ANRIETTE KOLIL POV:

Today, I wake up as usual before the sun. Yesterday was a normal day, tomorrow will certainly be a normal one as well. I go to the kitchen and cook today's breakfast before anybody wakes up. Soon after me, aunty Claire wakes up as well and goes outside to train. She is really diligent. Ever since I was young, I have never seen her skip her training even once when I came to see her with my parents. And even now, she still does the same.

"Good morning, dear."

"Good morning, mother Claire."

She insisted that I call her mother and not aunty when there is nobody around ever since I came after the death of my parents. It was certainly out of benevolence but instead, it reminds me of what happened every time. She keeps saying that time heals all wounds but I don't think I will ever get over this one. Which reminds me…

"It's today, right?"