Nero was walking towards Ronan's store, thinking about what to buy ... This time.
He considered buying a gun, but his hand, his wounded hand. She told him that he had better buy the armor. Which turned out to be a better idea for him.
Nero, counting his funds, decided to spend up to 800 Valis on purchases. And leave the remaining funds for food and emergency expenses.
Although he must take into account the cost of treatment ... it is about the services of a person who wields the magic of healing. Because to at least fight the goblins on the first floor. Nero must have a working right arm because it is his dominant hand. So the funding for armor could go down ... but he didn't want to think about it yet. And focus on getting to Ronan's shop and on his advice, do some shopping and contact the cheap mage. Who could fix his arm.
And just as Nero was about to enter Ronan's shop, someone just left it. However, the person was hooded and very short, like a child. However, Nero ignored it and just went inside.
As soon as Nero walked in, Ronan saw that he had entered. He laughed under his breath and he said.
(Ronan)-Nero!...Like the second day in the dungeons.
At his words, Nero smiled and proudly said.
(Nero)-Pretty good ... I would say ... haha ...
(Ronan)-So how far did you get to the first floor?
(Nero)-Hehe ... I went through all ...-He said, generating a "minor fireball" in his left good hand.
Ronan's face, despite his wolfish appearance, showed a mixture of pride and surprise. Then he laughed again and said.
(Ronan)-Haha...I knew I had an eye ... haha ... How did you defeat Boss?
(Nero)-It's a company secret ... but okay, let me tell you ...
Then Nero told him about breaking the invocation of the spell and quickly reducing the distance between him and the Boss.
(Nero)-And it was just like that.
(Ronan)-I understand ... Hmm ... I'm a Berserker and Blacksmith class. So I focus on force fighting ... But just defeating Boss with tactics is commendable. And without injuries ...
And then Nero cut him off, revealing his right hand. By taking off the right half of the leather jacket.
(Nero)-Just, not without ...
Ronan, seeing the stitches on Nero's shoulder, walked over to him and held his hand with his left hand. He examined the seam.
(Ronan)-Uuuu...he was very lucky. Because if the blade fragment would go somewhere else ... let's say ... anywhere else, you might die. Alright...
Ronan then directed his free hand towards Nero's locks. And after a while, a green magic circle with strange symbols appeared on Ronan's hand. And in the next second the wounds on Nero's hand disappeared as if they had never been there.
Nero examines his newly healed arm for a moment, and then he looks at Ronan. Who is pleased with himself waiting for the reaction of Nero.
(Nero)-Ronan I didn't know you knew healing magic.
(Ronan)-Nero...If I didn't know her, I would have spent a fortune on medics .... And in this profession, the wounded is everyday life.
(Nero)-I understand. Ronan?... How much would the armor cost me?
Ronan began to circle Nero, simultaneously taking dimensions with the help of a specialized measuring tape.
And after a dozen or so minutes, not saying why he does it. Ronan returned to his post and he said.
(Ronan)-Nero. The breastplate itself, and it's the cheapest and unused. It costs from several thousand. And I'm not exaggerating. And I'm not talking about other pieces of armor anymore, but the breastplate is the most expensive.
(Nero)-So what do you suggest?
(Ronan)-Let's say I start crafting a full armor for you. Because making armor from other sets is inappropriate and dangerous. So you will either pay in installments or buy one element them out in full.
(Nero)-This is probably the best option. But how much will the first installment be?
(Ronan)-Simply put, I will not sell you the cheapest armor possible .... No ... The total amount will be over 50,000 Valis. But don't be scared by this number. Because the gear he wants to make for you can be developed. But it's a surprise ... Haha ... But first installment .... or first purchase.
(Ronan)-Because I'll make armbands and gloves for you first. Quite unusual, but seeing your wounded today, I see no other choice. The total cost of a pair of shoulder straps and equics is six thousand...
(Ronan)-Calmly. After all, in one day I won't even make a pair of gloves .... Not to mention getting the materials .... You have another week, maybe two ... it's hard to say ... So it's enough to save and get to the level by the way.
Nero thought for a moment, breathed out and understood that this was an opportunity. And today he won almost a thousand Valis. So he will be able to get that amount. And by the way, buy a few useful things.
(Nero)-Okey...This will report back to you in a week and check your progress. But today I would like to ask you if you don't have a sword for a thousand Valis for me. It may be in the same condition as the recently purchased weapon. It is more suited to joking ... maybe differently ... quickly finishing off the enemy.
(Ronan)-Wait, I think I have something suitable.
Ronan said and went to the back room. And after five minutes he returned, holding the sword in his hand.
The weapon was relatively simple. Nero associated this weapon with ancient Rome. And rightly so.
(Ronan)-It's a bit rusty and generally, not many people really use it. It is a steel Gladius ... not too short, not too long. Suitable for stabbing and decapitating monsters on the first and second floors of the dungeon.
(Nero)-How much?
(Ronan)-500 Valis ... With a 520 Valis holster.
(Nero)-Okay ... heh ... come on ...
Then Nero took out six gold coins. Receiving eight silver coins. He fastened Gladius to his belt in a holster. And after saying goodbye, he left the store.
Nero was happy with the new weapon, but for the fact that he is really tired. He would have gone to the Dungeon to check her long ago. But now he has one thought in his head. ,,Eat".
Nero decided to go to the "Fertility Hostess" Inn, which he knew from the anime, and always wanted to try the food that made hilarious faces in the anime.
Nero knew it was closer to his tavern, where he has a room. However, he was motivated enough by eating and girls with cat ears. To go a few streets towards the inn.