Chapter 54-Reborn Again

Changes that surpassed the expectations of many started to take place within Xiao. The rebirth flame, under the rule and iron law of the purple flame, initiated Xiao's rebirth with absolute vigor and power. Meanwhile, the tremendous power of the flame elements rushed toward Xiao, converting it into pure power.

His body started to be reborn under the pure power of changes, nowhere else would such drastic change ever take place, his insides to the out were soon made into the best, his meridians becoming robust, lean, and powerful, each and every part of him rejoiced, major changes took place within him and once it was completed, something else started to change.

Soon, Xiao's cultivation began to rise exponentially. Due to being under the power and rule of the rebirth flame, Xiao's foundation remained unaffected and even strengthened to an unimaginable degree. While the majority of the power was used to awaken the purple flame, a small and give him rebirth, an extremely pure part was utilized for Xiao's cultivation. With its unique quality, Xiao's foundation would be unshakable. In a way, Xiao's cultivation itself was reborn.

>Body Refinement Realm!

Level 1

level 2

level 3



.level 9!

>QI Refinement Realm!

Level 1

Level 2




Level 9


>Foundation Establishment Realm!

level 1





Level 9!

>Martial Spirit Realm!

Level 1


Level 3


>Core Forming Realm!

Level 1


Level 3

>Mortal Core Realm!

Level 1


Level 3

>Earth Core Realm!

Level 1


Level 3

>Heaven Core Realm!

Level 1

Level 2!

Xiao's rise in cultivation went against the typical progression of humans in the cultivation world. Each species had its own unique way of advancing. Humans, by nature, couldn't easily break through cultivation realms. While they may not receive the same rapid ascension as other species, humans possess their own special talents.

The cultivation of humans had its own specific restrictions and limitations that needed to be fulfilled in order to progress. Unlike Yun Yurou, who received an instant boost without any effort, Xiao had to navigate and overcome various bottlenecks, restrictions, and limitations.

Fortunately, he had already experienced these challenges in the past and was well-equipped to handle them. Otherwise, he would have met an untimely demise. Though it appeared that Xiao's cultivation was skyrocketing in seconds, in reality, it took hours for a single breakthrough.

There was a distinction between being born with something and being granted something. If Xiao hadn't already surpassed previous obstacles and limitations, the power within his body would continue to grow until he exploded. It may seem unfair from one perspective, but humans were given gifts to level the playing field.

Nevertheless, Xiao's cultivation continued to rise until it reached the Heaven Core Realm at level 2. Whether in the lower heavens or the second heaven, he would be regarded as a genius. If he desired, he could even defeat his own grandfather. If not for the significant amount of power needed to awaken the purple flame, Xiao's cultivation would have soared even higher.

Cracking sounds filled the Phoenix cauldron as Xiao's body became invisible, engulfed by flames. Xiao endured the pain of his rebirth, as his body was broken down and rebuilt again. Though it was an unpleasant sensation, Xiao persisted, concentrating on maintaining his cultivation.

Rebirth did not mean that power was easily granted to Xiao. During this time, he had to carefully utilize and guide the power within him to elevate his cultivation. Unlike Yun Yurou, whose boost was instantaneous, Xiao had to exercise control over the power to prevent his body from bursting apart.

Fortunately, his previous experience helped him avoid the disastrous consequences of being overwhelmed by power. Soon, a swirling tornado of power enveloped Xiao, and the purple flame within his Soulfire Veil burned brighter than before. The dark flame floated a bit farther away, observing the unfolding events.

Deep within Xiao's soul, Yun Yurou's mark combined with Xiao's own boost, although he couldn't currently perceive it. As it spread across Xiao's soul, the purple flame blazed with passion and roared with fervent emotion, bursting out from within Xiao's body.

On the outside, Xiao was encircled by dazzling purple flames that captivated all who gazed upon them. If the previous black flame epitomized death and destruction, the purple flame represented nobility, power, and spirituality. It possessed a regal air, looking down upon others as a king. Its words were the law.

The flame that enveloped Xiao awed onlookers, but the most astonished was the ancestral elder. Her profound gaze widened in never-before-seen astonishment. The purple flame surrounding Xiao made him exude an aura of profundity. At that moment, he felt like a Ruler.

It seemed as though all the flames in the world should bow down to his rule. Even the oldest and youngest phoenixes felt their flames momentarily break free from their control. This shook them to the core but their surprise was only starting.

As Xiao's power increased under his control, the laws of the Omega Asura's wrath became active, and new verses of power filled his mind and soul as the purple flame trembled and formed the symbol Ω on his forehead and just as it did every flame in existing watching bowed their head, the phoenixes from the most powerful to the fearless for the first time feeling their flams betray themselves.

The sky thundered and the realms shook a vague figure started to materialize above the cauldron from within Xiao, the figure formed of blurry lines contained three heads and 6 arms, all its eyes focused down to the world and all the phoenixes could do was watch with great awe as their most inner self screamed to bow down to the mighty figure in front of them.

The sky thunders and lighting storms filled the skies above, and the call of the heavens was heard, one of rage and anger towards the very being it even feared, The blurry figure looked towards the sky, all its three heads shaking for a moment as they disappeared, leaving behind a stunned and yet fearful phoenixes who felt their pride leave them.

Soon, the purple flames around Xiao began to diminish, revealing him once again.

There was little change in his appearance. He still possessed his familiar looks, with the only difference being that his hair now had a patch of purple to it. As flaming purple eyes opened, his otherworldly appearance took one's breath away.

Upon opening his eyes, Xiao felt his body surge with a power he was once familiar with. However, the feeling he experienced now was completely different from before. He was brimming with power, burning to burst forth. Moreover, a tremendous feeling of pride washed over him, filling his mind and body. His eyes became haughty and unyielding. The purple flame surrounding him formed a dashing purple dress, reminiscent of a returning emperor. For a moment, Xiao felt as though he held the whole world in his grasp.

However, Xiao narrowed his eyes, realizing that the purple flame seemed to be exerting control over his mind, imbuing him with an excessive sense of pride. Recognizing the issue, Xiao commanded the purple flame back into his Soulfire Veil. Though reluctant, the flame acquiesced, surging forth one more time before receding into Xiao's body.

He was now standing there, completely naked, but he quickly retrieved a new outfit and dressed himself. Thankfully, the power within the Phoenix cauldron had been fully depleted by the birth of the purple flame. Otherwise, even with his current cultivation, Xiao would have been unable to withstand its power. Just then, he heard Yun Yurou's voice.

"Xi-Xiao, are you okay?"

Turning to Yun Yurou, who had a flushed face and appeared completely transformed, Xiao was momentarily surprised before understanding what had transpired. As he was about to respond, the space around them split and they were taken away, frozen in place.

'Give me a break!' was all Xiao could think as he and Yun Yurou were whisked away.