Something is wrong with my body. I can't feel anything, at all.

"You must have been poisoned."

"Ah?!" I look at the guy with a doubtful expression.

"Your skin has a weird complexion. Your eyes are red; you are trembling all over. It must be mangradora poison. The ones we have here are deadlier after all." Mangradora...I know Tatiana got poisoned. Was I also? But I was not wounded like her, or maybe I did not feel it.

"Mangradora's poison is contagious for a while when it has been injected, all those in the vicinity of the poisoned get poisoned if they are not careful enough. Surely the blood of the somebody poisoned touched you or maybe some of his fluids."

Yeah, well, I was stabbing her so… Wait, did she know that? Is that why she was smiling? REALLY A BITCH YOU WERE TATIANA!

"He will die soon; there is no need to be considerate. Let send him back."

"Why are you always like this? Would it kill you to be a little compassionate?"

"You died forgotten and branded a heretic because of me. Because you were compassionate."

"It was not out of compassion. And this no reason to…"

"Yes, it is. Please stop, I don't like to argue with you."

"Yeah, you never did. I know." Maria looks depressed, something bad must have happened to these two. But what could happen to the hero that would be so bad? Is she not sent by MEETIA?

"I am sorry Kevin, due to our circumstances, we must send you back fast. Please, do not think badly of us. We really want to help you, but we can't. We just can't." Maria looks at me. That look, like she is looking a someone so pitiful you can't help but want to save him. I hate it. I hate people looking at me like that.

"Because of the goddess?" I ask casually.


"See, I told you this is trouble!! We must act fast; she surely is observing already!" Both maria and the guy jump back at my question. Or is it more accurate to say that they flew? The chit-chat atmosphere changes in an instant to a very heavy one, even the forest's trees behind us start shaking.

"You are the one who said something about the goddess coming down for you, that is why I asked. It looked like you had a big problem with her. You even said you would have done something to her."

"Hm…Yes. Yeah, he is right, you did." The air becomes breathable again. These two must have been really powerful. Even as ghosts, they still seem to be plenty strong. How can ghosts be strong anyway?

"I-I see. Perhaps I was too hasty. I am sorry." The guy becomes a little red. Yeah, you should feel more shame for threatening me like that out of nowhere.

"PUHAHAHA! You are totally gullible right now, N'DONKEU!! PUHAHAHA!"

"Don't say my name, you muscle idiot!!!"

"Oh!" Maria put both her hands in front of her mouth in a hurry. But, you're a ghost anyway, does it really matter? And I heard it already.

"You are an idiot!" The cold dude: N'DONKEU, as it is his name, is looking at Maria as if to scorn her, but somehow, there is also a hint of relief and compassion. Is he glad she is an idiot? Couples do have their weirdness, I suppose.

"So, your name is N'DONKEU." I ask him playfully.

"Fuuu… Yes, it is. The water is spilled already, so it doesn't matter much. I am N'DONKEU: the most proficient user of Angas there ever was on this world. As for the rest, you are not ready to hear it."

"Okay, your name is enough, anyway."

"Okay, now that everyone is acquainted, we can speak more freely, right?" Maria intervenes as soon as N'donkeu finishes introducing himself, with her hands on her hips and her chest pushed in front. "Kevin, as he said, your body is in terrible shape right now. Left like this, you will probably die in less than one hour at best."

"Even less, he has lost blood too. Goddamn, who treats a kid this way?". N'donkeu is shocked at the state of my body. Weren't you playing the cold guy earlier?

"Anyways, we can't do much for you as we have explained, but we can least make sure you survive and send you somewhere. This much is fine, right?" She looks at N'donkeu while asking.

"Yes, I think she won't feel anything even if she… Wait kid, you can't use Angas? I don't feel any Angas power from you, though there is something else."

"Yeah, I can't. Actually, I don't even know what Angas is anyways." I answer him with a bit of irritation. There are too many things I don't know, and it starts to enrage me.

"Okay, then, we were afraid for nothing, if you can't use it, she can't connect."

"She could never connect to you, though." Maria seems surprised at his remark.

"Because I severed it. Let's heal him. I can't stand to see him like this any longer."

"Roger that! Kevin, close your eyes and sit down, will you?" After I sit down as Maria told me, I suddenly feel some weird energy entering me with great force. Although it is not forceful, it is still strong enough to not be rejected. I want to open my eyes to see what is going on, but then I hear N'donkeu.

"Keep your eyes closed. I need to focus." Are my eyes such a hindrance to you? I keep my eyes closed for a couple of minutes.

"Okay, you should be feeling much better now." Maria tells me with a cheerful voice.

"Not really, I don't feel any difference." My eyes are still closed.

"He was poisoned for a long time, and his body was already quite damaged. He must have lost at least one or two senses. Kid, you can open your eyes; we will run some tests. Can you see us? If you can, describe at least one thing, it should be enough." N'donkeu asks me while crossing his arms around his chest. He is not that muscular.

"You are quite tall for somebody with a girl's voice."

"If you can make jokes, then you are fine." N'donkeu doesn't react to my provocation. His crossed arms just move a bit.

"And me?! And me?!" Maria cuts in and steps in front of me with a big smile, hand raised.

"You have big breasts." Take that, you hero!

"Kyaaa!!" While screaming like a little girl, Maria tries to cover her chest with her arms, but well, they are visible. Those breasts are indeed big. The armor only accentuates them more.

"Okay, eyesight is still good. next, your ears." Just like that, we test all my five senses one by one.