Chapter 58-Peering Through

"I see....."

Xiao nodded his head as Alex finished speaking, he closed his eyes as he started to soak in the knowledge that was given to him, most of the things he asked were basic, it was mostly about how big the world was and the commonly known knowledge of the world which he got to know was named Nirvana.

The whole realm belongs to the Phoenix, who rule over this divine plane, at the current time they are the absolute rulers and holders of power but unknown to all a species that came to destroy their balance drilled into their divine plane, pushing against the confines of the cosmos. The Scylla's are beings born from the pure filth of the Navier Realm.

The one realm that all the beings that live across the vast realms hate to their bone, the Heavenly tree's each leaf represents each realm and dimension, and its body itself holds the balance between chaos and order, in other words, cultivation is only possible because the heaven itself deems it and every realm survives because the Heavenly Tree stays strong.

In Xiao's realm of Quadralia, the fourth heaven is the major controller and the top position of the cosmos, the whole of Xiao's realm has a relevant powerful position, even by taking the whole cosmos, the only thing is that they don't come under a single pantheon or organization, in a way Xiao's realm is complexly bizarre, filled with monstrous powers that are born, keeping the other hungry hyenas eyeing his realm at bay, Xiao's realm hold incredible powers too.

The realm where Xiao comes from isn't the only realm that exists, there are innumerable realms speed across the cosmos, each with power equal to the first, second, or third heaven, in some only humans exist, and in others, there would be other species that call it their home but to all the cultivators their aim would always to reach the top of the realm they live in.

As said some realms are powerful and some aren't, as such when new realms are born they would be soon gobbled up by the powerful organizations or the other pantheons that would directly place their faith within that realm, taking over its resource and faith, tripling their karma.

Calling the fourth heaven a space would be wrong, it is a whole other cosmic realm itself, filled with numerous secrets to still uncovers, the part of the fourth heaven of the Quadralia realm is ranked highly on the cosmic scale, where millions of different powers come together, the fourth heaven is the main ruling powers of Quadralia, the monsters even feared in the cosmos reign there and they keep the realm safe.

Take for example the fairy realm to the spiritual realm, the dream realm of all world spirit masters is to enter the World Spirit Realm realm but none that wasn't born there could enter that realm, the beings there had already reached a level of power and technology that many couldn't believe, all those outside of that realm is just borrowing the power from their realm to be world spirit masters.

Like this millions of powers and mystery fill the cosmos and all of them is held together by the Heavenly Tree that is the base of all, species, power, and even gods fall due to the flow of time but the Heavenly Tree stays straight fighting against all, no one could say how many had died protecting it and none could imagine the sacrifice that had to be made to keep it safe.

Anyhow from what Xiao had understood, he could see that this Navier Realm is something that is hated by all the powers of this Era, they seemed to be beings of unkillable bodies and skills that use their enemy's power to grow stronger, and the worst part being that they don't have any fear, they are just clumps of death and destruction.

Right now they move from realm to realm taking them, devouring them as they grow stronger, with the death of each realm the stronger they grow, at first, they were smart as they kept their movement hidden, but by the time the truly powerful understood it, the beings Scyllas had grown too powerful and now they had shown their fangs against the powerful.

Not only the Phoenix, millions of species were fighting against it, the end of this fight was unknown, but in all likely hood the beings Scyllas must have been eradicated

'I haven't heard of it'

Xiao thought as he mulled over the information, if such a being did exist then by now they would have consumed the Heavenly Tree but The Heavenly Tree still stays strong and no word of them was ever heard, it would mean that the war was won but here's the true question, at what cost?

Such dangerous beings should have made an itch in the dents of history or they should have at least been noted down so that the future generations might be able to fight against it but nothing, no words of the war, granted the Beatsial Era was too far into the past but just the existence of these heaven defying being should have been known yet it was all lost or were they hidden?

Xiao shook his head to get rid of these thoughts, he in no way has any idea on how to deal with it, and truthfully it was above his strength and abilities, all now that he cared about was getting him and Yun Yurou out of here safely, this is the Beastial Era where several divine beasts were born and geniuses like no other were seen.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me who you are?"

Just as Xiao was in his deep thought he was pulled out of it by Naria whose black eyes boor deeply into his black ones that shined with a hypnotic white, hearing her question Xiao blocked his thoughts as he looked at her and spoke

"What do you want to know?"

"Ca-can, you really use an element?"

Even Naria who was quiet and calm couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as she asked this question, hearing it Xiao looked at the rest that though stayed calm were betrayed by the shinning desires deep within them, for a moment Xiao felt lost, to him being born with an element was normal and fighting to gain its strength too was seen to be natural.

But here, just being able to grasp the element meant something great, for him the path was laid out because his ancestors fought for it but how would it feel not to have a path to walk forward to? this was a huge question that would send the most experienced of cultivators into a frenzy a question that was only pondered by the ones that had hit the last block.

Xiao thinking about it felt as if he was hit with a huge block but unknown to him this thought would let him walk a path that would push him into danger he wouldn't even be able to dream about but no one could say if this was good or bad, soon Xiao went into a daze, being lost within a world with so much mystery that his head started to feel clouded.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere within the room had turned awkward as they waited for Xiao's answer but seeing that he was lost in an Epiphany they all stayed silent, knowing how important this could be but what they didn't expect was to see blood come from Xiao's nose! but thankfully, it stopped quickly as Xiao regained his bearing.

After coming out from his epiphany, he is he clutched his head in pain for a few moments, seeing it Alex moved quickly as he pulled out some pills that he feeds to Xiao, it took some time before Xiao was finally able to regain his bearing.

'What the fuck was that!?'

Xiao couldn't help but grumble if he was a bit late then his head would have exploded from trying to peer into a secret he wasn't privy to, well not yet.

"Are you okay?"

Alex asked with a soothing voice to which Xiao nodded his head as he closed his eyes to take in what he had seen, he might have not understood much but just the tip of the iceberg was more than enough to deepen his understanding of the path he walked or would walk.