Chapter 53-Marking

At the current moment, all the phoenixes that could see into the Phoenix cauldron looked confused as they saw the rise of the power that was meant for Yun Yurou be stopped by her. And it was only then did all those who had forgotten about Xiao's existence focus on him.

Some had an incredulous expression as they saw a human surviving within the cauldron. Though they couldn't tell his cultivation, in the current era, humans were truly looked down upon. Seeing one within their holy land, some of them felt their rage burn.

But sadly for them, they weren't even able to hold onto their rage as they saw Yun Yurou moving towards Xiao. She stood before his cooked figure, where even his figure could only be described as blurry. Seeing it, a huge amount of pain filled Yun Yurou's eyes. Soon her eyes turned serious as conviction burned within her flaming eyes.

'Are you sure you chose him?'

And just as Yun Yurou had made her decision, the very familiar yet faint voice of the phoenix that sent her here was heard within her mind. Hearing it, complex emotions filled Yun Yurou's eyes. As she had awakened her bloodline and inheritance, she had gotten a good idea of who the phoenix was. In a nutshell, the reason they were here was because of it, but the only reason she could awaken was also due to the very same phoenix.

In the end, she knew that she couldn't be petty for being given power, but that didn't mean that she would change her decision. Yun Yurou understood the deeper meaning of what the Phoenix asked her. All phoenixes, be they male or female, will only have a single partner their whole life. Phoenixes give extreme importance to purity.

Hence, they were extremely picky and careful when they chose their mate, with some even remaining single their whole life. All of the phoenixes followed this law to the end, be it a fire, ice, or even a death phoenix. And this was even more important for fire phoenixes, whose flames were the epitome of purity. Once she chose Xiao, there was no going back for Yun Yurou, especially when she planned on passing her mark on him.

'I'm sure,' Yun Yurou replied with utmost conviction to her tone and will. Nothing within the vast world of cultivation would change her will. Just like her flame, her feelings for Xiao burned deeper and fiercer than anything, and they would only grow stronger with time. Even if other things arose to challenge her flame, she was sure that she only wanted Xiao to be the one embracing it.

'I see... then I will give you my luck. The boy seems to be surrounded by the fate of the heavenly tree itself. He seems to have a destiny that is far beyond anything I have ever seen. If you want to stay beside him, you will need strength.'

Hearing the phoenix's words, Yun Yurou's eyes narrowed before memories of the past and some that she herself could not understand flashed through her mind. And when they did, she could feel her desire burning harder. She was sure... sure that even if a millennium passed, she would never regret the choice she made today.

'Good, then go forth.'

These were the final words Yun Yurou heard before she focused on Xiao. Soon, the power she had held back started to flow. Her flame, her pride, and her power started to flow out of her, surrounding Xiao. Yun Yurou willed something from deep within her and brought it out. And as she willed it, a beautiful phoenix-like flame burning deep with Yun Yurou's feelings surged out, taking the shape of a tiny phoenix as it started to flutter around Xiao.

All the experienced phoenixes who were watching had their mouths and eyes open in sheer shock at what Yun Yurou was about to attempt. As experienced as they were, they clearly understood what Yun Yurou was building towards. And all who understood Yun Yurou's worth were completely against it.

"We must stop it!"

A phoenix surged out with his declaration, and the rest accepted his will. But sadly for him, he heard another voice that shut him off.

"That's impossible."

The one who spoke was a woman with bright red hair and eyes. Her eyes were murky and filled with experience. Just her presence seemed to fill the world with suffocation. Not even a hint of Qi could be felt from her. But all who saw her quickly kneeled and bowed as they spoke.

"We greet the ancestral elder!"

The woman called the ancestral elder just nodded her head indifferently as she focused on what Yun Yurou was attempting. Truthfully, she too was against it. but just as she said, she nor anybody else could stop what Yun Yurou was attempting. She opened her mouth and spoke.

"The power she earned was from her will. It was the reward the heavens gifted her after she passed her trial. The decision of what she could do with it is up to her. And you all should know that it's impossible to stop the marking ceremony."

Bitterness filled the hearts of all as they heard the ancestral elder's words. They could only hold their disagreement within their hearts as they watched Yun Yurou slowly and gently pass her mark to Xiao, who by now only had a sliver of his consciousness within him, barely holding on, the little phoenix fluttered its wings as it flew into Xiao, entering deep within his soul, marking him for eternity.

Xiao couldn't tell when or how, but at some point, the heat that threatened to burn him became a bit gentle as it surrounded him in protection. The pain that filled his body also calmed down. And just as a small part of his senses was coming back, something broke past his soul barrier and rapidly disappeared deep into his soul.

Xiao didn't even have time to understand what it was before a searing and humongous power started flooding his body. It was soft, warm, and affectionate. But it was just the beginning. As one of the 11 flames within his Soulfire Veil trembled, among the 11 flames that surrounded him, only one of them had a distinct color.

It was the black one that had just regained its power. Meanwhile, the rest were completely colorless, but now one more awakened. It blazed forth with a bright and powerful purple color, reacting as if it had felt something. It greedily took in the power that was given to it. Right now, its color was pale purple, seemingly struggling to be whole.

Xiao didn't understand what was happening or why everything was happening, but for now, he decided to go with the flow and think about it all later. Kind, unique, and warming flame elements started to surround him. A huge part of their power was supplied to his Soulfire Veil. On the outside, under Yun Yurou's command, the rebirth flame moved as they started the rebirth of Xiao.

The very flames that were the pride of the phoenixes were being used to bring about rebirth in Xiao after he had taken in Yun Yurou's mark. Soon, a powerful wave blasted forth as the rebirth flames surged forth again. But now it was different. Now, they were moving on their own desire to bring about rebirth.

Even Yun Yurou was surprised. It was as if the rebirth flames were honored to be sacrificed for Xiao. Sadly, it was not completely true. Deep within Xiao's Soulfire Veil, the purple flame controlled the rebirth flames like a god commanding its worshippers. It was lofty and prideful, royal and commanding respect.

And soon, changes started taking place...