Chapter 2 Part 2

When Lily woke up from her nap her dad was still no where in the house. It was now 6pm and she was starting to get worried. She grabbed her jacket that had the car keys tucked inside the pocket and decided she would go on a drive to clear her head. She was still confused about everything that happened with the fire on her back and as much as she despised her father for making her move here, she was still worried about where he was. She drove for a few hours until it was dark out and she didn't feel like driving home. She pulled over and decided to go get something to eat at the Polo bar. She ordered her food to go and planned to eat it in her car. When she was walking back to the car she noticed a young boy with a dog near a small house a few miles away from the market. As she grabbed the door handle the boy started running towards her with his dog.

"Hay!" He yelled.

"What do you want?" Lily asked as she opened the car door.

"I don't recognize you and it's a small town," he said as he got closer to her car as Lily sat down in the driver's seat. "Plus its 9pm."

"Your point?" Lily asked, obviously annoyed.

"My point is that you could come stay with me and my friends for the night. It kinda looks like it's about to rain too." Lily looked at him with a slightly confused face. She didn't even know this kid yet he was inviting her into his home. She got out of her car and walked over to him.

"Who do you think you are?" She asked him. She stood a few inches taller than him and looked assertively into his dark brown eyes.

"Oh yeah, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Troy. What's your name," he said as he brought out his hand for Lily to shake but she refused.

"I'm Lily. Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me."

"I know but you just seem like the kind of person I was supposed to find, if that makes sense?"

"No it doesn't," Lily informed. "Fine, I'll stay the night but I'm leaving first thing in the morning."

Troy lit up with excitement and started skipping over to the house.

"Follow me!" He yelled. Lily rolled her eyes and got her food out of the car and locked it behind her. She lifelessly followed Troy to the house and walked through the front door after he was already inside. Emma and Noah sat at the table, a candle in the middle. The house was small and poorly lit with only a few candles burning.

"Who is this?" Emma asked as she stood up followed by Noah who backed away from Lily.

"This is Lily, she'll be spending the night," Troy explained. Emma was nervous but still went to greet the new guest.