CHAPTER: MEMORIES (To read after the second volume)


"Huff... Huff..."

I run and run but they are always on me, tailing me like hunters. As I hide inside a cave, I can hear them outside, crawling and waiting. Then, all of a sudden, a person enters the cave. Wait, is it a person? It looks human but his eyes: there is nothing inside. Or more like, it seems like the darkness is filling it up.

"You are resilient for a human. I suppose she won't be mad this time."

All of a sudden, darkness envelops me. I can't hear anything, feel anything, see anything.


When my senses come back, they are everywhere. I ran away as best as I could after my whole unit got massacred by the Longinus but now, I am inside their territory. If only I didn't go to the campaign. If only I had accepted that fucking offer to stay behind with the support team. No, now is not the time to think about it. I must fl-


As I look behind, a dragon-like Longinus is looking at me. It is so big I can't see behind it at all. Looking around, there are two other same things, one to the left and the last one in front of me. With something sitting on top of him. The man who brought me to this place is next to me.

I think they are talking because their mouths are moving but I can't understand that language.

"She has decided. You will accomplish the task for us. Do well and your reward will be immortality."


The man plunges his hand into my chest. Pain spreads out to all corners of my body as he does.


"…nica! Veronica!"

"Huff… Huff…"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am."

A dream. Of course, it was, it has been more than twenty years now since it happened. And yet, my heart can seem to calm down. That core they placed next to it is a constant reminder of what I have to do. What I was tasked to do.

"You had a nightmare? Do you want some water?"

Borgas Grandcross. Useless pawn I took because he seems to love me. Once humans have fallen to their emotions, they would do anything and everything for you. Sadly, I had to let his brother Mark go of my claws, though he did serve his purpose to some extent.

"Just bring some instead of asking stupid questions."

Having sex with this pathetic excuse of a human is disgusting but seeing him beg for it is even more so. To think he is a patriarch is hilarious.

"What is so funny? Didn't you have a nightmare?"

"It doesn't concern you." I take my glass of water and the Borgas sits on the bed, next to me.

"Who told you to sit there?"

"What? Aren't we-"

"You are my dog. Did you forget?" I slap his head and kick his ribs hard. He falls to the ground and squirms like the worm he is.


"Now, bark! You stupid mutt!"

"Woof! Woof!"

Fucking lowlife. Just you wait. When I will be rewarded, I will turn you into a nice little dog and torture you for eternity.


"Good morning, madam."

"Good morning, madam."

All of them lowlife always bowing to me. Because I am strong, they think I will notice and favour them. At least, that kid was a bit different. Though he was weak, he didn't seem to fear or respect me.

The order's office seems different today. I can feel tension in the air. People are restless.

"What is the matter, Borgas? Why is everyone like this?"

"The prince is here, apparently."

"AH, yes. The little arrogant snot."


Entering my office, I find Demether Floras sitting in the sofa of the office. A butler standing beside him. Never without a guard, this shit.

"What does the 'future king' wants with me?"

"You are rude as always."

"You are just a prince. And the fourth one at that."

"Soon to be king, I will have you know."

"Not sure, your sister is still alive, if you forgot. You should have let me kill her."

"It's is only a matter of time. More importantly, what happened to our contract?"

"Things are progressing smoothly. Titanium will be yours soon. The only last detail will be taken care of during the tournament."

"But I heard Dilt will be present."

"I know, and I said I will take care of it. So, stop nagging me."

"You don't look like you will."

"It is your problem to begin with. You are not satisfied. Deal with it yourself then."


Demether stands up and goes in big strides. I don't care about your problems. This guy had it good since he was born. He thinks himself cunning and smart even though it is just a series of good events that brought him where he was. So stupid.

"You think he will try something?"

"I don't care. Neither should you. Do you have news about that?"

"Seventy percent overall."

"Too low. Increase the ratio. I don't have time to wait anymore."

"Okay. Will do."

"Now, leave."

"But, I was hoping…"

AH, men and their fucking lust.

"Leave or you won't ever use it again."


Ah, finally alone. I can feel the core next to my heart pulsating as always, beating at the same time as my heart. A constant reminder of the task he gave me. She whose name cannot be said out loud. Even Twenty years later, I can't forget the fear of that day, the fear of being in front of an absolute being, which could suppress your very existence with his fingertip.

But soon, very soon, I will be among his subordinates, immortal and free of this fear. I can already see it; I can already grasp it in my hand. Torturing the weak and enjoying their screams, for all eternity. Ah, such a bliss.


And of course, somebody had to interrupt my moment of peace. An assassin enters through the window.

"What is it?"

"Reporting. The researchers said there has been a reaction of the test subject."

"Okay, I am coming."

Let's see who woke up first. I wonder if it is her.