Nero, walking towards the stairs to the first floor of the dungeon, saw Carl. Who was counting the revenue at that moment, because at the moment no one came to sell the loot.
Nero, staring at the core sales window, nodded at Carl. Which reciprocated the same.
Along the way, Nero saw many adventurers, however, they were in groups. And almost nobody, except Nero, went to the dungeon alone.
Nero, walking up the stairs to the first floor, was looking at the other side of the map he had bought some time earlier.
On the other side of the map, there was a brief summary of the monsters on the first and second floors of the Dungeon.
Nero thinks they've added tidbits like this to raise valuable maps .... such a marketing gimmick. But still very helpful by accident.
Nero found out that the first floor is longer than the second, by about half an hour .... As if someone was counting the time to move from one end of the floor to the other.
There are Goblins on the first floor, as Nero already knew. However, maximal in groups of up to three people. And their armament is a wooden club or a rusty dagger. And at the end of Dungeon is Boss's chamber. Who is the Goblin Shaman who has two skills. Which is summoning three goblins every three minutes. I Boss Goblin Shaman throws low-level fireballs. The potential loot from it is quite weak. You call steel dagger weapons ... which is the most common loot. Three to five each.
There is also a chance for a steel sword or an object. However, the chance is quite low. However, these weapons are practically new which is a profit for Nero anyway. Because the gun is quite expensive, considering the prices on items in Ronan's shop. Which ordinary new steel weapons, without enchantment. It costs about five hundred valis.
And the weapon Nero had bought was old and rusty. And it won't last long, probably it might break at any moment. But he couldn't afford any better. For now.
Before Nero entered the first floor, Monherstern came out of his holster. And he held it in his right hand. On the other hand, he had torches ready to his left hand to illuminate the road and, if necessary, to have a weapon that would block attacks from the left side.
When Nero entered the first floor, he saw that a few meters in front of him, about six. One Goblin is leaning against the dungeon wall and looking in the direction Nero is going. This means he is turned to Nero with his backs, and Nero has a weird smile face on his face for some reason.
Nero sees that the goblin is not aware of his presence, and runs to the Goblin with quite a lot of power. One step ahead of Goblin, Nero makes a pirouette, gun drawn. And without warning, he hits the face of an unsuspecting goblin with all his might.
The blow was so strong that a huge hole the size of a fist formed in the Goblin's face. Because the Goblin's skull could not withstand the pressure and cracked. As a result, the Goblin died almost immediately and before Nero noticed. The goblin turned to black smoke, leaving behind one F-rank core and a wooden club.
Which Nero had left but the jewel had taken.
(Nero)-That's a real difference ... Between a torch and a real ... rusty weapon. And from what I can see, apart from the scratch, the weapon is intact. Good weapon... Hehe...
Nero continued deeper into the dungeon. And he encountered more and more Goblins. AFTER the first goblin, he met three more singles.
Then they appeared in groups of three or two. Which Nero was dealing with better and better.
Although in the case of meeting groups of Goblins of three, Nero a few times ... even more. He received blows to the shoulders or stomach. Fortunately, however, or thanks to Nero's thinking. He always stunned or killed the first, a Goblin who was armed with a rusty dagger.
And just after killing such a group of three Goblins. Nero, with his hit shoulder aching, said to himself.
(Nero)-Heh ... It hurts ... Heh ... I'll wait a moment and then continue.
Nero rubs his shoulder to ease the Pain a little.
(Nero)-The second fact is that I need to buy Ronan's core bag and these daggers. Because maybe they can be sold. I'll see.
Then Nero continued deeper into the dungeon and met eight more groups on the way to Bos's chamber. Which resulted in a profit of 64 monster cores. There were many more than last time, but Nero was not even in the middle of the first floor yesterday. And towards the end, the Goblins are getting more frequent, even though they appear in groups of three. It was more than once that when Nero killed one Group. The next one came less than a minute after them. And several times Nero did not have time to rest.
And finally Nero, bruised but whole. He is standing in front of the entrance to the Boss's chamber. In which waiting for him, the first fight with a mage ... shaman Goblins.
(Nero)-So this is Boss's chamber .... Heh .... I'd rather go back and come back later. However, when I leave, the floor will be reset. And all the effort to get here is wasted.
(Nero)-According to the information, he will detect me as soon as my foot touches the floor in the Boss's chamber. Heh, if only I had a bow. Then I'd shoot from the corridor with leave the door open. Heh ... Too bad.
(Nero)-As far as I understand, there is no rare Goblin right now, except for a shaman. And only when I go inside. He will summon three Goblins .... with daggers ... Heh ...
(Nero)-That's why Bossa, others attack in groups ... there is something to it.
(Nero)-So me, since I am alone. I have to come up with some strategy to defeat him.
(Nero)-I need a moment ... hmmm ...
Nero stood motionless for a moment and stared at the information on the other side of the map.
(Nero)-I have my "metal girl" with me ... heh ... silly name. Six rusty daggers ... Okay, I have a idea.
Nero smiled smugly, though he wasn't sure of the plan. And he opened the door to Boss's chamber.
There he saw the Shaman Goblin standing on a stone podium. Who was staring in his direction but didn't seem to see him. For some reason.
A Goblin shaman, he wore a full robe ... or more of a red rag that covers his entire body. Which is exposed and wears a metal hoop with a purple crystal.
As soon as Nero looked at the opponent and calculated the distance between them, which was not too large, only eight meters. Nero ran inside and by the time the Shaman could summon the Goblins, Nero was already halfway along the Way.
And two meters in front of him, a green magic-circle began to appear. But...
But before the shaman finished summoning the minions. Nero threw one of the daggers at the Shaman. Which, unfortunately, did not hammer into Szman's body. Because he had hit him with the handle, not the blade.
However, the impact force, although small, would be enough for a Goblin Shaman, with the form of an emaciated child. He felt pain and staggered, losing concentration and breaking the spell "summoning a minor group of Goblins".
The shaman in panic, jerking off Nero, is already a few meters ahead of him. And he won't have time to call the servants again. He decided to use a spell "lesser fireball" by aiming at the incoming Nero.
Nero knowing that the Goblin generates a small fireball in the hand extended towards him. The size of a tennis ball. And he aims it at Nero's chest. He saw it unskillfully but accurately. He threw a rusty dagger at the fireball.
Rusty dagger, after all. After hitting a fireball. It could not stand and fell into many small pieces. Which mostly hit the shaman, but two metal-wood blade fragments hit Nero evenly. In his right hand to be precise. In which he had previously held a dagger, the left.
But Nero, despite the pain, with his right hand in which he had his head a gun. He struck the face of the shaman which was hit. He fell off the stone podium and lay dazed for a moment. Without stopping, Nero jumped from the podium to the Shaman. Holding the main gun with both hands. And as he landed, he delivered a massive blow to the shaman's head. Which under the influence of gravity gained greater power of attack. As a result, the shaman's head was crushed. Literally.
And as soon as the shaman died, he disappeared. And in its place was a dagger easel ... which looked new. A red book that had a fire emblem with one star on its cover. Whatever that means.
Nero took both items and headed towards the exit. He was too tired and sore .... and hurt. To think about something other than getting out of this place.
After some time, however, about halfway there. Nero stopped because he was tired. And he had to rest for a while.
Nero sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall of the dungeon. And he opened the book, which he had to hold in his hand all the time .... Because ... well ... he didn't have a bag.
(Nero)-Let's see...
However, as soon as he did it. A golden glow emanated from the book. Which started flowing into his eyes. It was as if the book was turning into light and that light was flowing into his eyes. Quite peculiar.
As soon as that happened ... Nero sort of, he remembered the information. That's how he felt it. Actually, spell knowledge and the ability to cast a "minor fireball." It was transported straight into Nero's head.
(Nero)-Impossible ... this is ... something new.
Nero then got up and tried to throw a "minor fireball" with his right hand.
It was not spoken by a voice, but by mind. However, when he tried to do so, he felt immense pain instead of the fireball.
(Nero)-Aaaaa....Yes...evil hand ... I'm injured ... fucking !!! ... moron ...
After which he breathed hard, and then decided to wait until tomorrow with it.
And Nero walked the rest of the way, groaning and mumbling insults at his stupidity.
As soon as Nero left the staircase, he went to Carl. Who, seeing him, ran out of the shoe, holding a bandage in his hand.
(Carl)-Fuck..>Stupid Child...Show it...
(Nero)-It's just a scratch ... I'm fine.
(Carl)-haha ... funny ... Listen ... my friend, he once got hit in the knee with an arrow on the thirteenth floor ... and since then he's not an adventurer ... but a guard ... who hardly ever comes out of border cabin. And he also said that you scratch it. So don't fuck.
Carl led him to the entrance to his workplace. And he took the first aid kit out of it and slowly began to dress Nero's wound. First, he took out pieces of metal that were stuck in the body.
Nero still tried not to make a rare moan and show no pain. Which he hardly succeeded.
(Carl)-At least you don't eat like a woman ... Okay ... tell me how it happened ...
So while Carl was sewing his wounds, curved with a needle. Nero told him about his fight with the bosom and his disaster with the fireball.
As soon as Nero was done, Carl said with a mixture of feelings, he said.
(Carl)-I don't know whether to praise you for strategically thinking and defeating the boss alone. Should I scold you for throwing a rusty knife at fireballs?
(Nero)-That's how it turned out ... Aaaa ...-he said, and as Carl finished his last scythe. Nero groaned slightly in pain.
(Carl)-Good ready. But I advise you to go to the hospital or to a person with healing magic .... Or wait for your wound to heal.
(Nero)-Okay ... so I'll sell you the monster cores and go to someone like that.
(Carl)-Good to come to the window.
Nero got up and went to the window. And started unloading the monster cores onto the counter. And there were 64 of them in total. How did you get them here? He just overloaded himself with them and left them in front of the door before fighting the boss.
Then Carl started researching all 64 F-rank monsters and one E-rank from Boss.
After a long while, Carl said.
(Carl)-For F-rank monster cores, I offer 15 Valis per piece as last time. For range E, he proposes 30 Valis. Which is a total of 990 Valis.
Then he took out nine gold coins and nine silver coins from a small sack. Which Nero immediately gathered and put into a zipped pocket and headed towards Ronan's shop. Which was on the way to the tavern anyway.