Chapter 1 Part 2

"Troy finish you're breakfast. Today is a special day."

"My birthday, Mother?"

"Yes Troy. Happy birthday son," she said as she ruffled his brunette hair that rested a little bit above his shoulders.

"Thank you."

The day, November 14 was always a special day for Troy. His mother always baked him his favorite desert: pie and let him stay up later then normal. Troy always enjoyed this day but what he always would wish for never came true. He wanted to go outside. He only saw the world through a small window in his attic bedroom window. The cabin that he lived in was small and kept in the woods. He never saw anything and the only person he talked to was his mother. She was an older woman who left everyday to go some place that Troy didn't know. He wanted more, he wanted to go out, but every year he asked he got the same answer.



"I was just wondering...Since in fifteen now....maybe I could go out?-"


"But Mum, It would only be for the day-"

"You know the rules. It's not safe out there."

Troy stopped arguing and continued eating his cereal. His mother never did give him a reason as to why he wasn't allowed out. Well at least not a good reason. She went out ever day, why couldn't he?

"Okay Troy, I'm gonna head off now. Today is a free day. You can do anything you want around the house but no going out. I'll be back around 7. I have to go to the store to pick up some ingredients for your desert."

Troy sighed and mostly ignored her.

"Love you, son. I'll be back soon," she said as she kissed his forehead.