Chapter Nine

Zach's gentle push woke me up, "We landed. Wake up, sleeping beauty."

He picked up our bags and helped me through the crowd. Once, we got out of the whole airport rush, he called his friend who picked us up.

It was hot, extremely hot, and everything looked and felt exotic. Where were we? Some island, probably. His friend, a man who looked in his early 30's came up to Zach and they shared, what I called, a bit too long, brotherly embrace.

"Zachary, friend, it's been too long!", the man smiled at Zach.

"Yes, it has. But we are here. This is Jessica… a friend," he pointed at me and now that I was visible to everyone, I extended my hand to his friend.

"Jessica, this is Tom."

Tom ignored my hand and gave me a firm hug. What a warm and welcoming person. I wonder if everyone here is like this.

"Jessica, welcome to…," but before Tom could announce the name, Zach stopped him, "No, no… Tom, it's a secret."

"Oh," he nodded and took the bags. He loaded our bags in the back of the car, and soon, we were off to the hotel. The two off them spent the whole drive to the hotel, reminiscing. From what I managed to hear, I was busy looking through the window, and enjoying the nature, these two were partners. They used to travel and do crazy things together. That, assured me, that I was in good hands after all.

He dropped us off to a, what could be describes as, quite a view. Not only did the hotel look beautiful, but the view was amazing. The hotel, the name which I couldn't pronounce, was situated on a small hill, and looked over the beautiful river. It was surrounded by mountains. And the air. The clearest air I could smell and breathe. I inhaled deeply, trying to feed my lungs with the cleanest and healthiest food it could get.

While I was literally absorbing the view around me, Zach checked us in, and we headed to our rooms. Our rooms were on the fourth floor and next to each other.

"Why don't you unpack, get settled, and get ready for dinner?"

I nodded, and he entered his room. I tried so hard, not to show how excited I was, so the moment I opened the door and entered my room, I started jumping like crazy. Hands in the air, legs in the air. The whole thing. I couldn't remember when the last time was I felt this excited about something. I had to stop jumping like crazy because I was running out of breath. So, while I was trying to catch some breath, something else took it away. The room.

On my left side, was a big living area, equipped not only with the big plasma tv, but also with a fireplace decorated with flowers, and not the fake ones. Real ones. Probably handpicked. The carpet was white and looked way to expensive. There was a big desk and a chair in the corner, all way too fancy, and huge windows that began from the floor and went right up to the ceiling. In the middle of the ceiling was a huge, most lavish crystal chandelier. I assumed that the chandelier alone could pay for my college. I walked towards the center of the room, and noticed that it led to another room, onto my right. The master bedroom.

The bed was huge, and could probably fit five people, easily. There was a crystal lamp, on the bedside table, on each side. Further from bed, there was a white folding screen, to my right, and it had some beautiful artwork on it. To my left was a huge closet, which I calculated would probably cost as much as a car. Now, if only a had a bag big enough for the chandelier and the closet. I put my criminal tendencies aside and walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom was even bigger than the living area. The bathtub, that I think was a jacuzzi also, was as big as the bed. The mirrors were huge and went all the way around the bathroom. The bathroom was also decorated with some beautiful artwork on the walls, and all around were most beautiful, and colorful flowers. I needed to get out, it was too pretty to look at. That was a mistake, since I walked into a balcony that overlooked the hotel's garden. I put my hands on the balcony and closed my mouth. This was all way too much, for a teenage girl. I felt a pang of sadness, knowing that these two weeks, we will spend here, that that's the only time I will ever get to enjoy this. So, I put my bags on the bed and started to look through them, trying to find something to wear for dinner. I wanted to look pretty. Not just for myself, but for him. Stop it. I shook my head. You're not here to fall for someone, or to have a fling. You're here on an important mission. To enjoy life.

"Ah, there you are…"

I was in the middle of zipping my dress when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Zach, are you ready?"

"Almost. Can you come in?"

I was wearing a red summery dress, which I bought a couple of days before the operation. I was supposed to wear it on my 16th birthday. It was my present to me. I babysat the whole summer and saved up some money. It still fit me. I had lost some weight, I mean that happens when you are fed through a straw, for two years. But a couple of days of home cooking, brought the weight right back.

He walked in and saw me standing in front of the mirror, struggling. I couldn't reach for the zipper on the back, which resulted in me voicing my irritation with some "Damn it."

I looked in the mirror, and saw him just standing there, looking at me. Did he like what he was seeing? Did I look good? I shook my head. I didn't have time for this.

"So, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help a girl out?"

"Ah, yeah, sorry," he walked over to me, and zipped me up, "There. You're helped out."

"Oh, shut up. Let's go," I playfully punched his arm, and we headed off to dinner.

If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I'm a cheap date. Take me to McDonalds, or any place where I can stuff my face in food, and you're done. I don't need fancy restaurants where their main course is one potato and a small cherry on top, that's not even edible, but for decoration.

I was sitting in the open, in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen, with flowers and trees surrounding me, and with the breeze in my hear. This was something quite different for me. This dining area was breathtaking. The trees were so tall, that it seemed as if they touched the sky. There were wires with small lightbulbs everywhere and were sort of connecting the trees. I think I saw swings on some of the trees. I could even hear a waterfall in the distance. The sounds of waterfall were faintly drowned by a band playing music. I felt like I was in a movie.

Zach has ordered our drinks and meals. The drink I got was in an actual coconut, with a pink umbrella. I loved it. So, as we were sitting there, enjoying not only the food and drinks, but the view of the pool that was in the center of the hotel restaurant, I thought this was the best time to poke a little bit, and maybe find out what he was hiding from me, concerning my surgery.

I was fiddling with my napkin, when I started my questioning, "So… why did Doctor Jenkins retire? I mean, he never told me he was planning that, and we were very talkative with each other?"

He cleared his throat and sat straighter, "He has been talking about his retirement for the last few month, so it was his decision all along. The timing was a bit strange, but luckily I was available and jumped right in, and as you can see, it all turned out well," he smiled uncomfortably.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and continued, "He quit during my surgery. That's unheard off, I don't know even if it's legal?"

Zachary leaned in, across the table, "Now, why are you worrying your pretty head about things that are in the past? Look where we are, and all the things we are going to do. For, tomorrow I have planned on some water rafting, what do you think about that?"

He was trying to change the subject. I wasn't stupid. I was lacking small part of my brain, but the rest I still had, was working perfectly. His announcement did impact me, so as usual, I decided to leave it. He wasn't spilling any beans tonight.

The food was unlike anything I have eaten before. Back home, we do have food from all around the world, this is the 21st century after all, but it's never the same as when you eat it from the place they actually grow it and make it. There was a lot of rice, chicken, vegetables, and it was delicious. A bit spicey for me, but delicious none the less.

"Ok, so are you finally going to tell me where we are?" I managed to say, with my load chewing and with my mouth full of food. In the process I spat out a chunk of food on the table.

He laughed and almost choked on his drink, "We are somewhere in Indonesia, that is the only thing I'm telling you. So, just enjoy your food, and maybe eat a little slower, we don't won't you chocking just yet," he made a weird face while observing my eating actions.

"Hey, I've been fed through a straw for two years. Give me a break."

He talked, and I ate, like a pig. He talked about his early life, his medical studies, how he had always wanted to be a doctor and a surgent, how nobody actually believed he was going to achieve what he achieved, and at the early age also. It was quite inspiring to listen to him. A bit cheesy, but inspiring.

"And how do you know Tom?" I said, stabbing a piece with my fork.

"We studied together, when he decided he wasn't really cut out for medicine, and decided he was going to travel around the world, and live life to the fullest. Something like you are doing right now?"

"Oh, you studied together," he nodded, "So he's your age than, cause I though he was older."

He laughed, "I'll pass that on to him."

"No, No, don't," I protested, and continued, "Yeah, but he isn't sick."

"That's true. He's also an adrenaline junky, and you are not. Every summer, I would call him up, he would tell me where he was, and we'd do something crazy. I learned a lot about extreme sports from him."

"And now, you are going to pass that knowledge to me, right?"

"Hm, let's not go that far," he chuckled.

"I tried," I smiled back.

"Yes, you did."

There was a short period of silence, when he started a different subject, "So, that boy of yours, that isn't your boy anymore. How are you feeling about that?"

I placed my knife and fork back on the plate, finishing the meal.

"Well, hm…let me see, disappointed, betrayed…."

"Betrayed? By him?" He was confused.

"Both, both by him and life. He moved on without my permission. I mean, I know it sounds weird, but he moved on, and life didn't allow me to have a say in it. To react. For me, we're still in a relationship, I still l…," I stopped myself saying the word "love", because I wasn't sure whether I did love him. I wasn't sure whether I knew what love is.

"I still care about him, and I have unfinished business with him. I can't let him go just like that."

He looked at me for a while, then spoke, "You should try putting yourself in his shoes, and looking at it from his perspective?"

"Why should I? He's not looking at it from my perspective?"

"Maybe, he has, but he has a different life now, and doesn't live in the past anymore," he stopped me from interrupting him, " and yes that past for you may be a bit distorted, but, as I told you, you need to stop living in the past, and enjoy the present, now, here…I mean, look at where we are?" He opened his arms, as if he were surrounding to something.

"Ok, ok, next subject. Stop yelling and sit straight. People are looking," I laughed.

He then stood up, and bowed a little bit while extending his arm to me, "Will the sleeping beauty do me the honor of a dance?" I looked around. No one was dancing. But, who cares, I guess. I didn't, anymore. So, I smiled, and stood up, taking his hand, "How formal, doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor right now," he looked at the guy playing the piano, and just nodded to him, signaling him to play something, I guess slow and danceable.

Was he flirting with me? Like, just a little bit. I think he was flirting, so I flirted back.

He put one of his hands on my lower back, and with his other, he took mine into his, and initiated the slow dancing.

"So, how about your love life, doctor, who isn't a doctor now? I assume you live the bachelor's life."

"And why would you assume that?"

"Well, first, there is no wedding ring on your finger, second off all, there were no pictures of your wife at your desk, and third, call it a hunch, but you don't seem like the type to settle down."

He smiled, "Great deduction skills, and interesting."

I shrugged, "Thank you. I try my best."

He was so different. Different from Michael. Michael was fun, but safe fun. With him you always knew what you're going to get. He played it safe, and it payed off. Maybe the age had something to do with it. Michael was close to my age, a little older, but still a kid. Yet, he was getting married. I still couldn't wrap my head around it. But, then again, I was contradicting myself. Wedding was a safe option. Oh no, she's pregnant, isn't she? No, stop it. Maybe, I should have coffee with her, and see what she has, that I don't. Probably, a large belly. Stop it.

Zachary suddenly pulled me a bit closer to him. Maybe, too close for comfort. I could feel the heat of his body, it was radiating to me, and I felt those butterflies again. So different. He's charming, funny, smart, skilled, I mean he is a surgent, of course he's skilled. But, with him, you were never sure of anything. I keep finding out new things about him every day. He seems like a restless soul. Like a lone wolf. And he seems to like it like that. So, why should I try to change that.

I started to feel a bit dizzy. Everything was getting to me. The whole day.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little bit dizzy. It's so hot here," I touched my forehead, to find it hot and sweaty. It was a reminder of my condition.

"Yes. We should go and rest. We have a big day ahead of us."

He walked me to my room. And, yes, I know it wasn't technically, walking to my room scenario, if his room was next to mine, but let the girl enjoy her fantasy. He swiped his card, and the doors clicked open.

"Get some rest, and I'll wake you up tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night," I opened my door, and headed straight for the bed.