KEVIN KOERSOMBRE POV:

Tonight, for the first time, I am eating as much as I want. After my training with Selene, I have managed to catch a deer that was passing by. Using physical aura really is helpful. I roast it well after cleaning it and takes the right leg for myself.

"Hm, thich ish sho ghooch!"

"Don't speak while you eat, punk!" Selene reprimands me immediately.

Why is she always angry? I go and sit in the corner to savor my leg without any disturbances. Excafol comes back while I sit. He was bathing outside. Although he is an old man, his body is not. He is ripped with abs. his body is in very good shape. Unlike Selene; she is more on the plump side. Though not too fat, maybe because she does those quests from time to time.

"Selene, did you eat?"

"No, obviously. I am waiting for you."

Selene's bracelet shines and a medium-size pot appears together with two dishes. When she opens it, I smell the melancholic odor of a chicken well cooked with vegetables and potatoes. Even though I am eating, my mouth drools like a fountain. Ah, Tatiana special spiced ch…. Well, it has been a long time since I ate chicken, that's for sure. Selene fills a dish and gives it to Excafol.

"Thank you, dear." Dear?

I never heard him saying that. At least not to Selene. Selene acts like nothing and fills her own dish. She is used to it it seems. It feels like watching an old couple. Though Selene looks a bit younger than she actually is I suppose. After about ten minutes, Excafol looks at me and smiles.

"You should ask her to teach you how to cook. She is very nice." Is he talking abou-

"I won't teach him anything. He can handle himself." Yes, he was talking about Selene.

"Why are you so angry? Hm." Excafol starts caressing her cheek, then her hair, Selene blush a bit and then stands up straight.

"Stop that, not here at least." And she goes to the second room of the house.

I haven't slept there at all since I need to write the translation of the book and train during the night. But I think Excafol did put a bed there. Oh well, not my problem.

Excafol finishes eating and stands up: "Good night Kevin." Then he also goes to the room. He never went to sleep there until now. Not my problem.

I go and check the pot, there is still one or two pieces of chicken with some carrots. When I put the chicken in my mouth. The explosion. So many flavors exploding in my mouth. The chicken meat melting. I roll over and almost hit my head on the wall. It is so good. I don't care what she will do tomorrow, I must eat the rest. I empty the pot, eating with my bare hands, and put it back. Then I sit at my usual place and start my training. I don't feel like translating today and Excafol stopped reading two days ago anyway.


"You know. I am wondering something." Two is as talkative as always. I could say I felt relieved to be able to talk to somebody but in this case, it makes me feel even more lonely.

"About what?"

"Aura. You know, water is blue, earth is brown, lightning is grey, and so on. But why is light gold?" Yesterday, we tested all the different auras trying to find a way to use darkness but we couldn't in the end. We did find out that Light elemental aura has a gold color.

"I don't know. I will ask Excafol tomorrow morning. for now, let's try the same as yesterday. I will use physical and two elemental auras, you will use two."

"Okay. I pick fire and earth then."

"Then I will take lightning and water." When I spend my time in here, I don't feel tired the next morning nor do I feel sleepy. I wonder why. Maybe I am actually sleeping.

"Two, when I am here, what happened in reality?"

"Is here not real?"

"What?" What is he saying?

"I mean, I have only ever been here so for me, it looks pretty real. And empty."

"Just answer my question."

"I don't know either. To be able to talk with your subconsciousness like this, I am pretty sure you are in a deep sleep." This guy, I swear.

After a good while, we stop the exercise: "we last for how much?"

"Four hours I think." Why do two also look exhausted?

"Why are tired? You don't even have a body?"

"So because I don't have a physical body I can't be tired?!"

"I thought so at least." So even you can get mad uh?

Using four elemental auras and physical aura, I must look just like that rainbow pool I saw that day. It is hard to maintain them for now though. While I am thinking about which elemental auras we will use tomorrow. Two is thinking about something. he also looks at me, hesitant.

"What is it?"

"Hm, you know, there is something weird I just found out."

"What is it now? TheWorld's Roar told you something?" It is the only thing you can talk to besides me anyway.

"No, it is not that. There is something in me. like a memory. It tells me…"

"It tells you what?"

"Hm, wait.." why are you scratching your head so hard?!!

"Ah, I see. It tells how to read people's minds."

"WHAT?!" Where did he find something like that? "Where did you find that? Was it in you- I mean in us- I mean in- ARGHHH!!! Was it here all this time?"

"Yeah, I think so. I just couldn't remember it."

"Was it because we started using auras?"

"Maybe. I don't know either."

So, if I manage to use all my auras or even scripts, maybe Two will remember more things. But who taught him those?

"Two, you sure it is not it who taught you?"

"Yes, I told you it doesn't even talk much. I haven't spoken with him since it got freed actually."

"Okay, but who could have then?"

"If you don't know, I won't either." Or maybe…

"Two, you represent my subconsciousness, right? So there should be my unconsciousness too! Maybe he knows!"

"Hm, aside from me, there is only you. If he existed, I would at least feel he does. And I don't." Ouch. Not so simple I suppose.

Oh well, no use thinking about it if I don't know.

"And can I use it?"

"Yup, I can so, of course, you can. But from what I understand about it. You need to see something to do so."

"See what?"

"Angas lines."

"The hell?" what are those?

"Angas lines. They are manifestations of people's thoughts. Reading people's minds actually means reading those lines as they float around the head of a person. You need to inject your Angas into your eyes the same colors as the lines and focus on them to read them. Usually, one person will have two or three lines max. If somebody has more than three, it usually means he is jamming you, reading his lines will only damage your eyes."

"What the?!! When did you… ah right, you said it was in you or something."

"Yup." So, I can read people's minds by reading those Angas lines. Great

The next morning, Selene comes out of the room with her hair all messy. Was the night rough? Maybe she slept on the ground there. I inject Angas of light into my eyes but I just see a white hue around Selene. Nothing else. I try to inject even more Angas but still nothing. Ah, yes, white so physical Angas. I inject physical Angas into my eyes but I still see the same white hue. Or not. There, right above her head, a line floating and undulating like a snake around her head. I focus on it and then I start hearing things in my head:

'He still had that much vigor!! Waouh!! A real beast!! And here I was, thinking that he didn't want me anymore. I have an answer now.'

What is Selene talking about? Hm, no, what is she thinking about? Did she fight with Excafol last night? Once again, not my problem.

Selene looks at me now and speaks with a girly voice, who is that right now?

"Kevin, I forgot to ask, I need to establish your free citizen card. Which name would you like on it?" No more importantly, why do you speak like that? Where is the usual attitude? "So?"

Even though I am making her wait, there is no curse? I don't know what happened last night, but IT IS MY PROBLEM!

"What is the use of a free citizen card?"

"They are useful because you won't be considered a slave. Outside of titanium especially. Most of us titanies are slaves in other kingdoms so having a free citizen card is useful. They are made using Angas so it is easy to check whether they are real or not. So what name? If you can't decide, just take Excafol's name." A name… A name. Well let's go with that one I guess:

"No, I know the name I want you to put: KEVIN DRAGONROAD."