I have been flying for at least ten minutes now but I still can't see the end of this lake or sea or whatever it is called. 

"What kind of lake is this?" I should go back and ask the others. Maybe they will know why there is no end to it.

I fly back to the place where I left everyone but midway, I see something coming. Two dots seem to be coming my way. There are other people who can fly as well? I never would have imagined. I wonder who it is.

After a few seconds, the two people who reached me are angelic like creatures. Coming straight from a fairy tale, I am sure.


I knew that Farner was beautiful, I knew that. I also knew that Excia was her sister and that they look alike. But right now, aside from the surprising fact that they are flying, they are like goddesses standing in front of me.

"Look who we found. A lost boy who didn't know a lake was different from the sea."