Chapter 12: SMS? (The Trio)

The explosion had caused the friends to incline their heads away to avoid the dust and when they returned their gazes there, they managed to make out three figures in the smoke. The mystery trio struck a pose and Blaze face palmed herself at their stupidity. Zoe decided that they were important so she listened intently to their introduction while the other began plotting something behind her back.

A boy on the right side began, "I'm Sorako! The nature controlling wizard and hater towards this society!!!" He wore a ragged cloak over a ripped shirt and torn jeans. His brown wild hair was flying by the wind and a pitch-black eye patch covered his right eye. His skin was tanned and he had a mad smile as vines wrapped around his arms.

"Soubiyo's the name!" The second boy began. "A.K.A the time magician and I hate the royal family!" he added proudly with a smug look in his (most probably) stolen guard uniform. His brown long hair was held back by a hairband, and a cloak hung by his shoulders. Zoe caught sight of a golden watch hanging in his chest pocket on a silver chain.

"And I'm the leader of these two idiots! The dark devil of the north, Mobious Devilfang!" The middle boy yelled while opening his dark bat-like wings, which was made by shadows. His black hair was parted over his forehead and a Band-Aid was covering his left cheek. Zoe took a step back as his shadow grew to an abnormal size.

"AND WE ARE SMS!" They all said in unison while the background was filled with a fake explosion as they stood in a threesome pose. Zoe was strangely reminded of Power Rangers and held back a laugh.

Instead of showing any interest towards them, the sisters were delicately sipping tea on a picnic blanket. Apparently, they seemed to know their speech by heart and plotted to ignore it for now. Zoe watched them as they acted like the trio was invisible and began complimenting the drinks, clothes, and food.

The trio cried while pointing at them, "CAN'T YOU GIRLS WATCH OUR PERFORMANCE FOR ONCE?" Zoe couldn't hold her laugh any longer and giggled at the sight of SMS struggling to get the sisters' attention.

"But we all already know you three… So there's no use to listen to something you guys repeat every time you approach us," Zahira started while nibbling on a carrot tip.

"Adding the fact that you guys are lame and always lose. And your zip was open the whole time, Nature Boy" Jane grinned while looking away and gulped down a cup of Japanese sake.

Soraku cursed and zipped up his pants. The other sisters all high-fived Jane and Zoe watched the situation. 'Are these guys really that lame until they take no interest in them…I mean, one of them should be powerful.' She noticed how the sisters were actually on edge.

Ricky had tightened her gloves and sat in a position easily for her to stand when needed. Zahira had turned human form and she was cracking her toe knuckles under her lap. Jane had muttered a short incantation and a dagger appeared under her left hand that was resting by her knees. Blaze was the only one who lowered her beverage and faced them.

"Mobious, whatever reason you have to fight us, can you let it rest for now? We have business with the kingdom right now…" She asked politely while standing up and patting off the stray leaves on her pants.

"Sorry, Blaze. I'm on orders' to prevent you guys from reaching the castle and force will be used if you try to defy us," Mobious approached her while his hand swung by his side making a shadow sword form.

At the sight of Mobious's move, the sisters' slowly placed their drinks and snacks down and stood up. With a flick of her hand, the blanket folded up and they all faced the trio. Zoe noticed the serious looks on their expressions and she backed up behind the tree. 'Things are going to get rough. I better stay away from this…' Before she could move closer below the shade, Mobious caught sight of her and frowned.

"Who's she?" he asked while his wings slowly began to form into solid. "Blaze, I'm not going to just let this random individual get stuck in my plans!"

"Wait a second. What was your task exactly?" Blaze asked back while her own solid fiery wings began to take form. "This is Zoe Mckelsi! She's the leader of this task of returning us home. If you don't know her, then why are you even here?"

"Just to stop you from reaching the castle before the red moon, Blaze," he explained. "If the job has anything to do with you, I'm up for the task!"

Blaze then flew up and faced Mobious. She summoned a fire sword and lunged at him. His arm moved in sync with his body and parried with Blaze. They flew side-by-side in a chase to defeat each other. Blaze released her blade and changed it to a fireball and hurled it towards him. He created a dark void before it hit him and the ball of flames disappeared. He glared at the rest and yelled something that surprised Zoe; "Don't you dare try to interfere, guys!"

As the battle commenced, Zoe watched the rest all-watching calmly. The blasts between flames and darkness illuminated the sky above them. It was mesmerizing but at the same time terrifying. Zoe was even more shocked to see the other members of SMS just watching by their side.

"Aren't you guys going to help him?" She asked Soubiyo who just sat down and began to pick through the picnic basket for a snack. "I mean; he's your leader."

"I would rather spare with Jane than interrupt those two," he answered while pulling out a banana and proceeded in peeling it. "I mean, when it comes to those two, nobody can match their strengths. It would've been better if we let them deal with it and then we join in and try to fight her."

Zoe turned to face the Flame sisters who were doing their own business. She noticed that Jane had her eyes on the battle while sharpening her knife. Zoe sat down beside her and joined her in fight gazing before finally breaking the silence.

"Don't you think we should help?" she asked loudly. "I mean; she's your sister."

"Help? You really don't know anything about us, now do you? Blaze and

Mobious are the strongest in each group. They have been rivals for life ever since a certain incident that nobody knows and we can't help them no matter what we do. It's useless if you ask me" Jane scoffed at Zoe's naivety

"But now that you mention it, if Blaze loses, we'll have to fight these guys then…" Zahira muttered while sitting up from the grass. She glanced at Sorako who was also realizing something.

"And if Mobs loses… We'll have to fight you guys anyway…" Sorako muttered while glancing at Ricky who stole half of Soubiyos' beloved banana.

Ricky kept on nibbling the snack while Jane, Zahira, Soubiyo, and Sorako slowly separated into two groups. Zoe grabbed hold of Ricky as Jane turned her cap backward and Zahira let out her claws. Soubiyo ripped off his cloak and flipped open his stopwatch while Sorako summoned vines into the air. The four-faced each other and stood there silently for a moment before all hell broke loose.