(3) It's a war from now on!

"What's up with you?"

Oh, I'm surprised! When I was intoxicated with the feeling of victory, I suddenly heard a voice from behind and called me.

As I looked back in amazement, Eugene, looking down on me with a cold face, caught my eye. Pretend to be mature this human! Ah!

No, there are three more pieces of shit after that, so if you send one, another one comes, right?

In the end, in this damn corner, why did I meet shit everywhere? Ouch, I'm annoyed!

"After the last accident, you has changed somehow. What's the reason?"

Humph. Eugene's keen question made me frightened. When I was young, I especially watched the ages of the people of the house, so I just acted like them.

Moreover, originally I thought I should not go against the three brothers to survive here.

In a way, it was good to say that they had been pressed by their flag since childhood. Just now that I'm determined to be crooked, would you believe that if I said so?

"What are you talking about? I was originally like this."

"You said it was originally? Don't be funny."

Ugh! Let's just go over it. In this

situation, the most popular answer is, 'What was the originally?' I said.

"How do I know if I'm different? Brother doesn't know me at all."

Did it work this time? When I looked at his face, Eugene was holding his mouth shut and sending a cold glance toward me, but the words he said in spite of my succession were a bit embarrassing for me.

"Yeah. So far, I don't know you. You've been deceiving everyone and acted like a good child."


Oh no. What are you saying?

"Don't you be a bother."

Eugene's chin was tight. He stare at me with a furious eye. Ugh. I'm not going to win like this.

Of course, Eugene never hit me once in 20 years, but now the eyes he sends are making me so scared that I might consider it now.

"I can't forgive."

Surprisingly, what came to his eyes the next moment was some kind of pain, more than anger and contempt for me.

"If you cheated and approached my mother with ill intention from the beginning, I will never forgive you."

I stopped breathing and looked at Eugene's distorted face. He was scattering the thrilling as if I had touched his wound.

After doing so, Eugene turned his back on me. It seemed like the last thorn I saw,

and his sharp, cold eyes, seemed to stick to my heart.

As I looked at his distant back, I gradually felt my eyes start to shake. I want to hit

something, can I hit one? He keep saying this and that.

What should I say if you're telling me that? Who is the one who cheated? If you think about it, It's me whom being deceived!

You came to say that you give me home

and give me everything I want to, but all I have for 20 years is that all three big and beautiful pieces of shit!

Wow. wow. And Eugene, you were the long-awaited first shit that I'm gonna win over.


Right then, Penny, who I couldn't hear because of Eugene's momentum, barked at my feet. I looked at where he disappeared.

"Oh, oh, oh, so I see, Penny, you

were a good girl when you were young."

"Eat this and you're free from me."

Hey! I just lost my words to Eugene, and I was absorbed in trying to win Penny again. Yeah. Next time I must hit him back.

Of course, until the day of fulfilling that wish came, it was a secret that I was aiming for Eugene's pretty head.

Woof woof!

It was strange. I wasn't originally such

a cunning child.


A few days later, there was a big disturbance on Ernst house in the late evening. I vomit everything I had for dinner.

It was because I was suffering from high fever again. But I couldn't figure

out why I was sick. The doctor who visited Ernst again shook his head.

"It seems that her body has been severely hurt by what she suffered a while ago. It would be good to take a medicine that stabilizes the body for a while and relaxed her mind."

"Is there really no other abnormality?"

"There is no special abnormality. However, her body is weak, and suddenly the others factor that causes the disease is that the

environment has changed."

Oh, now I was an underdeveloped premature child. Besides, it's right that the external environment suddenly changed

from 20 years to 20 years ago.

Uh, but it's too much! I can't eat something delicious, but why I can't make flesh and blood even if I eat what is good for my body!

But as the days go by, I feel more and

more sinister. This is not a dream…

I've been trying to get rid of the unfortunate thoughts that keep revolving around in me because I'm wondering if it will be real.

"The fever doesn't sink easily."

The Ernst couple seemed to be worried about. It was the first time that Hari was

so sick in a row, so it was worth it. I saw my new towel soaked in water.

They thought I was going to vomit agein, so I said.

"I'm not sick at all. Go to bed."

"Would it be possible for my baby to stay asleep when I was next to her? I wasn't comfortable in leaving her alone in the room."

Mrs. Ernst said, as I uttered my word. It seems that I am still uncomfortable

with them.

Her request was so desperate that in the end I couldn't say more of the rejection, I couldn't do it.

"Please rest, Hari."

Mr. Ernst wrapped his wife's shoulder once and then left the room.

"Dad, is she sick?"

"Yeah. Hari needs to rest, so go out quietly."

I can hear the voices of my brothers at the door for a while and then disappear.

"No. I'm okay."

When he said that outside the quiet room, I replied almost reflexively. Then Mrs. Ernst stared at me for a while and then slowly reached out to me.

"Hari. When you're sick, you can be a little more childish."

Soft hands like a spring breeze sweep over my head.

"I'm your mother. That's your father."

The voice in both my ears was as gentle and tender as the hand.

"Until you die in the future, you are our daughter and we are always on the side of


I felt a little stuffy inside, and I felt like I was tickling somewhere with an unknown feeling. I looked at Mrs. Ernst's face in


She gently stroked my head as if I was a child and smiled gently. The silence inside the room suddenly felt peaceful. It turns out I don't know how long it feels to be protected.

"Don't worry about it. Sleep well. When you wake up, everything will be all right."

Even though it couldn't have been, oddly enough, while listening to her whisper, everything seemed to be all right like that.

I eventually tickled my forehead. Slowly fell asleep feeling a warm touch.


"Hari, eat a lot."

"Uncle should eat it too."

"If you call me "Dad," I'll eat."


"Ah, Dad…."

I uttered to the tomato salad in front of me, muttering the sound that wasn't completely attached to my mouth.

The duke of Ernst who started to eat broccoli, laughing. It's okay. I'm going to

eat another and you can eat it instead.

I may have picked in uncle a lot, but anyway, I was grateful that he eat this green shit instead, so I smiled at him while looking up at Duke Ernst.

"Hari, you have to eat it evenly."

But suddenly the fork came from the opposite side, and the green shit I had just removed to uncle's stomach sat down on my plate.

"It's not good for Hari if you eat it, dad. She often get sick, I think it's good for

her nutrition."

"Huft. Then, you should eat evenly."

"Okay. That's right. Now, eat it


Oh. I looked at the fork pushed in front of me and turned my face down. Eugene, you! You know I hate broccoli and you're doing this on purpose!

"Here, Hari. Eatwell."I

looked at Eugene and chewed a green chunk of shit. Damn, I don't get this crap!

"Me, I also eat it as well!"

"Yes, Cabel is also good."

From now on, I decided cabel as a target for eating broccoli instead of me every time, and secretly starting plan on my head.



When the meal time ended and I was alone in the room, I started to queer hard by myself. Even if I don't want to, but it's lisp everytime I speak.

Sometime I'm very surprised. It's so hard in this age.

"Hari. I need you to take the medicine."

I had to repair this weak body quickly, so I drunk the last drop of medicine quickly.

But for some reason, Mrs. Ernst looked at me with such a vague glance and smiled, then put something in my hand.

"I bought it when I went out. I'll give you one for each medicine, so eat it."

When I opened my hand, the yellow candy

wrapped in a thin translucent paper came out. Oh, I didn't even say thank you, but she's already out.

I grabbed it in my hand instead of eating the candy. It seemed to me that the sound of rustling in my hands was louder than the sound of the wind clapping outside the window. Why?

It's kind of a waste to eat candy right now… At that time, a knock was heard

outside the door. Did Mrs Ernst return again?


I told to someone outside the door.

I allowed that person to come in. Then, after confirming who the person appeared through the doorway, I immediately regretted the fact.

"What's this, is it the expression of someone who hasn't been well at all?"

So what, do you think I'm glad to see you? What's more, I didn't expect the visit. I just saw your face when we were eating!

"Why did you come?"

"It's not like I came because I wanted to see your face."

It's not what I want either.

"I'll just stay in 30 minutes and then I'll go


Eugene said, who told me he was going to spend some time in my room and settled in a chair in the middle of the room.

"Did aunty ask you stay with me?"

"Look like you are not a fool."

"Just go out now and tell them I already asleep."

"Mother just walked out, do think anyone

would believe it?"

It was like that again. Eugene didn't turn his head once, as if he didn't want to be with me. But I didn't care anyway because

I was comfortable.

You're not fidgeting, right! You're Eugene, who has no blood or tears. The room quickly became quiet as Eugene turned his head to the other side, silently, with his chin on the armrest.

I was so glad that I didn't bother fighting with the other two.

I glanced out of the window, and then I still touched my hand. The candy. But at the very moment, Eugene eyes who dazzling like a fire and turned to me.

"Why is that…."

His eyes are nailed to the candy in my hand and his voice is digging into my ear was almost the same cold as the weather.

"Why do you have it?"