Chapter 1: The New Term

"I didn't ask for this to happen! All I wanted was to tell you the truth, and this… this is what it turned into" His eyes welled with tears, as he clutched the bouquet of white lilies in his palms. The air filled with a tense heavy darkness, and soft mellow-dramatic music danced around him in the wind. "Now… I will never get the chance to tell you how much I loved you. Im sorry…"

"I'm still alive"-

"Oh shiiiit what?!" Sky screamed right as the episode ended. "She's not dead? What the crap! There are only two episodes left, how are they going to resolve this?!" The credits rolled on the screen as Sky tossed his bag of chips into the air in frustration. "No no no no no, there must be something I missed. I need to re-watch it!" He fumbled around for the remote so he could rewind but just ended up crushing the previously spalin chips further into his bedsheets. On a normal day, Sky was well organized, he would make his bed every morning, organize his bookshelf, and maintain a neat and proper lifestyle. However, today wasn't a normal day; it was his de-stress day of the month. On this day every month he would binge watch a Korean drama, eat junk food, and disregard all things that happen in his daily life. He would wake up and put on his comfiest sweatpants, the ones that had a specific place reserved in his closet just to keep them at maximum comfort levels. Sky took destressing seriously, so seriously in fact, that if anyone tried to interrupt his destress day he would hold a grudge for an exceedingly long amount of time.

At last Sky found his remote, he was ready to just press play and watch the last two episodes of My love from another dimension but right before he could click the button, the time on his bedside clock caught his eye. 11:38pm. He didn't have time to watch for another 2 hours, although he felt disappointed that his de-stress and k drama day wasn't totally complete without finishing the two episodes he also knew how important sleep was for one's mental health. He clicked off the television and his room fell dark. For a few moments Sky sat in the bed, breathing lightly as if to purge everything out of his system. The sound of the night lightly creeped through his walls and into the room as if greeting him before he clicked on his bed light. "Ok Sky," he said to himself, "Tomorrow will be a great day." He vacuumed off the chip crumbs from his bed with a hand vacuum and took off his comfy sweats. He folded them neatly and placed them on top of his laundry pile. Then he slipped into a pair of jogging shorts, which he seldom did, and tossed a sleeveless white tank top over his head. Sky laid his head on his pillow and stared at his ceiling. The blank canvas that laid above his head allowed for his mind to settle. He clicked off his bedside lamp and looked at his room door. Light from the hallway seeped in as the door was slightly cracked. Sky was pleased, everything was set, perfect, ordinary. Everything was consistent, and consistency is the thing that made Sky feel the most at ease.

However, tomorrow a new semester of classes started. New classes mean new faces, and a new consistency that he had to get used to. Sky was anxious, and it was obvious, because it took him 10 minutes longer to fall asleep than usual. At 12:04, sky finally drifted off. Not knowing that that would be the last peaceful destressing day he would ever have.

The air was crisp and the Thai national flag ruffled in the wind. Sky looked up at the University logo, as he did every morning. He took in a deep breath as if swallowing all of the oxygen would magically make his day go the way he willed it. Sky's apartment was a short bike ride from the university; it would only take him about 5 minutes if he chose to ride one. However, Sky was determined to keep his daily exercise and walk to school no matter what the weather conditions were or the time of day. In this sense you could say Sky is a bit overkill, he is a hard headed individual and rarely strays from his self appointed rules and regulations. He is serious, practical, and economical. But most of all Sky was friendly.

"Sky!" An outstretched hand could be seen from down the street. Waving just fast enough to get sky's attention. Sky's highschool friend approached him. "Morning Unn" Sky replied just as Unn caught up to him. "Your tie is crooked" Sky pointed out to him.

"Gosh I still can't get used to the uniforms! I miss going to the international school where they didn't matter" Unn complained but this was a totally normal occurrence for the two. Unn and Sky met in their last year of secondary school. Unn had just transferred from another school and Sky had made his first friend thanks to Unns persistent and outgoing personality. Sky isn't exactly an introvert but he doesn't tend to interact with many people. Just those within his family and with Unn. Sky never felt compelled to get to know another human being, He didn't even feel compelled to get to know Unn and he still didn't. But despite not knowing much about Unn he was glad he was around. Their conversations with each other were just deep enough to maintain a friendship. One without arguments, without disagreements, just comfort and normativity. To Sky, this was ideal.

"Sky, how many classes do you have today?" Unn inquired as he straightened his tie. The two of them walked down the hall of the health sciences building. "Just 3" This was a light semester for Sky as far as courses went. "3? How many do you have tomorrow?"

"Only 1"

" Lucky! You're only taking 4 classes this term? Im in 6, I have 3 today and 3 tomorrow do you think we have any overlapping classes? Let me see your schedule" Sky pulled up his schedule on his phone and presented it to Unn. For a brief moment Unn looked excited and then his excitement faded. "Judging by your facial expression I'm guessing we don't have any classes together"

" You're like a mind reader! No wonder you're in the faculty of Psychology" Everytime Sky heard this he was both happy and worried about being in the Faculty of Psychology. "We are in the same classes" Unn continued, "but at different times. Look" when you leave this class I enter this class and for this class we have them on different days. Even the professors are the same so we can study together."

"That's pretty convenient," noted Sky. The two walked a distance further until they reached Unn's first classroom door. "Well this is my classroom, I'm a bit early but I guess I can find a seat in the back somewhere" Unn peeked into his room, only a couple other students were in there waiting already. "Yo Sky"

"Huh?" Sky looked at Unn's eyes.

"You look a bit tired, are you alright?" Unn could almost sense Sky's anxiety about the day, but since that was a topic they never discussed before Unn wasn't entirely sure. "I'm alright, Just didn't get enough sleep last night"

"Ok, well let's eat lunch together. I just got a ton of spending money from my parents" Sky chuckled and retorted with "if you're paying, i'm down"

"Cool! See you later" With that statement Unn walked into his class room and took a seat a few desks away from someone with their head down.

Unn took out a blank notebook and set it onto the desk then he reached for his pencil box. When he took out his pencil pouch and unzipped it he hit his elbow on the edge of the desk and ended up dropping all of his pouch contents onto the floor. As he bent down to pick them up two separate sets of hands reached to assist him. Unn looked up as he was trying to say thankyou but his eyes met with two men who looked like they could both pulverize them if they wanted to. Instantly Unn felt a little scared. Although he wasn't that different in stature from them, the other two definitely had an aura about them. "Thank you" Unn finally squeaked out. Awkwardly Unn tried to play off his fear with his personality "you two look like you could form a gang. Are you hiring" The two of them sat there in silence for a short while before one of them started laughing. Unn was surprised at the reaction, never before had he felt so misplaced.

"I'm Sun, this is Decha. He doesn't really talk much."


"No idea. But he's very expressional if you pay attention. Almost like you can hear his thoughts."

"Interesting, im Unn. Thanks for the help"

"No problem, but hey, I heard in this class that the final is a group project with three people. Want to join our group?"

"Sure, why not" Unn, Sun, and Decha instantly became friends throughout the class. They passed notes to each other, they discovered they liked similar music and were all faculty of Sports Science students. Even though they had already been through one term of classes, Unn had never met Sun nor Decha before. The three of them seemed to get along as well as lifelong friends would have.

Sun was quite stylish, his eyebrows were thick and he wore a long burlap strap necklace with a bullet fixed to the end. However he always kept this tuck underneath his shirt. His voice was deep, but not too deep and he had the hobby of playing the guitar when he became stressed out. Sun was a friendly individual. He held a very lighthearted outlook and was never weighed down by things around him.

Decha was the opposite but in a good way. Decha had piercings, many in his ears and one on his lip. Although his lip piercing was fake he wore it because of how much it suited his image. He had a tattoo of a dragon running from his neck down his left arm and the tail wrapped around the wrist. He wore a leather jacket over his uniform and looked like the spitting image of someone you didn't want to mess with. There was no particular reason for why Decha did not speak. He simply chose his words carefully and usually only responds when spoken to. Decha was the type to always cause misunderstandings yet had a similar friend relationship with Sun as Unn did with Sky.

"Hey Decha, Sun. Do you guys wanna get lunch later?" Unn asked, secretly hoping he could gain some friends for Sky. "Sure I'm down with that" Replied Sun "me too" added Decha. The three of them exchanged numbers and discussed a meeting place for lunch. "I have two more classes today so I'll Meet you guys at the cafeteria right after I finish," Said Sun to the two of them. They all agreed and bid each other farewell. Sun went on to his next class, delighted that he made a new friend.

Earlier that morning Sun had visited a temple. This was a family tradition that he and his parents had been doing for years. He would go to the temple to pray for success in grades before starting a new term in School. However, this year he also checked his love life fortune. His temple fortune read, meeting new people will make you lucky in love. And that is what Sun had just did, met someone new.