Chapter 1 Part 6

Troy stepped out of his house, Maverick slowly following behind him. His mother never gave him shoes, because she thought he would never need them. He liked the feeling of the grass on his feet. He knew his mother cared about him, but he really wanted to get away from her. Forever.

He had no idea what to expect outside but he didn't care. He just wanted to be free.

After about an hour of walking he finally made it to a market. It was small but there were people. He walked through the market, smiling at people as they passed him, but soon he was stopped by a older woman.

"Excuse me son? You look familiar." He didn't really know what to say sense he never actually had a social interaction with anyone before.

"Just passing through ma'am."

"Hm, well do you need any directions?" She asked him.

"Um, what city is this?"

"London," she informed. "You know, you look very much like a little girl I know."

"Oh?" He asked. Wanting to know more. He had always been unaware of where he lived, it was refreshing to know where he was for once.

"Yeah, her name's Emma, she lives that way," she said, pointing to a small house. Troy thanked the woman and really had an urge to go meet this 'Emma' person. So he did.

Him and Maverick walked a little away from the market and to the small house.