As we were going upstairs in the fortress to wherever they are bringing me, I noticed that Anriette and K'nor weren't with us. I suppose they brought them somewhere else. I should have told them to give some meat to K'nor. This guy is so huge now he needs to eat at least three times a day or he will start whining every time he can, especially since he couldn't go and hunt for the past few days.

On the third floor of the fortress, we stop in front of two huge doors decorated with gold and silver linings embedded in the doors. They go everywhere but as you follow them, you realize they are actually forming the church's insignia. The guy who did that is really good.

The two doors open with a loud sound, like they weren't meant to be opened. The inside is filled with chairs. Is it a church? 

"Welcome back, guys."

"Hello, Rebecca. We brought you something." REBECCA? Nah, there is no way, right?