When the others enter, they are all quiet. The atmosphere is so dense and quiet, I feel like it is even hard to breathe. Then, Demether clears his throat.

"As said and decided earlier, Kevin will be beheaded on the podium to save all of us. He has agreed to meet the king before his execution and will recognize that he was sent here to assassinate me. This way, we will come out unscathed from this."

When he finishes, he stands up and the butler removes the chair.

"Now, I must excuse myself. I have important matters to attend."

"Your majesty please!" Rose tries to interpose when he starts moving. At the same time, I think I heard Borgas saying.

"Can't this woman just shut up?"

Right after Borgas's sentence, I suddenly hear a weird sound. When I look at the direction of the sound, which is near the entrance of the room. I see Rose strangling Borgas while lifting him with one hand.

When did she move there? She was right in front of the prince a moment ago. And apparently, she also heard what Borgas said. The prince didn't even mind that and just continue walking, Andre follows him and closes the door behind them.

"All this is because of you. You propose the duel to the prince. You made Kevin a knight. All that to please that murderer of a woman!" Rose strangles Borgas even more. Borgas is not a child. He is an adult and a massive one at that. But, Rose is lifting him with one hand like it's a simple thing to do.

"And so what? We can't do anything about it now. If you had trained him like you were asked to, he wouldn't even be alive to this day. This is also your fault."

"WHAT?!" Rose strangles so hard that saliva came out of Borgas's mouth. "I should have done what then? Torture him? You really think I didn't do as you shitty bastards asked?" This the first time ever I heard Rose cursing. "This guy is one in a million. No, even in a billion. He overcame the training that even the best of my students had a hard time following. And they were adults whereas he is a child. And you say what? I should have trained him as you asked? Who are you do tell me what to do when you can't even act like a proper man?"

Everybody is just watching as Rose displays her rage and strength on Borgas. Or maybe they also resent him somehow.

"Rose, please stop. This is not the time." Mark finally steps up and speaks. When he does, Rose releases Borgas and backs away.

"I will never forgive you or her! Mark my words!"

After coughing up good, Borgas just looks at her while smiling: "try to stand to your husband before talking to me woman!"

Rose grits her teeth and raises her leg.

"Stop, I said." At Mark's words, Rose stops and comes to my side.

Borgas starts laughing while standing up. "As I thought."

"Stop provoking my wife, Borgas. Or you will answer me. What she said is not wrong at all. And trust me, in times, I will make sure you pay for that."

"Even though you can't defeat Veronica? You act quite arrogant now that Father has announced you as the next head. Just don't forget that the future is always unknown, BROTHER." Saying so, Borgas exits the room.

Rose is now kneeling again while holding my hand.

"I am so sorry Kevin. I promise you I will do anything I can to-"

This is enough, I must stop her from doing something she will regret.

"Can't you stop already?!!" It is better to sever our ties now or she might disturb the plan. "I already told you. I am not your child. I don't know why you are so affectionate with me but it disgusts me. You don't know anything about me. I don't know anything about you. So, stop trying to act all caring with me. I hate you and I always had. So go away."

I was harsh. I was too harsh. Rose explodes in tears, stands up, and leaves the room. Lanuvel looks at me like I am the worst human being she had ever seen.

"To think that I even shed tears for you and felt sorry. You are the worst."

Then she also leaves the room. Followed by Romas, her husband. Now, only Secily and Mark are left.

"I don't know why you did this. But, I will stay by your side until the end as your doctor. And as your doctor only."

Secily now also leaves.

"You went a bit too far there. But, it is better this way. I will tell her later on. She is a very attentive and kind woman. I love her so much for that. As for the reason why she is like his with you. It is because our first child died when he was two. At the time, she was away to battle against the Longinus. So, I think she is seeing him in you. And perhaps I am as well. That's why, Kevin, if you do survive, please, come back here one day. This the request of a man to a man."

Mark is now kneeling while holding my hand, just like Rose did earlier.

"I will try to at least."

"That's plenty enough." Mark smiles and stands up then leaves the room.