as her health depleted. Such was battle- there was no space to show mercy to the opponent, especially one who had made the mistake of taking him on in combat. Mecry was a luxury that he could not afford but subconsciously there was also an urge driving him to kill. It was slight but it was still there nonetheless influencing his bloodlust.

The two blades merged into one for the final attack as Shawn plunged it into her chest ending her life with a look of hunger in his eyes. For some reason they were allowing him to wittle them down slowly, without trying to gang rush him but he wouldn't complain about food that allowed itself to be eaten.

"On my mark, go" shouted the leader as multiple mana circle opened below a few of the assassins feet. She wore a noticeable look of anger in her face and her voice was laced with malice. This was the absolute worse job she had ever taken but at least now their was light at the end of the tunnel, this son of a bitch would be getting the brutal death he deserved. To hell with the mission, all I will be returning is his head she thought as she glared at the beast before her.

As Shawn readied himself again, a black chain burst from the floor at insane speeds causing him to flash step out of the the way to dodge. But as he made his escape a purple vine broke through the stone wall and wrapped itself around his left wrist and he almost instantly felt himself getting tired.

He instinctively went to slice it with fang but he had to divert his attention to the blade that was now flying at him through the air.

He released Fang and caught the blade that had been thrown at him just centimeters before his face. The power behind that throw was greater than he had expected, though it did not rival his own power but it was still impressive none the less. The black chain burst from the floor once again wrapping itself around his left ankle, locking him in place.

A loud thumping sound could be heard a Shawn pulled against the seemingly unbreakable chain and vine combo. The thumping intensified as Shawn watched the assassins who now held the high ground began to inch closer to him.

(Thump)(Thump) (Thump)(Thump)

Shawn panted as he listened to the strange rhythm of the thumping sound. It was his heart filling his muscles with blood which were now going to war. His adrenaline and pain nullifying hormones skyrocketed as his body twitched waiting for the battle to continue. His eyes shined with excitement and genuine pleasure as he stared at the opposition that now stood in his way and had a pretty good chance of over powering him. Victory on the horizon just beyond the grasp of his fingers.

He broke out into a viscious smile causing all those around him to step back. This was what he lived for, the unmatched feeling of being on the battle field and facing strong opponents that posed a threat to his life.

It was beautiful.

[Quest progress]

[Complete condition]



Name: Shawn

Title: War God

Level: 10 (60/100)

Class: Gun Slinger

Age: 18

Species: Greater Dark Elf

Current state: Excited

Points: 0

Passive: Stealth, Futile struggle, greater mana sense


*mana 4999675

*speed 700

*health (470/500)

*strength 750

*stamina (379/ 500)


*range lvl 3

*accuracy lvl 3

*instincts lvl 1 {allows you to predict opponents movement based on subtle visuals like, twitching in muscle fibers and shifts in breathing)


One Will {all weapons made by your powers are bound to you and can be brought back to your hands at will}

Mana Onslaught

Intense Bloodlust

Mana Barrier lvl 2 {blocks mana attacks}

Flash Step lvl 2 {quick traverse 10m}


*forging lvl 3 {making weapons}

*building lvl 3 {making everything else}

*luck lvl 3



Cro-Van. {skill : 2x throwing speed}

Fang. {skill : blade will split into two at will} {will poison target if hit}

Jack and Jill. {skill : Red dot}

Razor {skill : chance to shoot 2 bullets}

Razor Bullets. (14) {slash}

Alloy bullets. (0) {puncture}

Grenades. (0) {impact, heat}


Cactus {Bicorn}