Chapter 61-Time For A Change

Xiao's eyes widened as he gazed at the breathtaking scenery before him. Hundreds of powerful palaces, islands, and lands floated in the distance, emanating different auras from various beings inhabiting the world of Nirvana. The phoenixes were not the only inhabitants of this realm; countless other beings coexisted, with the phoenixes ruling over this higher plane.

But Xiao wasn't able to enjoy this breathtaking scenery for long as a second quake hit the place shaking it, Xiao could hear the sounds of cracks as the powerful barrier that was covering this place was cracking, seeing it Xiao's eyes narrowed, and he could tell that whatever was outside was not something that could be taken lightly.

"W-What's happening?"

The shy-looking blue-haired Momin spoke with a pale look but soon they seemed to understand something as a revolting and chaotic feeling started to build around them as the surrounding Qi started to act out of control, Xiao's body trembled naturally as he felt a familiar feeling, similar to the entity he had faced before but right now the feeling was at least ten times worse.

He could feel his body revolting at this, soon powerful auras started to appear from within the different palaces and islands, the very surroundings trembled to their power, the heat within the surrounding increased heavily, and the enraged roars of the phoenixes resounded around the world, feeling their pride being trampled upon.

Hundreds of figures flew out of different places heading in a single direction, it was a beautiful sight to gaze upon but the hardened expression of the people floating away spoke something else, Xiao gazed at all this as an idea about the situation formed within his mind.

"The Scyllas, they are here"

Alex spoke with a pale face, hearing it Xiao understood that the situation was grim!, his instincts were screaming danger and from the earlier words, he could understand that they were here for him and Yun Yurou, it might not be bad for Yun Yurou since now she's a full-fledged Phoenix but it was different for him since he was human!

If it came down to it, they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice him for their own safety. Unfortunately, Xiao had no knowledge of the marking ceremony Yun Yurou had performed with him. If he did, he would not have thought this way. He quickly realized that he needed to escape or find a safe hiding place. However, before he could take any action, he felt his entire being freeze.

"Oh? You're awake. That's good," A playful voice reached his ear causing his eyes to widen at the familiar voice, after all, how could he forget the voice of the woman that had sent him into a flaming hell!, Xiao moved his eyes as he looked up, seeing the beautiful woman with a face similar to Yun Yurou, currently beside her floated Yun Yurou who was similarly being retained.

Before Xiao could utter a word, they were lifted off along with the others, completely powerless as their abilities were inferior to the current Empress of the Phoenix, someone known as one of their greatest geniuses. Xiao could only sense a blur, and the next moment, he found himself floating in the sky alongside several others.

It took a few seconds for Xiao to regain his mind as he gazed at the scene in front of him and it gave him chills, right in front of him floated millions of different types of beings that he had killed before but the difference was that just one among the one in front of him was enough to kill him with a gaze.

Xiao could feel the black flame within him trembling with desire to come out but Xiao controlled it, unlike the first time he was now able to control it barely, as he restrained it from bursting out of his body, right now at this battlefield he doesn't have a place, Xiao wasn't able to focus on it for long as all the people that was floating gave way as they bowed to their Empress, even the old fogies, elders bowed while the ancestors gave her a nod.

But all their eyes widened as they gazed at Xiao and Yun Yurou who were brought here against their wish.

"Amber! Why did you bring them here?!" the ancestor from earlier confronted Amber, the Empress, with anger in her eyes. Amber, nonchalant, faced the ancestor and replied calmly.

"They need to witness this. It will be beneficial for their future path, and they should understand our sacrifices if they ever feel that we were unfair."

Amber's words were clear and precise, resonating with those who paid attention. Many were puzzled, but the higher-ups understood the deeper meaning behind her words, their expressions slightly complicated. Ultimately, they shook their heads and refocused on the enemy before them.

Meanwhile, the ancestor calmed down as she heard Ambers's words after which she looked at Xiao and Yun Yurou for one last time as she walked away, she knew how stubborn Amber was and right now she was the Empress and she didn't want to undermine her power.

"Let me go!"

At the same time, Yun Yurou finally spoke as her angered eyes focused on Amber, finally, she looked at Xiao trying to see if he was hurt seeing that he was fine her eyes narrowed as the power within her rumbled at her rage but all it took was a single swing from Amber's hand as that power disappeared, Amber gazed at Yun Yurou as she spoke.


Those were her only words as she left them floating in the sky while the most powerful among them moved forward, advancing toward the strongest Scyllas who stood above the rest, their eyes gleaming with intelligence. Those left behind struggled to comprehend the situation as the powerful figures engaged in conversation.

Everyone watched as some kind of talk took place but they weren't able to understand much, soon an earthshaking roar took place that shook everyone that watched, they could see that Amber roaring to the sky with reddened eyes with a maddened glint, it wasn't just her the rest too looked royally pissed!

Soon Amber was pulled by the rest as a huge sound of a drum being hit spread across the world was heard, somehow it was heard within the mind of every being, and all those that heard it had a hardened expressions as they understood the meaning behind it

War was Here!