« You will feel this one! »

« I don't think so! »

It's has been four years now since we came to the forest of Karnados.


Metallic clashing sounds and explosions echo in the forest. We train with our real weapons now, for the past year, in fact, we started using them. Selene said it was the best way to teach me how to maintain my weapon. I am fourteen years old now and…

"I got you, kid!"

"No, you don't! K'nor!"


"Argh! Fucking dog!!"

I am sparring against Selene and Excafol as a daily routine now. After defeating her for the first time two years ago, Excafol started joining us, and instead of training with the two of them separately, we have decided on only a single three hours sparring match every day, and he is stricter and more aggressive than ever now.

Just now, Selene was about to strike one of the white cloth attached on me. Excafol said that since my wound closes quickly, we will use that system to know when I have received a wound serious enough to consider that I lost. Whenever I will be wounded, they will turn red from the bloodstains, if they don't get ragged before, that is. I have a white cloth on both of my arms, my thighs, my legs, my chest area, and my head. I must look like that time at the Grandcross mansion when I was all bandaged. When Selene was about to strike me, my wolfider, K'nor, the little puppy we saved four years ago, came and protected me.

I say little puppy, but he is more like a horse now. He is so huge he sleeps outside. I didn't know wolfiders can reach such a height. Excafol said that it is because he is a rare alpha-type. During those four years, I have been feeding him quite a lot of meat. At least the first two years, after that, he started hunting on his own out of nowhere.

The first time, he brought a rabbit in the morning after our run. I got jealous thinking that he could hunt better than me and gave him only a third of the rabbit's meat. Even his fur changed The white dots on his body change and became lines. There is also a huge line along the way of his spine, up to his tail.

Even weirder, he started using Angas like it was a natural thing. Or maybe by observing us, he was somehow able to learn. I never understood how he did. But he can use physical and wind Angas. Excafol somehow taught him how to use wind scripts. And now, he can do what he just did to Selene, wind ball.

"Fucking dog!! Using wind ball just when I was about to-"

"Do this?"

While Selene is looking at K'nor, I use Disperse and land right behind her. I punch her using one of the scripts I created: Lightning fist. It is more of a martial art technique. The principle is quite simple, you condense Angas in your punch and release it all while closing your hand, creating a huge shockwave. However, since that technique is pretty simple, I improved it by using not only lightning but also physical and earth Angas into it.

I have tried with Fire and the other element but Fire plus wind almost blew my hand off, the others were no good either. But lightning was explosively powerful, and I even managed to direct the path the shockwave. Since lightning follows a straight path, my shockwave tends to also do the same, piercing forwards, and the enemy in front of me. But I only use earth and physical against Selene, I wouldn't want to injure her.

Using the Lightning Fist, Selene is hit and stumbles, but she is still standing. I try to punch her again but I hear suddenly behind me the characteristic noise of Excafol's Crescent Apocalypse bullets. I jump back and one bullet lands right where I was. Exploding loudly and creating a huge smokescreen for Selene. But there are still noises, when I look up, three more bright red bullets are coming, I run away while smashing the first bullet. The second one comes right after, I try to hit it but it evades my raizen by changing directions. Excafol has learned to do that god knows how. His bullets are not as straightforward as before, they sometimes change their direction in flight. Though not every time.

The bullet which changed direction and the one sent after that are relatively close, even if I evade in a hurry, I might lose. Time to use another script, then.

"In your dream, gramps!!"

I use my last creation, the light Angas script variant of Dome: SPHERE. Excafol explained to me that the script dome has a major disadvantage: it doesn't protect from underground attack. So while thinking with Two, I came up with an idea of a sphere that can protect from anywhere, though it was more difficult to put to practice because when I am standing, the Sphere should also go underground a bit. But I did manage to do it with practice.

The bullet explodes loudly and my sphere of light shakes a bit. Excafol went overboard with this attack.


My sphere is still relatively weak, I think. I should train my mastery of it more. From the smoke, Selene suddenly appears at my left. My senses have become sharper now, though I can't feel things, the others are now much more sensitive, I can see farther, smell, and hear better, even without Angas. Though, I use physical Angas with my ears and eyes almost all the time. That was one of Selene's homework.