Chapter 11: The hothead Ninja Heir

In the village of ninjas, Zahira decided to shock them with her animal features and removed her cap for the pure fun of it. Ricky constantly laughed at the sight of the villager s gawking expressions. Blaze walked behind them, trying her best to suppress a smile of her own. Zoe merely walked in front while leading the way towards the first destination she had run across.

Blaze looked around and took in a deep breath with a wide smile. Zahira noticed this a smirked. "So, what do you actually smell that makes you smile so weirdly, Blaze?"

"Weirdly? Are my smiles really weird?" Blaze frowned, only to be answered by a shake of decline from the others. "It's just… The air here is so fresh! It's so relaxing! I really hope I get to tell my townsfolk to avoid using too many vehicles like this place!"

"Totally agree. If everywhere has fresh air and zero pollution of engines, not only will we be able to relax, Zahira would get bankrupted!" Ricky exclaimed happily while clapping her hands.

Zahira growling inhumanly and furiously, she jumped over to Ricky to attack but Zoe quickly held her back to avoid a commotion. Blaze offered Ricky a fist bump and began her own retort on the mutant sister.

"If that happens, I'll gladly offer you a job in my town, Zahira. We could use you for something animal-like… Maybe farming?" she grinned while Ricky held her shoulder to avoid falling over in laughter.

"Oh shut up, you two…" Zahira hissed before an idea came to mind and she grinned at the thought. "If we really want zero pollution, Blaze would be exterminated from the face of Earth. Her fire powers would increase the amount of carbon dioxide in this world!"

It was Blaze's turn to get flustered in embarrassment and she took a step forward to attack but Ricky held her back. They shared dark glares before turning around with a childish humph. While Zoe and Ricky gave each other anxious looks, the duo shares a small glance at the corner of their eyes and they laughed at Zahira's joke. Zoe was glad they could joke around normally. That is what she hopes from the sisters. Not a complete rivalry among them.

Finally, they arrived at the large wooden home of Janetta Flame. They were all rather reluctant to knock so they did something fair; a really fair fate match among them. The famous Rock, Paper, Scissors! Zoe grinned at her rock and joined fists with Zahira and Ricky while Blaze gaped at her scissors. Before she could argue, they gave her the look of 'We-Won-Fair-And-Square' so she slowly approached the door and sighed.

Blaze banged on the door with full force, screaming for her sister to wake up. Unlike her attitude, Jane isn't an early bird and since the girls arrived early, she was all snuggled in bed. They waited for a reply for a while; and that awhile turned into an hour and it went on and on until Zoe puffed her cheeks in annoyance and began calling the ninja.


"Zoe! Calm down! You'll get her mad!" Zahira squealed in fear while popping into her animal form to seek shelter behind RIckys' legs.

"Well, I can't cause we've been waiting for two hours straight!" She pointed out until the door burst open. "What the-!"

In the doorway, growled an annoyed ninja. Just like in the profile picture, it was Janetta Flame. Jane had wavy red hair that was messed around in the shape of an unruly bed hair and wore a green army coat over a black inner and slacks. Her cap was barely hanging over a curl of her hair and her eye bags indicated she was exhausted and annoyed.

She gave Zoe a death glare and if glares could kill, Zoe would've been a sizzled pancake by then. Zoe shook in fear as the ninja had formed an evil aura around her. The eldest sister took a step forward and the aura popped away.

"Blaze? Why are you with this loser?" She asked while ignoring the fact that she called Zoe an idiot in front of her face.

"She's Samanthas' daughter, J-J. Have some respect" Blaze chuckled in amusement while gently leaning forward to ruffle her hair.

"This is Mrs. Samantha's' daughter? Well…She does release the same pressure…" Jane huffed while smacking Blaze's hand away. "So, Zoe, right?"

"Let me ask you all how you all know my name before I could even tell you guys?" She asked in total curiosity while looking around at the sisters.

"Firstly, you have to know that when we were adopted, Samantha and mom were besties and she helped raise us in the castle grounds!" Zahira began. "I think the only reason I stayed there for so long was your moms' personality of sticking up to me!"

"And Mrs. Samantha always talked about you.." Ricky explained flatly while scratching the back of Zahira's bunny ears. "She always said I have a daughter to return to."

"Really?" Zoe asked, for the first time her heart was opened as she heard of her mother. "What was she like?" She asked while looking between all the sisters with complete interest.

"Well, the details can be told next time," Blaze quickly intervened. "We should focus on our task, Zoe." She said strictly with an apologetic look in her eyes as she glanced at Zoe.

"Okay…that explains much so I'll wait," Zoe said with a rather sad tone in her voice. "Anyway, did you hear what I said just now about-"

"Yes, the throne. If mom calls, I can't do anything but obey." Jane muttered. "Can you wait out here while I pack?" she asked with a small rare smile.

"Oh come on, Jane. Your place can't be that messy, right?" Ricky chuckled, having to feel that her place would be second messiest to Zahira since she's a mechanic and all.

"It's not that. I have a pal who's asleep on the front couch stark naked and I want to punch him in his balls before heading out." Jane explained like punching male friends balls was something she did at the norm. "So unless you want to see a stark naked man, be my guest…" she muttered while entering her house.

While they awaited Jane, Zoe gave them a questioning manner look. Blaze was the first to ask her if something was up. Zoe had no intention of bad-mouthing Jane but something was just weird with her current situation.

"A man in her house… Only those two and he's stark naked on her couch. Plus, Jane looks exhausted. So hat if she's-" she began only to stop as the others roared of laughter. "What's wrong?"

"It's just… come on, Zoe. This is a ninja village. Obviously, they have sake and Jane is not a minor anymore. It's obvious she went drinking after a mission and brought home her drunk subordinate!" Zahira pointed out the obvious. "Though we never know if that man is special to Jane in any way!"

They heard a repeated thudding of a bag being dragged downstairs and voices for a moment before a splitting scream escaped the door as Jane exited the house. She was about to start a conversation when a man in a towel and a red face ripped the door open. He looked in pain with sweat dripping down his forehead and he gritted his teeth at Jane.

"Oi, Jane! Why-Why the hell did you do that for?" he gasped in pain while holding his towel by the waist, revealing a tan and fit body. Zoe had looked away while the sisters examined him in admiration. "And who the hell are these people?"

"There are my sisters, you idiot." She sighed. "And you deserved it. Don't go stripping every time you get drunk…" She flicked his forehead harshly.

"Sisters?" He gasped while backing off as Ricky inched forward to touch his abs. "B-But you let me in your place last night!" he tried telling her. "Jane!"

Jane was about to leave her house premises until he called her name and she stopped suddenly. Her fists her clenched and she bit the bottom of her lips as a blush began to creep over her cheeks. Ricky leaned forward to see her expression and she stifled a laugh while indicating for Zahira to see Jane who had lowered her head to avoid their gazes. And being taller, Zahira was at a disadvantage to see her face. But she knew by the fact her ears were glowing red and laughed along.

"I did that cause we're friends, you idiot…" She spluttered. "And... And there's hangover soup in the fridge for you so g-go heat it up… I'm off!"

And with that, she began to hurry down the street while the others tried to keep up. When she finally slowed down, Zoe noticed her flustered look and smirked. 'I see… So that's how it is, huh?' She walked to her side and patted her shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll return your feelings one day!" she smiled. "And hey, he would love to be in love with a princess, right?"

Jane blinked at her statement and frowned ever so slightly. "A princess? Me?" She turned to face Zoe and spoke softly. "I'm sure I was thrown away."

"Do you really believe a mother would just throw away her own daughter? I'm sure Queen Arlina took care of you in her own way. And now, she wants to meet you to tell you the truth!" She smiled. "Now come on. You all have a home to return to now!"

Before they could respond, an explosion erupted behind them and three shadows emerged with grins…..