"So, how do you want to do this?"

"What?" They seem surprised. Did they think I would beg for my life?

"Do you want to all come at me or one by one? I don't mind either way."

"Haha…Hahaha! You think you can take all of us on by yourself?! So hilarious!"

"Look at him acting all confident!"

"Just because you are a named doesn't mean shit to us, you know?! You are just a titanie! A fucking slave trying to act like a-"

Seeing as the third one is feisty; I shoot him with a crescent bullet and the explosion covers all of them. The blue light shining among the smoke indicates me that he got teleported back though. Those bracelets really reduce our power. Normally, all of them would have been disabled by that bullet.

"It really was the same that day as well. Though they weren't as talkative as you guys."

"Fucking slave!"