(2)lets find out the truth that meant to be

"Wow! Brother! What are you doing with trash?"

Who is yelling like this in my ear?

"Well, are you dead?"

"Don't be funny, you! You're a complete snowman! Does she really dead? Did you breath? Hyuk! Your hands are so cold! Uh…"

But it's weird. I think I heard this loud voice somewhere. But before I even questioned it deeply, someone else slap my cheek.

"Hey! You can't die! Open your eye quickly."

"Cabel, stop and ask the butler to call a doctor. On the way, see a maid and ask them to bring thick blankets and hot water."

"Ah Okay!"

"And Erich… Erich! Don't hide, come here! Put more wood in the fireplace!"

I opened my eyes to Eugene's voice, instructing his brothers to do something one after another.

An invisible face that was just seen in a single vision was captured.

"Do you have any energy?"

Then I guess I'm still dreaming. I'll just close my eyes until I'll finally wake up…

"Open your eyes! Don't lose consciousness! Hari!"

Hey, stop hitting my face! Are you feeling bad for me right now? right?

"It hurts."

I barely lifted my lips and spit out a word. I felt it earlier, but my neck was so tight that it was very difficult to make a sound.

So instead of talking, I stared at Eugene, who had just slammed my cheeks without a hitch. Then, does Eugene look slightly relieved?

"The doctor will be coming soon. She have been outside for a long time, so she may have had a frostbite. Now that she has a cold hands and feet, better igniting the fire. Erich!"

As I just said, rather than telling me, try to put more firewood in the blood fireplace. Then, I am covered with Eugene coat right now, right?

"It's cold."

Still, there was a chill around my body and my teeth gritted hard. They looked at me. Eugene, who couldn't do this or that, looked at me and quickly moved my body.

Wait, wait! What are you doing now?

"It's a wool, so it'll be warm."

Eugene's choice as a tool to maintain my body temperature was a carpet. I was in the shape of a roll of bread with my head sticking out of the carpet.

"Cabel! Is it still far?"

He made me look like a caterpillar and screamed at the door again. This is the first time I have seen Eugene acting not so calmly in decades, and I am deeply


"Brother, I…."

Right then, a small voice seemed to be crawling next to me.

"Is it my fault?"


The voice trembled like a frightened young bird. Oh yeah.

Now I remember dimly. It was evident that the dream I'm having right now is when I first about to died after entering this house.

It was about mid-winter, when I was adopted by Ernst. Erich, with dazzling silver hair and transparent skin like the soft light of dawn, is truly has an angelic look as a child.

It was because that boy appearance that everyone easily missed his evil nature, but in fact, Erich was a little devil, not an angel!

Hmm. Of course, this was my subjective evaluation. Anyway, he was like a devil who climbed up from hell so far as I remembered.

It is said that Erich was twin with Ernst's youngest daughter Arina. That's why he scorned and hated me for coming into her place instead.

That's also why Erich was really like to play nasty pranks on me. So I had to get kicked out of the mansion in the middle of winter with only one gown.

The day was when the Duke of Ernst not in the mansion for some reason, so it was clear that Erich was committed to bothering me.

Besides, unlike the simple, ignorant the second brother, Cabel, Erich was quite


In this house without the duke couple, he kept me in the room with him, so he is the only man who could help me, and kept the room closed without other maids and servants.

So the result is I had to shiver in the blizzard for an hour and a half.

As usual, Eugene, who was taking a class from a tutor, didn't notice any strange feeling, I might have been invisible in his eyes.

"You know it's something you can't completely hide from father and mother? This time, your joke was too bad."


Even then, the wicked third brother is coming in with a dying voice. Did you scared?

This is the scene where the third devil brother is scared and fluttering. 

"I can't see the doctor coming, so it looks like he's still somewhere else… and… you go and take it. Check out what the butler and the maid are doing."

Humph. Humph. I couldn't see the scene. I slither like a caterpillar a couple of times, then wrigle. Igave up.

Tak. Tak.

The sound of burning firewood was heard. Oh, but thanks to the fireplace, I was glad that I just got warmer than before.

Then, if my memories are correct, didn't the butler notice the suspiciousness and secretly contact the Ernst couple in the

locked room with the communication sphere?

The communication sphere with magic

power was very expensive, so it was an emergency contact network that could only be used twice, but the butler used it on this day without hesitation.

Big, careless butler. In fact, I almost died this day, so his choice wasn't wrong. So if this dream is the same as in my memory….


It's about time for the Ernst couple to return to the mansion.


Eugene, who didn't expected this, was

surprised and shouted.

"Oh my God! Hari, are you okay?"

Then, while ignoring him, the duchess ran to me who look like a caterpillar. The first time I feel a warm touch on my face, I was struck. Inside her eyes was tears.

Elegantly twisted, a silver hair with a bit of a shimmering appearance as if it were jumping. And the friendly look and touch.

"My baby, your mom is here. It's okay now. Everything is fine, so don't worry about anything."

Ah, she was so kind. Only one year. Duchess of Ernst, who lived as my mother for only a short time. I know this is a dream, but I stare at her blankly.

After stroking my face like that, she screamed, turning her head after a while.

"You guys! What the hell did you do while we weren't here!"

"The doctor says it's still had to cross the Winston Bridge!"

"Why are you stay still? Sera! Marie! No, why are these kids so slow. I have to go, I can't. Please move Hari to bed."

Mrs. Ernst hurriedly left after saying so. Then it was a man that came to me. It was the duke of Ernst, who was only being my father for a while.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to move to bed right away?"

His black hair and black eyes is the same, but when I looked at him like this, he was very much like Eugene, the first brother.

However, Eugene, who succeeded in taking the place of his posthumous duke, was different, in that he was scattering a

much harsher atmosphere than his father.

Soon he lifted me up from the carpet that was wraping my body, so I could see his face a little closer.

"Eugene, Cabel and Erich?"

"I already asked the butler and maid to go…"

"I wont ask what happened today. I believe you won't miss any answer when I ask you."

Ah, yes. Having such a strict face makes him look like Eugene.

"Yes, father. I'm sorry."

Because of the word told by Duke Ernst, Eugene's face was white. He looked sad at his father's words, and then bowed his head. He replied briefly.

"Hari, be patient even if it's uncomfortable. I put a fireplace in the room, so the bed would be better than a hard floor."

The man I had only occasionally seen as a portrait on the wall of a mansion was right

in front of me. I called him out in a dying voice, exhaling a breath.


"Yeah, Hari. Tell me anything."

He nodded towards me. As if I can. His eyes looking down at me were very sweet and warm.


I was able to whisper to his ear what I had been holding in my chest for 20 years in the long run.

"You gave me a shit."

"Ha, Hari, what are you?"

It sounds natural, but his eyes, who couldn't say what he was expecting,

started shaking without a doubt.

"Oh, maybe my daughter feels so sick…."

I smiled with a smile as I watched the scene. I have finally said the words I had left for 20 years, so I have no regrets anymore!

At the same time my neck fell down without power, the Duke Ernst shouted as

fiercely as if I had died.

Finally, my consciousness was gradually released. But when is this dream over?