Cheapter 2

As Nero descended the stairs, many adventurers gave him glances. He himself did not owe them and also looked at some of them.

After all, you don't see elves, dwarves, and beastmen every day. Especially the latter, it almost unnerved Nero. For he saw dressed in a magical red robe with numerous sparkles in the mischief of red rubies sewn into clothes. And most importantly, she had purple feline ears, which almost made him ask if he could touch them. But Nero held back.

As Nero went downstairs, he saw many adventurers of all races and dressed in various armor. Which in some cases could cost a fair amount.

Nero was aware of the fact or rather guessed, that guild registration "may" not be free. So he decided to sell his fifteen monster cores in a window at the Dungeon parter.

So despite the core selling point in Dungeon. He buys cores for a little less valuable than in the guild. He rushed to the window where a slightly old dwarf was sitting.Who wore a bronze plaque on the chest with Carl Ironmaker written on it. Who hung his eyes on him for a moment and said.

(Carl)-First time, what?


(Carl)-Okay, show me how much you managed to do alone.

(Nero)-How do you know I was alone?

He looked at me and chuckled slightly as he stroked his long brown beard.

(Carl)-You see ... I have my years ... and therefore experience. And I know how to distinguish between freelancers and team types. And you, young man, belong to the former category.

(Nero)-I understand.-he said and started taking all monster cores he owned from his pocket.

After a while, all fifteen cores were lying on the counter, and Carl began testing them for quality.

(Carl)-Fifteen monster cores, by the smell, deduce that you obtained them by killing Goblins on the first or second floor.


(Carl)-F-rank cores .... hmm .... let's say I'll give you 15 Valis per item. Which is a total of 225 Valis.

When Carl put the cores into the container, he took two gold coins and two silver coins and five brown coins from the hiding place.

From which Nero concluded that one gold coin is 100 valis, silver is 10 valis and brown is 1 valis. So it hypothesizes that in this new currency the currency does not resemble the Yen as in the maga. But it has a slightly different way of worth money. Which is more like Euro, Polish zlotys and the like. Which is not bad and is more on hand for Nero. Who has never been to Japan and does not understand their monetary system.

Before Nero left, he asked Carl.

(Nero)-Carl, do you know how to get to the nearest tavern?

(Carl)-Hehe...I understand....Here you get this .... you pay ten Valis.

He said giving him Orario's map, And he put a silver coin which he took out of his pocket.

Then he said goodbye to Carl and walked slowly towards the city.

When Nero unfolded the map, he was at least surprised and concerned because of the city of Orario. It is huge and the Tower of Babel is located in its center. Indeed, Nero doesn't even know how to get to the abandoned Hesti Church. After all, it is not included on the map.

(Nero)-So Hestia must wait, I will have to find this church. Because without a goddess I can't pay or check my status ... Heh .... Let's get to this tavern. Now right ... okay.

Nero followed the directions of the map and after a while, the mentioned tavern appeared through his eyes. Which was two streets away from the "Fertility Hostess". That is Nero's destination tomorrow. Because In the anime, this place was shown. So there is a good chance that he will find the Hesti Church.

Nero entered the Tavern, where there weren't too many people now. Looking at the location of the sun, it's around two in the afternoon. Around.

Nobody in the tavern paid attention to him, most of the customers were busy with their own affairs. So Nero went to the counter and waited for the bartender / she bartender to approach him.

After a while, the Bartender approached Nero, he was an elf with gray hair in a rather staeretypical outfit for this profession. And he said.

(Bartender)-How can I help you?

(Nero)-I would like to rent a room for a few days.

(Bartender)-I understand...-he said and started checking the list of rooms and whether they were occupied or vacant.

After a while, he looks at Nero and says.

(Bartender)-We have a room for you. It will cost 35 Valis a night.

(Nero)-Then I'll take a room for three days.

(Bartender)-It'll cost Mr.,105 Valis.

Nero took one gold coin and five heavy-hearted brown coins from his pocket. The bartender then gave him the key and led him to the room on the first floor of the tavern. Then he left.

The room wasn't big. There was a bed in it, uncomfortable. Chest of drawers for clothes. Several gun racks and a bathroom.

Nero put his "mace" on the stand next to the bed. And four rusty daggers he put in one drawer of a dresser.

Nero, despite the early hour, was tired. For reasons, for all the Goblins and transmigration stuff. It's really too much for a day.

So Nero decided to go to sleep, and in the morning. Go to the nearest gun store. Which does not belong to the Hephaestus family. Because their products are really expensive and he just wants to see how much they cost. And how much time does he have to collect stones to get a decent weapon.

After a short thought, Nero went to sleep.

The next morning, Nero got up quite early. For the sun has just risen from the horizon.

He washed and went down with 110 Valis, four rusty daggers, and a mace.

Nero does not want to show up in the guild with such junk equipment. I want to get a sword, an ax, or whatever is the cheapest. He will definitely want to buy a spiky mace. Nero took a liking to clubs after his recent visit to Dungeon.

Nero quickly ate his breakfast in the form of a piece of meat and rice. Which cost him ten Valis. And he went to the nearest gun store. Which was located between the tavern and the "Tower of Babel". So he was lucky, but he doesn't know if the weapons they sell there will be cheap or not.

Nero, following the map, after a few minutes he came to a shop with the words "Black Wolf Smith" with the logo of a wolf holding a blacksmith's hammer in its mouth.

Nero had 100 Valis. And he wants to at least look at himself with a powerful weapon. Or buy temporary baton. Which will stop the slightly cracked torches. Although he can always take a new one ... hehe ...

When Nero entered the store, a beast man was standing behind the counter. Which had the head of a wolf instead of a head, and one eye was covered with a blindfold. And the aforementioned saleswoman was sharpening a sword. And when Nero entered the store, he involuntarily smiled for a moment. But after a while, the whitefish calmed down and took on a more professional expression.

The salesman said nothing and waited for Nero to take the first step. So he was probably judging him.

Nero wanted to have a good relationship with the seller because he wanted to come here more often. So, before he said anything, he walked over to the counter and extended his hand towards the seller. Who stared at Nero in shock for a moment. Then he shook his hand.

(Nero)-My name is Nero FireBones. Nice to meet you.

The salesman laughed then said.

(Ronan)-A really strange man ... Hehe ... My name is Ronan. And this is my shop where I can serve.

(Nero)-To be honest, he needs a club, all blunt weapons. Up to 80 Valis. It may even be an F rank. But it's only temporary. When I earn more, I will want to buy a one-handed sword. Something between D and F-rank. Reasonably priced. Later, when I have better equipment. I'll be buying from pre-owned and maybe armor ... But first, the basics.

Ronan looks with a mixture of shock and mild admiration for Nero. Then he laughs and talks.

(Ronan)-Easy ... Easy ... Nero ... You are a really strange person ... really.


(Ronan)-Okay wait, I'll check in the backroom to see if there's anything suitable for you.

He said and went into the back room. Later, Nero hears the sound of metal hitting, weapons being blown, and the like.

After a few minutes, however, he returns with Morgenstern in his hand. that is, a wooden stick, ended with a spiked tip with spikes. A bit rusty, but still a lot in this compartment.


Ronan put the gun on the counter and, staring at Nero, said.

(Ronan)-For the first time I see a man using this type of weapon. It's the Morgenstern that will suit you. It is relatively light, and thanks to the metal tip. It's easier to hit hard.-he said, he demonstrating the use of this weapon.

Then Nero picked up the gun and gave it a slight swing. Of course, leaving the counter a bit so as not to damage anything.

(Nero)-It's perfect...

(Ronan)-Okay ... sixty Valis is due ... for acquaintances ... as long as you sign with me a contract ...

(Nero)- Contract?

(Ronan)-You see I have so few customers .... because of those motherfuckers from Hephaestus Familly. So I want you to shop for guns at my store. And as a regular customer you will receive damage and in the future I can create weapons for you.

(Nero)-How do you know that I will not die today when I go to the dungeon.

(Ronan)-Boy, maybe I don't look like that, but I know people ... And I know that our cooperation has just started ... or maybe thanks to you ... I will have more clients. Who knows? I have a feeling.

Nero looked at Ronan and said with a smile.

(Nero)-Sure. But add a gun holster to the package and we have a deal.

(Ronan)-Haha....Agreed ... Nero .... haha ...

Then Nero stepped from under the counter holster, onto his back. And he handed it to me.

Kabure was put on the back. And it even had more handles. Nero could keep not only Morhenstern there but also empty space. For the sword, he wants to buy.

When Nero holstered the weapon, the pommel protruded over Nero's above the right shoulder. Ronan said.

(Ronan)-Now you look like a real warrior. Though your leather armor is strange and doesn't seem to last.

(Nero)-It's not armor. More like leather clothes. It gives a minimum of protection against bites. However, the blades won't stop. So add armor to the pending orders, Ronan.

(Nero)-And before I leave. I'll be back this afternoon. And I want some cutting weapon. Kora will allow me to kill an enemy quickly and pierce his armor. I mean quickly stab an enemy after being stunned.

(Ronan)-It's quite peculiar ..... what class are you, Nero?

(Nero)-I don't have any yet ... But let's say I'm multitasking .... When I join the guild, I'll find out.

(Ronan)-So you don't belong to any family?


(Ronan)-I understand ... Hmmm... I have no family myself since I was kicked out of Hephaestus Family. So I understand. Hehe ... But they won't let you into the upper floors without a pass saying that you belong to some family. Such recipes.

(Nero)-Well ... thanks for the info. I'll be there in the evening. Bye.

Before Nero left, however, Ronan had him sign the contract. And only then did he release him.

Nero read the messages. Besides the fact that he cannot buy weapons from competitors and information about the damage. If Nero had participated in the tournament, he would have had to wear the logo of his shop or announce that his shop was his sponsor. Nothing much.

After a successful purchase, Nero headed towards the Tower of Babel. To earn as much Valis as possible with the new weapon. For the purchase of equipment.