(1)lets find out the truth that meant to be

Where am I? Who am I? Huh oh oh oh!

I was feeling a very deep door to the reality that I was facing in the midst of a storm of blizzard. I was definitely sleeping in my room?

I suddenly got cold and opened my eyes. All that came into my sight was white snow. Uh, what is this?

As I was amazed, I opened my lips, and as if waiting, a cold wind struck my mouth. Is it a dream? After thinking so, I was convinced. Oh, This is a dream.

Although it is too vivid for a dream, but it couldn't have been a snowy winter in a moment from blooming spring if it wasn't a dream.

Besides, strangely, It seemed that I couldn't move, so I thought I was pressing my finger on it. Then I'll sleep again.

It's so cold that I can't sleep, but if I close my eyes, I'll be back in my bed. Thinking

so, I again lowered my eyelids in the white blizzard.

"… ri! Hari!"

And how long has it been? I heard someone calling my name. Is it morning

now? Did someone come to wake me up to get ready for the wedding?

But why I'm still in a cold place?

"Do you want to die?"

Then someone pulled my shoulders, seem angry with a rough touch. I opened my eyes slowly, feeling pulled out of the deep swamp. Still, all the views blurred.

Only the eyes that were shaped between my blowing feet were clear. It was seen that person had snow on top of his neat brown hair.

The man holding my shoulder was looking at me angrily. The moment I saw his face, I was sober.

"Brother Eugene?"

At that moment, the face of the first brother, Eugene was stiff. '

"Rejuvenation wasn't usually this much. You are at least 20 years old, but you seem to be younger? Aww! Then maybe it's not Eugene!"

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy?"

No, no, This is right Eugene for this tricky reaction. Besides, Eugene can't be hiding his son without anyone knowing.

"If you knew Erich was playing pranks, you should have been in the stables! What are you doing foolishly now? Are you going to freeze and die outside? Are you a fool? You don't even know about flexibility?"

Did he change too? Why did he talking to me like he was a kid? For some reason, his appearance is also like a child now.

Besides, I heard something strange. Erich was playing prank?

"Be mindful. I'll take you in now."

But, as if I was mistaken for another reason, I stare blankly as Eugene began to shake off the snow on my body. Maybe I've been in this snow field for a long time.

Somehow he said i was heavy, but certainly it was because of the snow.

Now, Eugene was wearing the same look as when I first met him, but no matter how young he looked, Eugene was Eugene's. His hand that shake off in front of my eyes.

It's because Eugene had a lot of experience in caring for his younger brothers, and of course, never had his friendly touch turned to me first, but now his eyes looking on my head.

His hand was warm when he rubbed my cheek accidentally. I chased that warmth, and without knowing it, I rubbed my face in his hand.

Then he stood harden like a stone with his hand on my cheek.

After 20 years of hard work, there was a reward for me that Eugene had tamed so I

did not root my hand on him.

Of course, I haven't done anything big like

rubbing my face in his hands like now, but what about it?

Anyway, this is a dream, and I'm incredible cold now. But there was another strange thing.

Eugene, right in front of my eyes, is clearly in his early teens, so why does his hand feel so big that half of my face can be covered? Is it just a feeling?

But the question sooner or later was blown away by the cold wind hitting my whole body.

"Brother, I'm cold."

A small voice leaked out of my small, sweet lips. Somehow my hair was hazy. It's really damn hard for a dream.


I closed my eyes again as he urgently calling my name with gently tap on my cheek. It hurts, man…


It was the late spring of the year after my

mother died that I first met Ernst's three demons.

"Wouldn't you go with us?"

The wealthy-looking couple whom i met on the street, asked instead as they're holding their hands with the flowers I gave them.

Around that time, I lost my mother, who was my only guardian to pneumonia, and selling flowers on the streets at lasting of day.

It turns out that the couple came across the street a few days ago and came here several times shortly after discovering me.

And they barely leave me as I am look like their dead daughter. I couldn't seem to be able to deny them that time.

It was later discovered that they were the duke and duchess of the Ernst family, who were renowned as the royal swords in Arlanta.

So I grabbed their hands and left the streets of Mellington.

The place where I finally arrived on a

three-day carriage ride was a huge and pretty house that I start rub my eyes again and again.

I thought this might be the palace where the princess lives, and I felt like I was dreaming as I walked down the hallway

filled with beautiful marble sculptures along the wall.

There was a large door at the end of the hall. And it was Ernst's angels hiding inside the door. no. "It was angels," I thought, naive and stupid at the time.

"I've come home, guys."


Two of the three boys, who belong to the

relatively young ages, ran behind the gold-haired puppies that they were

playing together before.

They are Ernst's wealth hanged on the phosphorus and smoked as much as possible.

One of them was a playful-looking boy with brown hair, and the younger boy was a pretty boy with silver hair, with a slender appearance resembling Ernst's wife.

And the boy, the oldest of them, had brown hair and black eyes that had been pulled out directly from the Duke of Ernst.

Unlike the younger brothers who rolled on the carpet, the oldest child was sitting neatly on the sofa and reading a book.

Although he was older than me at the time, I still remember that it was quite

impressive that a child who seemed to be only in his early teens was behaving consistently.

"If you had tell us in advance, we would have gone down to meet you."

"Alas, I deliberately came in to try to be a


I felt a little strange that they were from a wealthy family, no matter where I looked.

Soon my heart began to pound on Mrs.

Ernst's smiling face toward me. And it was a feeling mixed with a little anticipation.

"Well, say hi."

As she stared at me, the three pairs of pupils also pointed at me. When my eyes begin to hesistated, the Duke of Ernst pushed my back slightly.

"Who is this bone-skin kid?"

"That's right. Who's this kid?"


"No, it just that she's like a kid who didn't have enough food to eat…"

A boy who had been curious about me from now on asked Mr. Ernst's excitement to make an excuse.

I had to predict my dark future from the beginning when the dark clouds began to pour.

"Sssh. Penny. Good. That's not what you eat. she's not, she's not."

Or the silver boy, who looks like the youngest of the three. Then I had to notice a strange feeling, even from the words whispered to the dog roaring at me.

"She will be your sister from now on."

It was that moment. The devil invaded the children who seemed to be pure angels just before.

"The first is Eugene, the second is Cabel,

and the third is Erich. And this kid's name is Hari."

The surrounding temperature shrugged as if the ambient temperature had diminished in an instant. The three antagonistic young pupils shot me all at once.

"Since today we are a family."

Ding dong. A magnificent bell rang in my head. It was the beginning of a brutal war.