Chapter 2 Part 3

Lily sat down on the old sofa. Her bright red hair resting lifelessly on the back of the sofa and on her shoulders. She had no intentions of talking to these people but she observed them and unintentionally eavesdropped on their conversation.

"So, you think we're related?" Troy asked Noah while Emma listened intensively.

"I mean it would make sense, you two look very similar," Noah explained. "And if its true I have a very good idea of what your elements are." Lily stood up and walked over to the table where the trio sat. She didn't say anything and instead just listened to their conversation. Emma noticed Lily's presence but didn't say anything. Emma just smiled at Lily, but she didn't smile back.

"What do you think they are?" Troy asked as he leaned in so he could hear Noah better.

"From what I heard them talking about at my old home is true then you and Emma have the elements of earth and water," Noah said.

"Explain more," Emma instructed.

"Earth can't survive without water. So therefor it would make sense that the people who posses those elements were related."

"Can someone please explain what is going on here?" Lily interrupted as she leaned over, her pale hands firmly placed on the table.

"Speaking of you," Noah started and got up from his chair. He was about a foot shorter then Lily but he still looked her in the eyes. "I can sense that you are like us and based on your expressions I can tell that you are aware of this as well." Lily looked the young boy in his turquoise eyes knowing exactly what he was talking about. While she couldn't fully explain what happened back at her house and the fire that erupted from her back out of thin air, she knew that this kid would have answers.

"Yes," Lily informed. While Emma and Troy were not advanced enough to sense her auras of her elements they trusted that Noah knew what he was talking about.

"Fire, if I'm not mistaken," Noah announced as he took his eyes away from Lily's and sat back down.

"This is great and all," Troy started. "but what are the chances that we all met?"

"My guess is it has something to do with the lab. Our birth mothers had some sort of connecting with the lab, but I do not know what that connection is," Noah informed.

"So we're connected in a way?" Emma asked.

"It would seem that way," Noah said. "Lily has the element of fire. I have wind. We will need to figure out which one you two posses. Emma give me your hand." Emma was a bit confused but extended her right arm to Noah. As Noah grabbed her hand she felt pain throughout her entire body. She tried to pull away but Noah didn't allow her too. Troy looked worried for his 'sister' and tried to stop Noah but he pushed Troy away. After a few seconds the pain went away and the group observed a small amount of water dripping from Emma's hand. Noah smiled and released Emma from his grasp. Emma brought her hand close to her face and admired the water dripping from her palm.

"How did you do that?" Emma asked as she dried her hand on her shirt.

"I activated your ability. You will learn to do that eventually but for now be careful, don't over use your power."

"What about me?" Troy asked Noah.

"It's obvious what your ability is," Lily interrupted.

"I'll activate it later. Besides, you don't need it yet." Troy was upset but he didn't show it.

"It's getting kinda late, we should call it a night," Emma said as she sat up. The others agreed and found their ways to the place they would sleep.