Chapter 59-Walker Of Death

Time seemed to have stopped as Xiao's entire being was rocked with newfound enlightenment. Xiao could feel it. He had grasped something, but it was blurry and unclear, fading and reappearing. His injuries healed as his mind wandered between possibilities.

Xiao's Soul Core was stimulated, releasing soul energy that clarified his mind. Focusing on himself, Xiao quickly adapted to a cultivation state. His Soul Sense spread rapidly, assimilating the nature of his enlightenment. Time swiftly passed, from seconds to minutes to an unknown duration.

Unbeknownst to him, deep within his body, his blood started to undergo changes. The shackles placed on his blood during his rebirth were removed, granting them freedom.

During this period, his mental psyche seamlessly expanded into something greater. His soul quivered as its quality was upgraded. Suddenly, a pulling force sucked his body into a minor dimension.

The next moment, Xiao instinctively opened his eyes, filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. The sight before him completely awed him, leaving him unable to blink. His gaze swept across the new scenery. Starting from the ground, there was no end in sight. Even when he spread his Soul Sense, Xiao couldn't perceive the limit of this separate dimension.

The ground itself was a strange yet mystical mix. It appeared as a translucent red and black, nearly formless as if there was no ground at all. Mixed within was the most gorgeous black glow Xiao had ever seen. In stark contrast, the sky was a harsh combination of black and grey, emanating a deadly aura. Bright red, luminous blue, piercing yellow, radiant purple, and various other vibrant colors clashed together, creating an almost blinding spectacle.

Standing there, Xiao felt lost and forgotten. The overwhelming world made him feel small and insignificant. What struck him the most was the sense of energy he had never encountered before. It was a combination of several energies, including Qi, soul, spirit, and mental energy.

'How is this possible?' Xiao pondered, momentarily filled with incredulity. This was more surprising than him being transported to the past. However, he quickly shook his head, forcefully calming his mind. He started to calculate and make sense of the situation, realizing one thing by sensing his surroundings: this environment was utterly chaotic.

Merely breathing in the air exerted considerable pressure on Xiao. He felt as if his body was filled with lead, losing full control. A sense of rejection permeated his body, limiting his momentum. Powerful winds of energy buffeted him, forcing Xiao to step back. Then, he heard a sound.

"Um? Someone actually made it here?" the raspy voice inquired. Xiao couldn't discern whether it belonged to a man or a woman. As the voice resonated, the winds ceased, and the crushing pressure disappeared. Xiao's ears burst, causing blood to flow from them. The voice contained immense power, even beyond his current cultivation.

Curiosity filled Xiao as he opened his eyes. An unnatural scene unfolded before him—a throne that had appeared. Amidst the chaotic and colorful world, the dark and black throne seemed fitting. Another observation caught Xiao's attention—the throne was entirely made of swords!

Seated on the beautiful throne was a cloaked figure, completely obscured. The person sat upright and proud. Behind the throne floated five swords arranged in a circular formation. Xiao noticed something peculiar—the entire world had transformed into swords! The ground, the sky, everything he looked at was surrounded by swords. All of them trembled and bent under the person on the throne as if paying respect to their Ruler.

Xiao found himself frozen as he gazed at this astonishing sight. Then, the figure on the throne raised its head, revealing a pair of beautiful blue eyes. Within those eyes, patterns of swords clashing appeared, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Xiao was captivated by the sight, but he soon regained his composure and focused on the blue sword-like eyes hidden within the dark cloak.

"Hmm... a Gravewalker of the Worldiard clan?" the voice spoke again, this time tinged with confusion. Fortunately, this time the being controlled its voice, sparing Xiao any harm. However, its words bewildered him. Gravewalker? Worldiard clan? What on earth were those?

"I noticed that your true self contradicts your age," the being on the throne continued. Confusion filled Xiao, and it took a moment before he replied, "My true self?"

"Yes, it's impossible to deceive me in my world. This place strips away all disguises, revealing one's truest self."

"... Is that so? That would explain why I feel somewhat at ease here," Xiao nodded, finally understanding the strange sensation that had been nagging him. The being eyed Xiao intently as the light in its sword-like eyes intensified. Several seconds passed before it spoke again.

"Tell me, Gravewalker, wha-"

"Not Gravewalker. My name is Xiao."


For a moment, all the swords in the vicinity trembled. The disrespect shown to the being on the throne provoked anger, but it simply chuckled and said, "Gravewalker, you have not earned the right for me to speak your name. Go, survive the ordeal that will find you. You have been through much, but your journey is just beginning."

"If you survive this, I shall call you by your name and honor the promise that was lost in the sands of time. For now, consider this a meeting gift."

As it spoke, the being pointed its covered hand toward Xiao. Immediately, a sword stuck in the ground floated up and flew toward Xiao's chest. Xiao tried to move, but he found himself locked in place. He could only watch as the sword struck his body and was absorbed into him.

As soon as it finished, Xiao felt his body fading and being pulled back. The sensation of being drawn into his body overwhelmed him, and he soon disappeared, leaving the calmness behind in the world of swords. The being on the throne gazed at the spot where Xiao had stood before its gaze broke through the barriers of space and time, landing on something.

"Show me, Gravewalker. Show me the will of the weak," it murmured, and the swords trembled in anticipation.