Chapter three.

We were most of the way done with the lab. We got done within fifteen minutes. We cleaned up and went back to our seats. I grabbed Pride and Prejudice. I got sucked into the book and Mel was just messing around with my hair. I almost finished the book when the bell rang. When I stood up I noticed the left side of my face didn't have hair right in front of it. I ran my hand down the delicate small french braids. I had three different ones.

I made my way to my locker to grab my violin and the sheet music. I sat down in the last available chair for violin. I took it out of its case and I saw the familiar white violin. I put my chin on the rest. I took my bow. I remembered the warm ups I did. I blew through the warm up and I felt confident enough to play once of my favorite songs that I personally like. I played it from memory in Alexander Scribian's Mysterium. I felt the vibrations in the violin run through me. I poured my heart into it. When I finished the song. I saw that the whole class was looking at me in awe.

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. "W-what?" I looked around. "It's good to see you back." A couple of people said. "You can have the first chair back." I heard Mia say in awe. "I couldn't possibly do that to you, I came back in the middle of the year and you've worked so hard to get here. Also I'll just wait until the competition on friday to see where I stand. So I'll be fine being the eighth chair." I said in one breath. She smiled and sat down. We played through the songs and the rest of the day went by in a flash. My phone pinged. I checked it, it was a text from dad. "Levy, Can you go home and sign a package for me and also I called a plumber to fix the bathroom sink. Love you -dad."I sighed.

I sent a text to Mel telling her to go on without me and to take pictures. She texted back okay. Des was at practice. I sent him an I love you enjoy practice text. I got home and the plumber's van was already there. I walked in.I put my stuff in my room. I checked on the plumber in the bathroom he was in the sink. "Do you need anything?" I asked. "Nope not a thing." I heard the doorbell ring. I checked it. It was the Ups guy. But he was really tall and buff.

I opened the door. "I got a package for James Garden." Yeah I'm his son Levy Garden and he told me I can sign for him." I said turning around and walking to the counter where I had a pen. I heard the squeaking boards behind me. I turned around and he had a gun. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. "Do what I say and nobody will get hurt." He said pointing a gun at me.

I took a deep breath. "What do you want?" He moved closer. "Put your hands on your head. I listened and he came even closer. I took my chance. I kicked the gun out of his hand. It slid underneath the couch. "You come into my house and threaten me. Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?'' "Yeah I do know who I'm dealing with. "Levy John Garden, You are in your last year of highschool, you have taken self defense classes since you were little, your mother died of cancer and you have a twin named Melody Rose Garden. We don't have much information on her"

"Leave Melody out of this!" I said sending a kick into his face. I missed it off center. He took his shot and knocked me back. I went straight through the glass table in the living room. I got up again and got away from the remains of the table. He threw a punch my way and I barely dodged it. My back was to the hallway. Something heavy and metal hit me in the back of my head. I saw stars then blackness. My body went limp on the floor.

I woke up blindfolded. I tried to move my body but it was tied up in a weird way. There was wood cutting into my stomach. My hands were chained to something and my legs were tied apart. I felt a hand on my bare back and it snaked down to my butt. 'Why am I naked? Oh no no no no no.' I felt the tears start streaming down my face. "Men, this week we will have fun with this little one. Then after that we have to make a deal with the state of montana to trade him for money and the life of his father!" I heard shouts and wahoos in agreement.

I felt pain spread across my butt. I tried not to move or scream to give them the satisfaction that they wanted. I felt pain zing across my back. I need something to help distract me. I started thinking about mom's death. It took me to a numb place. But I was snapped back out of it when someone entered. I hid my cry. I couldn't take it anymore. "Get the hell out of me I didn't give you my consent. None of you will get it." I felt even more pain "Shut up no one asked you." He said quite venomously.

Six days of this hell have passed by and I have to figure a way out of this. I was now tied to a metal bed frame. I was no longer blindfolded. I looked around the room and there were two guards in here. I'm actually surprised that they're only two people on here other than myself because there are usually like twenty to thirty and they take turns with me violating me in various ways.

I needed to stop thinking about it or I'll start crying. I tested my strength against the metal. I meant I can bend it a little bit. The bed started to creek and I looked up to see one of the guards about to force himself onto me. There was something different about this guy. I looked to the side. He brought his mouth near my ear. "Listen up, I work at the Grandiose Hotel and your stuck here at a shelter meant for something else than what happening here. If you show mw a good time I'll let you go." He said breathlessly. He started touching my neck and biting me hard. Started squirting and I used all my strength to break the metal bed frame and I couldn't stop the motion and I brought the rusty sharp metal piece across his throat. Blood spurted out and landed across my face. I was shocked but I couldn't waste anymore time.I used my free hand to free my other hand. I looked at the body his blood pooling on the white bed that was stained with who knows what. I looked around for something to wear. I found nothing. I heard the door squeak open. I rushed behind the door and the other guard came in the poorly lit room.

I balled both of my hands together and followed him. I summoned my strength and I swung both of my fists into the side of his head. His body stuttered and went limp against the ground. I guess I didn't have a choice but took his shirt off his body and put it on. It went down past my knees. Now it was time to escape. I opened the door and the sun was barely rising. I looked around and I was stuck in a forest and I saw the direction where the sun had come up. I just kept on following the sun. I ran as fast as I could for as long as possible. When the sun set, I found a small town.

I stumbled through the forest and made it into the town . There was a bar. I just walked through the doors. I was shaking profusely. Everyone in there turned to look at me. I kept my head down and kept walking. I walked straight up to a bar. "C-can I b-borrow your phone?" I said looking into her eyes trying not to cry. "Yeah sweety are you alright?" I shook my head no. I felt the tears streaming down my face.'W-where am I ?" "Tofino, Vancouver. I punched in my father's number. It rang no answer. I called my sister no answer I called my boyfriend no answer then I called my father again no answer. I broke down crying and slumped to the food. "Sugar, What's up?" "I'm going to call the cops because I have been kidnaped and I'm from Montana." Her face dropped. "Can I help you in any way?" "Can I have a glass of water?" "Of course." She said, placing a glass of water on the counter.

"I-If I-it's not too much can I have some clothes?" I said looking at the ground. "Micah can you make a trip to the store for me?" A big burly man looked up from pouring drinks. "Yeah sure whatcha need." "I need a size small overall shirt." she said, placing money on the table. Looked down once more. "And ummm… u-underware medium please, I promise I'll pay you back." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Micah also a medium sized underwear." The man left with a grunt.

The phone rang. I didn't recognize my number so I gave it back to her. "She looked at her phone then at me then the phone again. "Go ahead and take it. It's not like I'm going anywhere." I said wanting to sit on the stool. "Come with me." She said, leading me to the back. It was a shower area. "I bet you've been thinking about one of these. There is soap in there and a towel. Take your time. Also I'm locking the door behind me."she said leaving behind me.-

'Why am I so trusting of people. Is it that they ' I thought to myself. I dtripped of the nasty shirt and tossed it in the waste bin. I just sat there in the shower for what seemed like an eternity. I felt broken and numb. The door clicked open. "Don't freak out, it's just me June the bar lady dropping off your clothes." She said, placing the bag on the bench.

I hurried up and dried off then I got dressed. The clothes fitted perfectly. I took a deep breath in and walked out of the doors. The phone was still on the counter top. I tried dad number one last time. It rang a couple of times before he answered it. "Hello who's this." He sounds sad and sleep deprived. "Daddy?" I choked out. "Levy, son is that you ?" "Yes it's me." I felt all of my worries drift away. "Where are you?" "I'm in Vancouver, Tofino. At a bar called June's, Please come get me, I was kidnapped and that's all I can say over the phone." It's alright son I'll be there when I can. But I need you to go to the police station okay kiddo.?" "Yeah dad I promise I'll meet you there." I said quietly. "Levy, I love you please be safe." "L-love you t-too." I said hanging up. I looked at June. "Well my father picked up, he wants me to go to the police station." Can you take me there?" The front door banged open. Before the door could open all of the way I saw that it was the other body guard that held me there in the prison like place. My eyes went wide.

"That's one…" I was interrupted when June pulled me behind the counter and bent me down so that I was out of view. "I'm looking for my son have any of you seen him?" "He's about five two, red hair green eyes and has a birthmark over his left eye." The bar was silent. "Nope haven't seen him. By the way can I offer you a drink?" June said "Yeah a bud light would do. He came close and I heard a crack then a crash. "Come on we are going right now." Jue said taking my hand.

I didn't object I kept going keeping my eyes on her. We got into her car and left. We made it to th station and then she walked me in. "Thank you for what you have done for me without you I don't want to know what would of happened I said hugging her tight. She returned the hug. "No problem if you need anything I'm here for you." "I'm curious why are you being so nice to me? I mean I can't pay you back until my father gets here and I don't know how much longer that will be" I said looking up to her. "You don't have to pay me back." She said patting me towards the frot doors.

I walked in the double doors and I walked the front desk. There was this lady who wasn't that much taller than me. "Can I help you?" She said looking at me. I looked at the floor unable to meet her eyes. "I know this is going to sound crazy. But I have been kidnaped I got away I am from Montana my father is the Chief of police from columbus his name Is James Garden." I said under my breath I felt faint. I started swaying. " I don't feel good" I collapsed to the ground.

My mind was swimming with the memories of what happened. I jumped up and tarted screaming and crying. I regained my composure I looked around where I was.There was a police officer right next to me He had his hand on the side of his gun holster. "I-I-Im sorry." I said looking at him. He sighed. " I'm agent Jamesly So I know this is going to be hard but I need you to tell me what exactly what happened. He said looking into my eyes. I shook my head."Also I'm going to record this, This will not fall into the public's hands I promise.

I took a breathe in and shakily breathed it out. "Okay so the first thing I got a text from dad asking me to go home and check on the plumber and sign off on a package for dad. Instead of checking out the house we were moving into. So I went home and checked on the plumber who was working on the bathroom sink. So I asked him if he needed anything he said no. Then not much later the doorbell rang then I answered it. When I turned around to grab a pen he was about to attack me because of the squeaky floorboards. So I had a chance to dodge. I got thrown through the table and I recovered then the plumber hit me over the head. Then.'' I took in another deep breath in. "Then what happened?" He asked. "I u-uh woke up naked chained up and blindfolded." The tears where like waterfalls cascading down my face. "Please continue. I know this is hard for you but this is how you help us so this dosen't happen again" He said rubbing circles on my back. I put my hand up for him to stop. "Then I was violated for six days in a row. They also wanted to trade me for money after when they had there fun. They uh switched it up and I was tied to a bed. Someone came in one of the guards that watch me. He ford himself on me he was biting my neck. Really hard." I said my hands flying to my neck feeling the bruises. "I was thrashing my body the bedframe broke and I umm." The tears came down heavier. "I couldn't stop it but my hand broke out of the bedframe and I killed him." said crying into my hands. "It was self defense." he said soothingly. "Is that all?" "No. The other guard came in and I knocked him unconscious. I took his shirt because I was naked. Then I just ran and ran until I came up on June's bar. She helped me out and the other guard that I subdued he came looking for me in that same bar June whacked him in the head then we left then we made it to the front office and thats all I can remember. I said hugging in my sides which hurt.

"If there is anything else that you could tell me just let me know. Also is there anything I can get you?" "How long was I out and also an I have a bottle of water and something to eat? And also when is my father going to be here?'''' "You've been out for twelve hours. Yes I can get you those things but your father is not going to meet you here you are going to meet him there in like an hour now that you are up."

He returned with a bottle of water and a tray. On the tray there was chocolate pudding jello and a sandwich. "If you can show me that you can keep these down we can leave when your done." He said handing me the tray. I drank the whole bottle of water which tasted like plastic. I ate slowly but I couldn't help myself because its been a while since I have eaten something big in a long time. I was done in like eight minutes. We waited twenty minutes and noting. "So am I good t go?'' "Yeah lets go, but lets take it slow." I got out of bed and felt fine. My clothes that June got me. "Can you give me a minute?" "Yeah. I slipped all of my clothes on. There where shoe and socks I put them on. I felt cold. I walked outside of the door.