(2) it's a war from now on!

I shook my head in the pinkish things that were full in the room, but of course I couldn't tell the Ernst couple something like that I didn't like the room.

It was because I remembered how hard they decorated this room for me. Besides, I really liked this room in those days when I was really 7 years old.

It was a big room I had for the first time in my life. It was full of colorful objects that I couldn't even greed for when I was poor.

But now…You know my age. Ugh.

Naturally, the three brothers have been tormenting me for almost a month with the Ernst couple working on my room and redecorating it.


I flew over the fluffy bed. God, that's good. Twenty years later, my bed is soft and fluffy, but this bed is as good as that!


When I heard the sound, I turned my eyes out of the window, and I noticed that the dry branches were shaking in the winter wind.

The wind was so strong that the window whom locked tightly made a loud noise.


Suddenly, the words that Eugene just shouted were lingering in my mind. And the cold faces of the two people I saw at that moment.

I've always had that idea during the 20 years I've been in this house. Arina Ernst, during your lifetime, you must have been loved by them a lot.

So somebody can't stand your vacancy and put me up there instead, and someone else says they can never forgive me for taking your place, but I just do it.

It was okay. Unless I have to start this crazy thing from scratch like now! Uh huh!


Again, tears covered my eyes, so I struggled for a while on the bed. If it's a dream, wake up quickly, wake up quickly!

I'm just ready to open my eyes!

This is the best timing to wake up! And I am the happiest new bride in the world!

Now, one, two, three, I wake up now!

Rattle rattle!

Oh, oh, oh, but all I could hear was the noise of the wind.

Eventually I dropped my arms and legs over the bed. I muttered with my eyes wide open.

"There are no dreams or hopes in this world."

I feel bitter and suffering. Everything's

black. Huh oh.

As if they know my noisy heart, the winter breeze still blows outside the window seems crying.

"Penny. Chase her!"


I stared at Erich with a narrow eyes. He was playing with a dog in the hallway on the second floor and was giving orders to me just after he found me.

The puppy with golden fur is Ernst's pet dog, the Golden Rat River female, whose name is Penny.


I remembered this puppy carefully. How can I forget? Erich's command on the dog is the years when I was scared and trembled because I was afraid to die.

Honestly, there was a time when I wanted to beat this puppy as much as I can did, but in fact, that wasn't this poor

animal fault who only listened to the orders of the owner.

Hah!Revealing this towards me, Erich lifted his nose from behind the puppy. Huh. But do you know how it will be?

Hugh. I screamed out loud after a long breath.

"Penny, jump!"

Of course, I didn't forget to throw the bait that I had prepared beforehand in front of the dog eyes. Take it Penny!

Penny plucked her ears and nose, and soon afterward, she chases the snack I threw and runs towards the end of the hall.

"Pe, Penny! Where are you going?"

Naturally, Erich was shockingly surprised that Penny's betrayal couldn't have been imagined by him. I crossed my arms and stared towards Erich.

Soon I wanted to show this in his eyes and convince him.

"Penny! Come here now!"

Penny was called by Erich. But she started to jump again after she snorted her snack and ate it all.

"Penny! Would you not listen to me? Who said to eat that thing? Then you know I'll be angry!"

The kid didn't have to be like this. What is wrong to penny in the first place?

"Penny. Good girl? Eat this."

"Woof woof!"

"Good. Pretty."

I gave the dog a snack for dog, and stroked her yellow hair. Contrary to what I had seen before, at Erich's order, the penny of the present day shook his tail at

me and ate the snacks I gave.

"This, this is what."

Erich waved his pupils as if he could not believe what he was seeing now.

"What did you do to Penny!"

"Don't you see it? I gave her a snack."

"Why do you give Penny a snack! What are you!"

I ignored the third brother and stroking Penny's favorite place, and after doing this a few times, I'm used to it.

"Hey! Panting."

Penny was now poised on me, turning over to my order. Seeing that, Erich opened his mouth.

"Kids, good girl."


Since this time, I've been searching all the things this puppy likes!

"Penny, hand!"


"Penny, sit down!"

"Woof woof!"

"Penny, pretend to sleep."

I took another snack out of my pocket and rocked it in front of her eyes.

"It doesn't make sense!!"

No, it makes sense. It's been almost two years since Penny became Ernst's pet dog this year. Arina started raising this right after she died.

You know, you're probably right. So, strictly speaking, it was about the time I spent observing Penny longer than the

time Erich took care of Penny at this point.

Of course, for the current penny, I'm probably the only person who has been face to face to her for about half a year, but I knew the insides of penny's favorite snacks, favorite games, and where to feel good if I touched her.

And the reason I came to know this so well was the third brother, Erich, who threatened me with penny when he had a chance.

Huh, how much sweat I made to tame this puppy.

Even so, I finally reached the point where I shook him, and I remember that Erich at that time also been a huge trouble. If you look at it,

"Oh, oh, oh, my penny is pretty too."

As I scratched the bottom of her neck,

Penny shook her tail, making a noise.

"Penny! What are you doing now?"

Erich seemed to feel betrayed by the rapid pace of Penny's change of mind. When the eyes of Erich and my eyes met in the air, a sharp flame burst again like the last time.

"Erich! Trash! What are you two doing there?"

Oh, the sound of that crap. As I turned, I noticed the second brother coming down the stairs from the 3rd floor.

When I looked at him walking with his eyes open, looked back and forth between Erich and me, who were looking at each other, there was no enlightenment.

"Get your hand off Penny!"

Erich hit my hand, who was stroking Penny, and then he ran to the approaching older brother.

Erich is playing prank around and dragging me around. Even though I saw it, it sounded like this.

"Are you bored brother? Play with her."

Cabel showed a welcome sign as he had

just forgotten that he had been scolded by the Duchess for a while.

Anyway, simple ignorant guy. So, after 20 years, you had a need from me.

"I was bored at home for a while too! Then let's practice fencing with me from now on!"

Hey! What fencing practice with you and me is it?

"Okay, you're my sword-fighting opponent from today!"

The second brother screamed out loud, as if he was giving me a great deal. Believe it or not, Cabel was a prominent swordsman in Arlanta.

The 9-year-old now, of course, is still immature, but still, his skills were far superior among his peers, so after a little older, he was able to win even within the knights's squad and eventually serving as the knight division commander.

And I could be confident that I also helped to improve this guy's skills, since this

rotten guy has been wielding a wooden sword against me for reasons of

swordsmanship since I was a kid, and he used to be a trouble every time!

"Come on, let's go!"

But it all happened after the Ernst couple's death, this time it's still early. Is it because I stimulated them?

"Brother Cabel." I said

I opened my mouth towards him.

"Brother, how old am I?"

"Uh? 7 years old."

"Then am I a girl or a boy?"

"A girl…?"

The second brother responded to my question with a look like he has question mark floating above his head.

I'm right. This guy is the same person

who's so clueless after 20 years. Of course, if you touch it wrong, he will

burst like a fire, causing you to devastate.

"Now look at my wrist, brother Cabel."

I think I'll break if you catch it with force. My arms and legs are the same. Anyway, what I want to say right now is this.

"How can a small, powerless girl like me be an opponent of a Cabel brother?"

The second brother stopped at that moment. Cabel was listening to me and making an expression saying 'What?'

"I won't fit in with you, of course as it's

never going to be a good practice. Wouldn't it be fun for you to do that


"Yeah, is that so?"

Yes! So, cancel it right away! Your swordsman opponent, I don't need that shit!

"And Cabel's brother isn't such a cowardly man who enjoys fighting with a weak girl like me."


"That's what some cowardly people do. No way! right?"

"Ha.. Ah.."

At the same time, Cabel was an easy opponent. He used to confuse his mind as soon as I put a little wind in the middle like this.

"…! I am not a cowardly man!"

I decided to nail the last nail to Cabel, who stuttered at my words and panicked. So I smiled at him and said to him.

"I know that too. How about Erich?"


At that moment, Erich lifted his head as if he was stunned. He took Penny and listened to our conversation by the side, and then he looked like a stone.

"Even if I'm not suitable, Erich was missing his time playing with Cabel brother lately. How did you think about that?"

Oh, take that for granted! If you think you can compete with me, Erich! Of course you was wrong!

"Hey, what are you talking about now?"

"Because I'm a nice guy! So I don't fight with weak kids. Now, Erich! Let'sgo!"

"Wait, brother!"

Erich insisted on his absurdity towards Cabel, but eventually he was caught and dragged behind before he could say anything else.

"I'll stay with Penny. Have fun brother!"

After removing the two of them at once,

a smile of victory came to my mouth. Whoa. As planned!