Chapter 1 Part 1

"Sir, subject #24 is almost complete."

"Thank you Dr. Henricks. All her robotic parts are installed?"

"Yes, sir. Her arms and legs were severely injured in the battle. She has no memory of her previous life."

"Good. We will use her to find the elements," Dr. Ivano said to his assistant, Dr. Henricks.

Far from their home in Russia the secret lab in Haringey, London was building a new subject after the escape of their previous subject #23. Their new subject used to just be a normal girl in Haringey until the attack of 2764 when WW7 took place. Her arms and legs we destroyed and she also got bad damage to her head, erasing all her memories. The lab found her and saved her life, but are now planning to use her as a weapon. Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire are needed for project 56, which will "rehabilitate" the world. Their powers are strong on their own but put together could change the gravitational pull of the atmosphere.

"Can I see her?" Dr. Ivano asked.

"Of course, sir." Dr. Henricks lead the doctor to the large room where they we keeping #24. She was hooked up to a machine and unconscious.

"We are just completing the arms, sir. She soon will be ready to find the elements.

"She will fix that bastards mistake of letting them into the real world. They belong here. In this facility."

"They probably had contact with humans. Will we be erasing their memories as well?"

"No. I wan't their memories intact. I need to know everything about them," Dr. Ivano ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"Dr. Ivano, she's ready," Ms. Federosa said, greeting the doctors in the hallway.

The doctors walked to the room where they were keeping the subject. When they arrived a machine lit up and the newly put together humanoid robot opened her eyes.

"Welcome. Angelina," Dr. Ivano said while looking at his new creation.