Chapter Two

'Oh god I just love his hugs.' I thought to myself. "What's wrong?" I took in a few shaky deep breaths. "I don't know if I can do it anymore. I have been trying so hard to stay strong for dad and mel. Ever since mom died. It's been getting harder and harder each day. Also we are moving just a few streets next week because dad got promoted. So I cleaned out my closet and do you know what I found? I found my violin mom got me when I was three. I'm just a hot mess right now." I said crying into his shoulder. "Hey, It's going to be alright. No one said you had to be strong; you haven't had any time to grieve. I love you so much forever and always no matter what."

"I love you too forever and always no matter what with my heart and soul." I said I was feeling a little bit better. I have something for you to wear." He said, stripping off his sweatshirt. He was shirtless underneath. I took it and put it on over my short sleeve shirt. I smelt the sleeves which smelt like him. He kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his shirtless body once again.

I looked at his pajama pants which were a plaid color which brought out the blue in his eyes.I stripped my pants off and made sure to pull up my shorts. He turned on his tv and put on Love Victor. We cuddled and we ended up passing out. I awoke to soft kisses along my neck and mouth. I got up so fast.

"Uh oh." I said looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand. I grabbed the pants I was wearing and checked my phone. Two missed calls both of them were from dad. I checked the time. It was seven O'clock on the dot. We have an hour and a half before school. I called dad back and he answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" I said timidly

"So you didn't come home last night. I was kinda worried about you. Are you alright? Listen I know it has been hard on all of us ever since your mother died but you stayed strong and I am so proud of you. I went to go check on you to see if you were here and I saw your violin on the bed. So I thought that's why maybe you wanted to go see Desmond. You know I can help with emotional breakdowns." He said quite matter of factly.

"Am I in trouble? Also I'm sorry Last night was rough for me and I needed to be held."

"No you're not in trouble just make sure when you are going to stay the night at his house just let me know. I can hold you. I know it's not the same thing. But still I can be here for you." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Dad, I will notify you next time I promise. Also don't forget Mel and I are going to see the new place after school."

"I know, I know, Also the hide-a-key is under the eave. Well hon I need to let you go. I need to leave for work, love you."

"Love you too." I said hanging up.

"That ended better than what I thought." I said looking at Desmond. "He's not mad, he was just worried. Were you alright with me staying the night?" His face broke out into a smile. "Of course babe you're always welcomed here." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey don't be mad. But your sister texted me that you found your violin and you almost broke down. Are you okay?"

"To be honest I'm not sure. Mom got me into it and seeing it again really caught me off guard. Last night I just needed time to think and thank you for being here for me. Also I have made my choice. I think I'm going to try out for the orchestra." I said breaking away the hug.

"That's awesome babe!" He said planting a kiss on my lips. Which surprised me. "You really think so?" "Yeah when you play it you make it look sexy." I gave him the biggest smile.

I checked the time once more it read seven thirteen. Do I want to go back home and grab clothes or do I want to borrow a shirt from him? I thought to myself. "I have a feeling you don't want to go back home here." He said, tossing me a sweater. "I need to stop by the house and grab mel and my bag." I said admiring the sweater. "You can still wear it if you want. I like seeing you in my clothes." He said losing me's dead in the eyes.

I felt my face flush. "Do you wanna take a shower? Together?" He said looking at me. "If we take a shower together we will be late. Unless you want to sit on the toilet seat and wait I don't mind that. Or I can wait. Something like that" I said picking up my pants and matching them with my sweater. I regretted what I said. "Fine we can take one together if there is no funny business." I said watching his face light up.

We walked up the stairs and no one was home. "Dad is out hunting with his brother, Mom is at work. So we won't be interrupted." He said walking ahead of me. I heard the water turn on and the door was wide open. 'I know this is different but I don't know what to think about this right now.' I thought to myself. I sighed. I gathered up all of my courage and went through the door where the love of my life is.

I striped off my clothes and entered the shower where he was waiting. He was waiting for me. He smiled at me when I entered. "For a second I thought you were not going to join me. I mean I hope I didn't pressure you into this." He said lightly stroking my arm. "No you're not, I'm doing this because I want to see what it'd be like." I said looking into his beautiful eyes. He kissed me lightly. I responded back.

"No funny business. We still need to go to school and I need to pick up Melody." I said sighing into his chest. " Yes I do enjoy it now but there is a time and a place for everything. Yes this is the right place but not the time." I said turning around. The shower ended as fast as it started. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom. I saw that I had bags under my eyes. Also my wine stain birthmark is still there right on my left eye. I looked at my red shoulder length hair. 'Should I do anything different to it?' Nah it's fine' I wondered to myself.

I threw on the brown sweater and my jeans. I borrowed socks from Des. I threw on my boots and threw toast in the toaster for Des and I. I checked the time. There was enough time to grab Mel, my bookbag and maybe my violin. I buttered our toast. I gave him two pieces and asked myself the same. I ate them in a rush and made my way to mel.

"Des can you call melody?" "Yeah sure." He said, taking my phone. He put in the pin which was our first date's date. He put it on the speaker she picked up on the third ring. "Hey what's up? Are you almost here? "Yeah just around the corner. Can you grab my bookbag and my violin?" I heard a moment of hesitation "Yeah, Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure please and thank you love you Melly." "Love you too." She said hanging up.

When we got there Mel was already waiting for us on the front steps. I saw my forest green case and instead of feeling sad I felt warmth and love. She tried opening the door but it was locked. She tapped her finger and I unlocked it. She got in and gave me a look. "Are you okay? Last night you looked like you were going to break." "Yeah I'm fine, look I'm sorry I know I can talk to you but I needed to be held." "I know it's not the same thing but I can hold you.'

She said looking onto the mirror to meet my gaze. "Mel I know I can count on you but you looked troubled." "It doesn't matter if you need to talk, I'm here for you." She said, interrupting me. I pulled up to the school and put it into the park. Mel handed me my things. I checked the time. Ten minutes before class starts. I think it's enough time. I kissed Desmond before leaving the car.

I went towards the office. I knocked on the door. I heard a rumbly voice telling me to come in. "Mr. Jones, I know it might be too late to switch up some classes but I think I need to." He motioned for me to sit in the chair. "What kinda classes are we talking about?" "I want to switch Art back to orchestra. I know I'm ready to start playing again." He gave me a smile. "I was hoping you'd say that because I promised that when you were ready again that I'd let you back. But I need you to go get signatures from the teachers."

He said handing me the formal class switching form. I felt the smile spring onto my face. I rushed out of the office and I made my way towards the art room. Which was by the gym. I saw Mrs. Nymph. She was setting up the draw of the day. I walked in. "Mrs. Nymph. I need to talk to you. It's about class switching. I know I am ready to go back to orchestra. Can you please sign this?" I said holding up the formal paper. "Levy You are one of my best students here. It pains me to see you go." She said signing the paper. I smiled. "Thank you." I said giving her the biggest smile I could muster. I made my way back to the front of the school.

I walked in and I felt the familiarity of the room and it always felt like a safe place. "Levy it's good to see you, what can I help you with?" I took in a deep breath. "Mr. Silas, I think I'm ready to make the switch back." I said holding up my violin. He gave me the I told you so look. "Do you think or know that you are ready?" "I know I am ready," I said looking into his eyes. He took the slip of paper to his desk and signed it with his infamous purple pen. He came back with a folder of violin music.

"Okay so Friday I'll make everyone re audition to see where everyone will be placed. Between you and I, I hope you get first chair again. I gave him a smile and a hug. "Thank you so much. I need to get this back to Mr. Jones and get to class. Thanks again see you in the third period." I said leaving I dropped the note off at his office. I speed walked to my locker which was right by Mel's locker.

I put the violin on the bottom shelf and I grabbed my english materials. I barely made it to my seat before the bell rang. "Ms. Randell walked to the front of the room and. "So today class we are reading the last chapter of How to Kill a Mockingbird. Then go to google classroom and follow the directions there. If you have any questions just ask." One student raised her hand instantly. "Yes, Sarah?" "Can we read with partners?" Ms. Randell thought about it for a second. "If anyone wants to partner up they may but you don't have too." She said making her way back to her desk.

Just like usual no one wants to partner up with me. I mean I wanted to but. It's fine I'll work faster by myself. I finished the last chapter within ten minutes. I looked around and everyone was still reading. I got out my designated chromebook. I signed in and went straight to google classroom. It's basically asking me to summarize the whole book and answer some questions. This is kinda easy to be honest. School just came naturally to me. I finished my essay. I turned it in. I pulled out my silent reading book. Which was Pride and Prejudice.

The class ended. I went to my locker and put my english away and then I grabbed my science. I had science with Mel. We didn't need instructions because they were on the board. It stated that we need to finish the lab we started yesterday. I grabbed our packet and our materials. "Don't forget to put your hair up." I heard Mel tell me. I checked my wrists for a hair tie. "Do you have one I can borrow?" She handed me a white one. "Thanks." I said putting my hair up.