Chapter 55-Rising Currents

"Boy, who are you?"

Xiao soon faced this question from a beautiful woman who seemed to have witnessed much in her life. Her natural presence blended into the world, radiating a profoundness too deep to be measured. Xiao could even feel his fire control severely restricted under the woman's gaze.

The moment he escaped a life-and-death battle, he was pulled into another one. For once, Xiao simply wanted to find a warm bed and rest. Suppressing his annoyance, Xiao's eyes shifted toward Yun Yurou, who was in a similar situation. Scanning the situation in his mind, Xiao spoke.

"It's just as you think, your excellency."

Hearing Xiao's words, the ancestral elder raised her eyebrows in question, speaking with some power in her tone.

"What do you mean?"

Unfazed by the pressure, Xiao replied.

"Nothing. What I meant is that the situation is just as you have thought."

Xiao's logic was simple. Since he had no idea where he was or what was happening, it was better to go with the flow for now. Rather than making up an excuse, it was best to build upon the thoughts already swirling within the woman's mind. Moreover, he lacked the ability to deceive such a powerful expert.

Hearing Xiao's words, the woman's eyes sparkled with deep thoughts, an unkown level of dread and fear hidden deep within her eyes. The pressure on Xiao and Yun Yurou dissipated, and Yun Yurou wasted no time running up to Xiao to check on him. Her eyes brimmed with gentleness as she ensured that Xiao was not injured.

"Tsk, what a brat," the ancestral elder muttered, rolling her eyes at the sight of a divine phoenix acting like an obedient wife. Despite this, she sighed, realizing she couldn't control Yun Yurou's path. Though Yun Yurou possessed exceptional talent, there was still much to be understood. She looked at Xiao and spoke.

"Boy, do you know the commotion you have caused? Sigh... This Beastial era truly is a bizarre one."

Initially, Xiao didn't pay much attention to the woman's ramblings. However, when he heard the words "Beastial Era," he was momentarily stunned.

'Beastial Era?'

For a moment, Xiao thought he had misheard. But seeing the same stunned expression on Yun Yurou's face, he understood that it was not a mistake. Soon, many missing pieces started falling into place. However, the more proof he saw, the more impossible things seemed. Nevertheless, he calmed down.

Well, he died once, was reborn in another world, then died again, and was brought back to the past. After experiencing all this, mystical things started to lose their impact. Xiao's mind began to contemplate several possibilities, but before he could say anything, the woman in front of him spoke.

"Anyway, both of you should rest and consolidate your foundations. It seems the war will be brought forward."

"War?" Xiao questioned.

Annoyed by Xiao's question, the woman shot him a look before continuing.

"Of course, the war has been accelerated because of both of you. I'm sure they won't hold back once they witness both of your talents. Sigh... Just when we were getting some leeway."

The more Xiao heard, the more questions arose in his mind. Before he could ask anything, the woman waved her hand and vanished. Then, several rows of servants entered the room and led Xiao and Yun Yurou to a specific, luxuriously adorned room. It was one of the most lavish rooms Xiao had ever seen.

The same could be said for Yun Yurou, who kept looking around in awe at the huge room they were brought to. Every aspect exuded profoundness. Thankfully, Xiao was protected from the immense pressure of the Qi in this place, likely due to the role of the purple flame within him. Furthermore, he sensed that the Qi in the room had been adjusted for his comfort.

Relaxation and mind-focusing arrays seemed to be fixed in the room to allow those who had just made a breakthrough to consolidate their foundations safely. As soon as they entered the room, the so-called "servants" closed the door, locking them inside.

Xiao paid no heed as he walked towards the large bed in the room, intending to relax. But just as he lay on the bed, someone else couldn't wait any longer and lay beside him. Turning to the side, Xiao was met with the loving gaze of Yun Yurou. She looked stunning, with her long red-yellow hair with a patch of purple cascading down her back as she lay on the bed. Her beautiful and enigmatic flame-like eyes, complemented by her red dress, adorned her bewitching face, which was filled with a loving smile. For some reason, Xiao felt an uncanny resemblance to the past.

'Wow, she has become so beautiful.'

Thinking this, he quickly shook his head and lay straight on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling. However, it seemed that Yun Yurou wasn't satisfied as she moved closer to him, dangerously close. She looked at him from above, her eyes brimming with happiness as she smiled. Unable to bear it any longer, Xiao spoke.

"What are you looking at so intently?"

Upon hearing Xiao's words, Yun Yurou's expression changed as she pouted at him. Seeing this, Xiao couldn't help but feel his heart flutter. But his surprise was only just beginning, as Yun Yurou replied in an obvious manner.

"Of course, I am looking at my husband."


For a moment, Xiao was dumbfounded, and only a single word escaped his mouth. Seeing his reaction, a mischievous smile appeared on Yun Yurou's face as she laughed. Quickly regaining his composure, Xiao retorted.

"Just when did we get married?!"

Xiao acknowledged that he cared deeply for Yun Yurou, but his feelings hadn't reached the level of love. The Yun Yurou he had almost fallen for no longer existed. When she died, his feelings died with her. Just because they shared the same body didn't mean they were the same person.

The adventures, trials, nightmares, and battles he experienced with the future Yun Yurou were the reasons he had almost fallen for her. But none of that existed now. In a way, the past would remain in the past, well that was what he 'thought' but deep within him, hidden somewhere that no one can gaze at something stirred, trying to focus his thoughts away, not noticing that his actions and thoughts are contradictory. Meanwhile, Yun Yurou, hearing Xiao's words, didn't panic. She moved her hands and held Xiao's hand.

For some reason, Xiao found himself unable to move as he watched Yun Yurou lovingly raise his hand, holding it against her heart as she spoke with a gentle voice.

"Maybe not yet, but I will surely take your heart for myself. I will make sure to be by your side forever."

Yun Yurou's words overflowed with conviction and unwavering spirit. The amount of love emanating from her was so overwhelming that the surroundings heated up with her emotions.