Chapter 2: Pam

After Sun had met Unn, he already felt like the entire world was at his beck and call. He felt like the three of them became the three musketeers but with super powers wrapped up in a stylish bow. He was feeling himself. Sun stepped into his classroom proud as can be, walking proudly to the back of the room to claim a chair in the back row like it is his throne. However, and angel graced his eyes. There right in front of Sun sat the most beautiful girl ever, right in the chair that he wanted. She had long dark hair that curled at the ends and a flower shaped necklace draped over her chest. Her uniform's top button was undone in just a way to look modest but captivating all at the same time. She pushed her hair behind her ear and Sun caught a glint whiff of her shampoo. She smelled like vanilla and almond, which were coincidentally two of Suns favorite scents.

Sun didn't know what to do, he had never been so flustered before in his life, He was instantaneously convinced this was love at first sight. All he knew was that he had to talk to this girl. She was so radiant that he couldn't help it yet before he even got a chance to speak with her another girl sat down beside her. Sun had missed his opportunity, but was still determined to make his presence known to her. So he used the same incidence that allowed him and Unn to become friends. He walked behind her, and not so obviously dropped all of his notebooks directly behind her chair. "Oh im sorry!" he said collecting the materials hoping she would bend down and give him a hand. But she never did. He looked up at her, and their eyes met. They were round like the moon and deep like the sea, and Sun was drowning in them. She smiled and he cleared his throat trying to gain composure. "Heh, sorry" he apologized once again quickly gathering what was left of his stuff and moving on to sit in a seat a few chairs away from her. He could hear her faint giggle with her friends, he was sure they were discussing him. He just knew it. This is it! He thought, This is my lucky in love!

For the remainder of the lecture Sun could think nothing else except for about the vanilla almond girl, he needed to know her name, he was dying to know her name! Finally Sun had plucked up the courage to ask her but then it was shattered in less than a heartbeat when he heard her call out a name. "Sky!" She called out in a warm friendly tone. For some reason Sun decided to hide. He stepped around the corner and listened to their conversation. "Oh, hey Pam." Sky greeted her in a friendly manner. "Just finished class?"

"Yep! Im 100% done for the day so im going to head back to the dorm to relax. Do you have any more classes?" She inquired.

On the inside Sky wanted to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He Liked Pam, He was comfortable with her, much like he was with Unn. But he also felt unsettled around her. The two of them hadn't known each other for long, in fact, they had met on the freshman orientation day when Sky had helped her find her dorm hall. Despite not living on the campus himself. "I have one more class to finish today, after that I'm done."

"Oh cool! We should hang out sometime soon to catch up! It was really nice to see you."

"You too." Sky brushed passed Pam and he continued down the corridor. At last, Sunstepped out from around the corner and studied Sky's features to the best of his abilities. Sun's brain was now muddled with thoughts. Did Sky like Pam? Did Pam like Sky? Is Pam single? How close are Pam and Sky? Did he have a chance? The thoughts made him determined. Over hearing that brief conversation caused Sun to be resolute. He was going to win Pam, he was going to claim the angel for himself. He just needed a chance to do it. But, first, he needed to gather intel on his rival. And he was just lucky enough that he shared the next class with him.

Sun observed Sky throughout the entire lecture. Sky was attentive, took notes, and sat in the middle rows. Unlike Sun who previously had not paid attention in his other classes and wasn't doing so now. Sun was consistently a bad student, and he knew that. Yet somehow, he always manages to pass the classes just above the requirement. Sun didn't like to put in excessive effort none the less he put in much effort with observing Sky. Sun watched Sky from the back row. The back row was his domain, it allwa\ed him to see everything in the classroom and sitting at a slight diagonal from Sk it allowed him to see him that much better. When Sky was in thought he would twiddle his pencil, and Sun noticed this. When Sky came to understand something the teacher was saying Sun noticed it. Sun took down every mental detail about Sky, and with every detail he collected the more and more he grew to dislike Sky. Despite Sky having never done anything to him.

Class ended, and Sky got up from his seat. He texted Unn, My class just ended. I'm heading to the cafeteria" Unn simply responded with an 'ok' sticker. Sky was relieved that classes had finally ended for the day. Even though he enjoyed the light load of coursework and he didn't find is his lessons to be too difficult he loved the fact that every day he was finished before noon. Leaving him a lot of time to get things done in the evening. He could even take on a part time job if he wanted.

Before leaving the classroom, Sun watched Sky intensely. He watched him pull out his phone and message someone which sparked the memory of him needing to meet his new friend for lunch. Sun took out his phone and called Decha. "Yo, you guys already in the cafeteria?" Decha's response was exactly how Sun knew it would be. "Uh" Sun knew that Decha sisdt sugar coat responses and didn't waste his breath when he didn't need to. It was part of Dech's charm, and it was probably why the two of them worked well together as friends. Sun could fill in the empty space with conversation and Decha could add logic and reason to all of his nonsense with just a few words.

Sun walked about two yards length behind Sky. For a moment Sun felt like a stalker, he might not have liked sky but he felt as though he was following him when he wasn't. "Are we just going the same direction?" thought Sun as he trailed behind him. "I hope he's not going to the cafeteria."

Sky rounded the corner into the cafeteria. He scanned the room looking for Unns face. There were so many people around Sky thought about calling him, but he wasn't sure if Unn would even hear his phone with all of the commotion. Everyone looked the same in their uniforms and with the new term the flow of people was different than what Sky was used to. Sky started to feel dizzy, the scene was overwhelming. He wanted to escape, to text Unn that he no longer needed lunch. He couldn't breathe. Sky's mind became frantic and he felt as though he needed to sit down, he needed a constant to hold onto. Sky needed something to ground him so he wouldn't get overwhelmed. Where was Unn? Where was Pam? Where was anyone that Sky knew? The longer Sky stood there the more he felt like he was going to pass out. Finally, he decided to escape. Sky quickly turned around in an attempt to leave, and with his head down he took two brisk steps before colliding into a solid stature.

Sky looked up to met Sun's eyes. Sky couldn't think, not thoughts were running through his head. An apology for running into Sun's shoulder didn't even manifest within his mind. Sky felt as if he was going to cry, for no reason at all.

Sun looked down at Sky. Angered by how quickly Sky turned around and ran into him, Sun's arm was aching in pain. Before he had a chance to exclaim in pain Sun peered into Sky's eyes. He could see them glass over, and Sky's face looked as if he was ready to vomit. Was this the same person that Sun had been watching for the past hour? Was something wrong with him?

"Sun!" a voice called out from the distance! The voice immediately drew away his attention from Sky, he brushed past his shoulder and began to approach the sound of the voice. Instantaneously Sun forgot about the incident that had just occurred and went to meet up with Decha and his new friend. Together they arrived at the table. Sun greeted the two of them. "Sky!" called out Unn past Sun. No way, Sky? For a moment Sun held his breath. It had to be a different Sky, maybe he was practicing his english and was shouting out vocab words. Sun turned around hoping that Unn wasn't talking about that Sky. however, his hope was wrong.

Sky approached the table confused and still in a state of nausea. He sat without words and closed his eyes. He listened to the world around him, trying to stay as still as possible and the others watched him. Unn could tell by both Decha's and Sun's faces that they wanted to inquire about Sky's odd behavior. They wanted to ask about the relationship between the two and how they knew each other. Unn simply put his hand up and said "Shh.. give him a moment" Decha sat down, across from Sky staring at him. As if observing his face would ;let him see into his mind more clearly. Sun couldn't even process the situation yet. Finally Sky opened his eyes.

"Are you used to it yet?" Asked Unn to Sky. Sky felt resolute, he had conquered the new space, he had memorized the faces of the workers, the location of the table, and the idea that two strangers were now in his presence. "Sort of" replied Sky listfully, "Who are they?" Sky needed to establish a new normal as soon as he could. He needed to decide if these faces were ones he needed to put into his reservoir of constants that he could draw upon. At last, Sun sat down diagonally from Sky. Unn began to introduce everyone. "Sky, this is Sun and Decha, they're in one of my classes and we're all Faculty of Sports Science. Decha doesn't talk much."

"I see, nice to meet you. Im Sky. Unn's friend from Secondary school" Sky introduced himself, but he wasn't going to say more. He wanted nothing more of than moment than to just observe the interaction of these three. And to figure out how they became friends so quickly.

"Are you ok?" Asked Decha suddenly. Sky was a tinge caught off guard by Decha's sudden inquiry. He wasn't exactly sure what Decha was referring to. Was Decha able to see that Sky was uncomfortable? Or was he just asking to be arbitrarily friendly? "Im fine." Sky wanted to end the conversation. He wanted to be an observer not the topic of conversation. Sky was not the type to be the topic of conversation. Instead he wanted others to be the topic, to have everyone else's voice be heard instead of his own.

"Hey Sun" Unn broke the awkwardness by calling out Sun's name. Ultimately it was Unn's goal to get Sky to have more friends but he could tell it was going to be a challenge. Unn could sense that Sky had closed himself off but again, the two of them vere discussed, nor addressed emotions so Unn felt he couldn't directly bring it up. "Are you in any of the clubs?"

"No, I wanted to join the Music club since I play guitar but I Kind of want to join the volunteer club instead.

"The volunteer club? I never would have guess you'd choose that"

"Haha no, I heard there was a rumor that you'll meet your soulmate if you join the volunteer club during the second term. So everyone is going to try and join but you're lucky if you get in"

"Oh so you're a romantic"

Sun chuckles "why? it doesn't suit my appearance?"

"Not at all" The two of them seemed to be idly enjoying their time together. Sky could see how they became friends. Decha also seemed to be participating in the conversation, although he wasn't saying anything his reactions were on par with the others. "Actually, Sky is in the volunteering club he joined during first term though."

"Oh really, maybe you could get me in" Sun joked but the fact that Sky had already been in the most difficult club to get into, and during the first term, made Sun dislike him more. There was no real reason for Sun to dislike Sky. It wasn't the club, nor his relationship with Pam. There was just something about Sky that bothered Sun more than he liked. And Sun had no way to label it. However, if a word had to be put onto how he felt it could only be described as one feeling. To Sun, Sky was interesting. There was nothing more to it. Just interest.