"Because you are…Dragonroad?" Farner retrieves her arms and joins Lanuvel, they both face me with interrogative faces.

"Isn't Dragonroad your name?" Lanuvel is a bit more puzzled than her, though.

"It is. But it is more than that as well."

"What is it precisely then?"

"I am sorry, Farner. I can't tell you guys."

"You can't or just want to?" They both bring their faces so close to me their smell invades my nose. Their nice and so fragrant smell. Such a soothing and sweet smell…

"I can't, for now. But one day, I promise that I will." Once I will defeat the Longinus, there won't be any need to hide anything anymore.

"Are you sure we will be alive by then?"

"I will make sure you will, don't worry." One would think that Lanuvel just said something weird but seeing how things change out here, it wouldn't be surprising if one of us died indeed.