Keep the Peace


Watching his son leave the house from across the village, his gifted swords strapped in place, filled Virion with a sense of relief and pride. He had always been the curious and adventurous type, forever wandering the meandering trails of the forest eager to make a new discovery to show off to his parents. Though being in a position such as Virion's, he was privy to information that few others wouldn't and he knew that, despite their efforts, the forest wasn't always a safe place to wander. Between his brother, Wyn and himself they had managed to keep an eye on the boy whenever he wandered in places dubbed 'risk zones' yet intervention was never required. The forest was quiet, still. Almost suspiciously so.

Pride because his son had proved that he was trustworthy with both his weapons and his skill. He didn't bully nor did he antagonise. He just wanted to learn, just like Virion did in his younger days. Though he also spent a fair amount of time bashfully trying to talk to Eleanor. Virion watched Cyran stride towards the arena with a purpose, though he already knew that he was due for his next match as well as who his opponent was.

"Go careful son, grace under pressure," he breathlessly said.

"Grace under what?" Galaeron snorted, bringing his attention back to the stooped elf. "You're not listening Virion, your boy is doing fine. Our borders are not."

"You're right. Sorry." Virion conceded. Galaeron may have been many in years and few in teeth yet in his prime he was a feared warrior. His drooping physique belittled the acrobatic prowess he once had or may still even have. Since he became the elder he laid down his weapon and had never needed to use it. His eyes had never lost their edge, dispersing any ill intent with but a glare as though they were enchanted. That, or his foul breath kept would be attackers at bay.

"Right," the elder cleared his throat, "as I said, reports from our scouts have indicated there is suspicious amounts of activity with the wildlife to the south yet there has been no evidence of trespass. Something is disturbing them. Warden Wyn reports that there have been campfires spotted on the north eastern edge. Few to begin with but rapidly growing in number.

"I had dispatched a couple rangers to investigate the northern most borders a few days ago and have had no word since. This does not bode well." Galaeron rubbed his callused hands together around the top of his gnarled cane, fixing his sight to the Sentinel.

"I'll look into it. I have some preparations to make today so rest assured, I will search for the missing rangers and finish compiling a report tomorrow. For now, I think we should mount a suitable defence to the northeast so as to be prepared. The villagers will need to be notified in time." Virion said, hands clasped behind his back in a show of discipline and respect.

"Agreed," Galaeron said bobbing his head in agreement, "make it so, Sentinel."

Being the most powerful warrior of the forest didn't mean he had no superior to answer to and the Slyarran Elder was a being to be respected. Virion nodded before turning to leave. The day was still early, sunlight breaching the thick canopy of the forest in thick beams of radiance that flickered with the dancing of the trees. Virion's katana gleamed under the beams embrace and looked no less worthy of the muscular man who wore it. Until he came to a stop and gazed at his left hand. There, on one of his fingers, sat a ring. Twin coils of gold that encircled his finger and came to rest under a crimson ruby that seemed to glitter even when the sun could not find it. He had never told anyone where the ring came from but he could be seen from time to time looking at it when he was in a pinch, almost as if he was searching the jewel for strength.

Shaking himself from his silent reverie, he continued walking. "I'm going to have to find that brother of mine. What exactly did you see, Wyn? Something isn't making sense." Virion said, making long and powerful strides towards the house his brother sometimes stayed in when he wasn't on patrol. It was an unassuming outbuilding, with no decorations or any characteristics. It was just simple and efficient, no more and no less. Pushing the plain wooden door open, Virion found a space that looked untouched. A simple bed made and not slept in. A rudimentary desk left bare, as though he hadn't been there for sometime. "I guess he stayed out in the forest. He always did like his own company. By the sage Wyn, why are you giving me more work?" Virion groaned, closing the door.

Moving through the forest, Virion began searching his brothers preferred sites to set up camp, taking note of the wildlife and his surroundings. Given the reports, he tried the northern most campsite Virion could think of. The sun was beginning to wane and the lights failing but that meant nothing to the veteran eyes of the Sylvarran Sentinel. Without slowing down, Virion coursed through the forest as smoothly as though he were being pulled by an unseen force until he breached into a small clearing. With a quick glance, Virion could see the camp had been dissembled with haste; the fire was still smouldering with earth quickly thrown on top.

"Where are you going..." Virion mused to himself before turning to look in the village's direction. Rustling from behind brought Virion's keen senses to bear when he whirled, lowered himself into a battle ready stance with one hand on his katana, ready to draw. The atmosphere became stifling and the aura that Virion released only dissipated when he saw his brother pass through the brush.

"Brother?" Wyn said, wide eyed, "What brings you out here?" Adjusting his eyesight, Wyn stepped forward and took a seat on the log closest to the embers of the fire, as though it were still roaring with life.

"I was looking for you, to hear from you about what you have actually seen. Where have you been?" Virion said, relaxing.

"Oh you know, here. There. Everywhere really. I have a few spots I like to check upon when doing my patrols. What did you want to know?" Wyn stirred the embers with his sword, attempting to stir them.

"I wanted to check what you know about the fires you had spotted in your report."

"Well as I had said, there were only a couple to begin with. More have been showing up lately. The figures are hard to make out but they were all armed. I highly doubt they want to just chat," Wyn absently fiddled with the infant fire, throwing smaller twigs on it for sustenance.

"I see. Also, there have been rangers sent this week to investigate further who have gone missing. Have you any information on that?" Virion asked, eyes pleading Wyn to have answers.

"I am sorry, brother. I have seen no rangers in these parts. But I will see what I can find out." Wyn replied, looking to his feet.

The news stung at Virion. As a leader, losing men was something he endured often yet it was always a bitter pill to swallow. Bidding his brother goodbye, Virion headed back to the village with not much more information than when he set out. Feeling dejected, he sunk into a chair at his home. Eleanor asked the man what the source of his disparity was, flicking her dark hair over her shoulders to look into his eyes with a tender look.

"Something just isn't making sense," he finally said after a pause. The conversation was cut short with the door closing, announcing the arrival of Cyran who promptly plopped his mass on the chair next to his Virion. The two parents looked over to see the youth with some nasty wounds on his smiling face.

"You should see the other guy," Cyran said, raising a bloodied thumbs up.