Chapter 1 Part 7

Emma hadn't slept in a week. She was starving, she had no money for food. Some days she wished she never left. Sure her parents we mentally abusive but at least she had food. The last time she ate was five nights ago, when the older woman gave her a leftover crumpet.

Today she was lying on the floor, she had no desire to get up. Her body was cold. Old tears were on her cheeks. Some days she thought of going back but she also knew she couldn't. She was their adopted daughter, they didn't want anything to do with her. All they cared about was their biological son, who Emma never excepted to be her brother. The nights always seemed to get colder as winter became closer. She was gonna try and close her eyes. She wanted to get at least ten minutes of sleep, but she got a knock on her door. She didn't think much of it. 'Probably just some business man coming to tell me I can't live her.' She thought to herself. Normally they would knock once and leave some junk letter at her door step, which she then threw away later.

They knocked again.

And again.

Emma finally got up from the floor and slowly and weakly walked to the door. She opened it to find a young boy, who looked very similar to her.

Troy seemed to be in shock also but didn't want to say anything about it.

"Hi?" Emma said, holding on to the door so she wouldn't faint. Troy smiled and observed her hazel-colored eyes. Her hair that fell past her waist and how she looked malnourished.

"Hi. I'm Troy."

"I'm Emma."

"Nice to meet you. Can I talk to you?" She gave him a questionable look and finally came up with an answer.

"Only if you have food."

He was going to say something but paused and ran off. He needed to talk to her so he used some of his allowance that he always kept in his pocket and got food from the market. After 20 minutes he arrived back at her house with a butty. He handed it to her and she let him inside.