Chapter 62-Misunderstanding Truth(?)

The sound of the drum reverberated not only within the phoenix's domain but throughout the entire world. All who heard it grew pale, for the drum signified only one thing: war. A war that would determine the fate of the realm they called home. Even the monsters dwelling deep within the plane of Nirvana rushed to the highest point of the world, where the phoenixes resided. Their sole purpose was to defend the land they cherished.

Meanwhile, deep within the palace where Xiao and Yun Yurou had initially arrived, they found themselves once again. However, this time, the woman who had initially looked down on them now sat on the throne, her eyes filled with anger. Neither Xiao nor Yun Yurou had any understanding of what was unfolding.

Xiao had expected an immediate confrontation, but instead, he witnessed the woman, who had brought him pain, screaming in a frenzy while the other elders restrained her, preventing the war from commencing prematurely. It appeared that, for now, the war would be delayed. However, the pressing matter for Xiao was to comprehend the somber atmosphere that surrounded them.

What he could gather was that Empress Amber had suffered the loss of someone dear to her. It was evident from her expression and the uncontrollable rage burning within her. Xiao had witnessed that look many times before, particularly during his time as a merciless killer. The expression of loss was etched into his memory.

Having seen it countless times, Xiao recognized that the person lost must have held a high position, as the other phoenixes appeared equally shocked and sorrowful. The atmosphere in the throne room grew increasingly somber as everyone waited in silence. Eventually, the ancestor from before broke the silence, her eyes reflecting complex emotions.

"We shall avenge his death. The blood of a phoenix shall be repaid with blood," she declared, her voice resolute and strong. Her words stirred deep and powerful rage within everyone present. Their emotions materialized in the form of their flames, roaring around them. Even the elderly and ancestral phoenixes displayed defiant flames, their dwindling emotions reignited.

No one would be permitted to disrespect the dignity of a phoenix. Any such offense would be met with bloodshed.

"Shouldn't we inform her?" the ancestor spoke, finally directing her gaze toward the bewildered Yun Yurou. The elders shared complex emotions but eventually nodded in agreement.

"We should. She has the right to know," they concurred. As they conversed, Yun Yurou grew increasingly confused. She wasn't the only one left in the dark; others felt equally lost. Just as the ancestral woman was about to speak, Amber interjected, finally opening her reddened eyes and addressing Yun Yurou.

"Child, your father is dead," she uttered.



Both Xiao and Yun Yurou wore stunned expressions upon hearing Amber's words. Yun Yurou's father had died? What nonsense was this? Initially shocked, Xiao quickly snapped out of it, his mind working through various scenarios. It finally dawned on him that there had been a misunderstanding.

Xiao acted swiftly, grasping Yun Yurou's hand to gain her attention. Without hesitation, he communicated telepathically.

'Yurou, don't say anything. Just act surprised and go along with it.'

Though confused and a bit disgruntled at perhaps lying to her ancestors, Yun Yurou accepted his instruction and turned her gaze back to Amber. By this point, the other elders had noticed their interaction, but they paid no mind as Amber continued.

"We have received confirmation that your father's life flame has been extinguished. Those wretched Scyllas did it!" Amber's voice choked with emotion as she struck her throne, causing cracks to appear.

Meanwhile, those unaware of the true circumstances engaged in conversations among themselves. Xiao keenly observed them and soon understood the misunderstanding. It seemed that the deceased individual was Amber's younger brother.

The prince, who was beloved and cherished within the palace, was different from the others. He disregarded social status and conventions, even falling in love with a human servant girl. However, problems arose from their relationship, and the rejection and disdain from others were just the beginning.

Tragically, the woman he loved was found dead in her room. Faced with rejection, the man named Norack disappeared, expressing his frustration. Everyone dismissed it as a tantrum, believing that the death of a worthless human servant girl held no significance. It had been fifty years since his disappearance, but to the phoenixes, that period was as brief as five years. They were not concerned, as they believed nothing could harm him in their world.

"It must have been your father who sent you here. Only he had the right to enter my throne room without permission. Moreover, when you appeared, I sensed a familiar flame signature," Amber spoke with a mix of emotions.

She had loved and doted on her little brother, recognizing his talents that were nearly on par with her own. Never had she imagined that he would perish within the world she ruled. Fate was truly cruel. Restraining her emotions, Amber continued.

"They killed my brother, and now they want to kill my only remaining kin?"

Calmness returned to her eyes as she spoke. Her anger radiated, shaking the world with its intensity. She vowed to incinerate those who dared harm her loved ones, ensuring that death itself would be their retribution. Her chilling gaze swept across her surroundings as she issued her orders.

"Contact the war-loving supreme orcs. Provide them with the treasures they desire. Spread the news to the dragons, high elves, and the reigning wings of the Blood Heavenly wolves. We will ensure that these abominations do not leave this Realm of mine."

Amber's command served as the final verdict, and everyone set out to make it a reality. Even now, powerful figures hidden within the realm continued to converge. Amber rose from her throne and approached Yun Yurou, who remained in a daze.

Everyone mistook her expression for shock stemming from the recent revelations. Amber then turned her attention to Xiao, who stood beside Yun Yurou, holding her hand.

Afterward, Amber shifted her focus to Yun Yurou, who had always protected Xiao. For a moment, her figure seemed to blend with that of her brother, flooding her mind with memories, stirring her heart. Amber composed herself and spoke with a smile.

"Like father, like daughter..."

With those words, she placed her hand on Yun Yurou's head and continued.

"I suppose it's time I bestowed upon you our family name..."