Settling In

Seeing the birds of mist slowly dissipate during their aerial acrobatics, Cyran slowly lowered his gaze back to Bergand.

"Are you interested in taking up your place here at this academy?"

Almost as if Cyran could still feel the scorching heat of his village, he scratched the back of his head, "I can leave whenever I want, is that right?"

"Of course, you would be a student here, not a prisoner. This academy would be your home for as long as you wish to learn."

"Then I'll learn all I need to know," Cyran replied glibly.

The Head Magister simply lowered himself back into his seat and waved his hand causing a pile of items to appear at the edge of the desk, "wonderful, then allow me to welcome you to Sol Arcana and gift you these. Your first year uniform, some helpful books and... ah-" shuffling around in his pockets, Bergand then produced a ring and set it on the pile, "this ring. It was given to me by Abus to give to you if you accepted a place here."

"A ring?"

"Yes, a ring with spatial magic inscribed onto it. It can hold an infinite amount of things inside another dimensional pocket as storage and also recall whatever is stored inside. You just focus some mana like so-" the Head Magister picked up a pile of paper from his desk and, in an instant, it vanished inside the ring, "and then to recall said item back, you picture the item and focus your mana again." This time, the paperwork reappeared in his deft hands. "Now spatial magic is incredibly difficult to inscribe onto rings due to the complexity of the magic circles that need to be applied so they are expensive as a result. I would advise you to protect this ring and also be careful of who you show it to."

Taking the ring, Cyran eyed it like it was a precious gemstone. A silver band that twined around a blue gemstone in the centre sat in the palm of his hands before he picked up the rest of his things.

"Thank you, Head Magister," Cyran said. With gratitude but no more emotion than necessary. He grabbed his twin blades from his side and held them up. Focussing mana sounded easy but Cyran had no idea since he had awakened only a moment ago. A warming sensation built in his hand and the weight of his blades disappeared. Cyran did his best to not appear astonished.

"It isn't I that should garner your thanks, young Cyran. Anywyay, young Gil here will guide you to your room and help you settle in. "

A young boy with cropped brown hair had entered the room and waved towards Cyran. He wore the uniform of the academy similar to that in Cyran's hands. Brushing his hand back through his hair, he released a cheesy grin.

"Names Gil, just like teach said, nice t'meetcha!"

"Gil, need I remind you that you'll address me by my full title or not at all. Once more and I'll start with some demerits," the Head of the college's calm voice rang out from behind his paperwork causing Gil to salute in its general direction.

"Yes Head Magister!" he replied, sending a wink towards Cyran.

After walking a while, Gil had given Cyran a tour of the academy grounds before finishing up outside their dorm room. Cyran noticed that Gil was just as tall as he is, striding fluidly with an upright posture. He had found out from their brief chats that he was the son of a minor noble house and, after walking into their dormitory, it was clear to see where his nobility came from. Weapons and shields of all kinds were pinned to the walls of only half the room in display. Each one looked to have seen some use yet every single one shone with an attentive lustre.

"You've been fairly quiet newbie but there isn't any guy our age alive that doesn't have a passion for weapons, right? What do you like to use?" Gil bounded over to his bed and started picking down an assortment of knives from his wall.

"It's been a long day for me. I'm going to bed," Cyran abruptly replied, as though the young noble's enthusiasm had exhausted him. With this, he placed his belongings onto his desk and collapsed into bed.

"Well suit yourself," Gil grumbled, replacing the knives.

Cyran quickly fell into a sleep that was anything but peaceful. Nightmares wracked his mind as he tossed about before gasping awake, sweat beading off his furrowed brow. Sweeping his matted blonde hair from his face, Cyran glanced outside the window beside his bed, wincing at the sunlight. His ears twitched to the rustling coming from behind him, "mornin'! Though you are going to have ta hurry or you'll be late for class. I took a look at your timetable... hoo boy. You don't want to be late for that one."

Cradling his head in his hands, Cyran swung his legs off the bed and grumbled his way through putting his uniform on. It was a long, flowing jacket with an emblem on the breast. After sliding the ring Bergand had given him, Cryan stored his twin swords inside it and left the room with Gil leading the way.

"Honestly, you're both lucky and unlucky. Miss Abigail is gorgeous and ruthless. I'm a bit jealous ya know? But she is the best teacher for magic fundamentals, or so I'm told. I've got swordsmanship style classes but you probably guessed by my sweet collection on the wall." Gil was bounding his way down the corridors with a gleam in his eye, like a child who had gotten the candy he was asking for, "my teacher was one of the best swordsmasters in the Kingdom so I cannot wait ta show him what I can do."

After arriving at the magic fundamentals classroom, Gil waved Cyran off and jogged away to his own class. Cyran looked around to find multiple pairs of eyes looking in his direction. Hushed murmurs became a low din as he made his way to a vacant seat.

"Look at his ears."

"An actual elf?"

"The fuck is someone like him doing here? Father will hear of this"

The audible gossip still reached Cyran who shot a glare at some of the perpetrators. The class grew more silent as the door slid open and a tall woman strode in.

'This is who I have been waiting for?' Cyran thought. The woman who fronted the class was beautiful, by all standards. She was eyeing the students as she flicked her black hair across her pale shoulders. Her slender fingers arched in the air and the door slammed shut, startling some.

"Welcome class," she spoke in a soft voice as a sly smile appeared, "to magic fundamentals."