Chapter 2 Part 4

Emma slept with Maverick and Troy on the floor and gave the bed to Lily. Lily was confused about why Emma was being so nice to her but she didn't think much of it. On top of her concerns with her father, she couldn't sleep. Lily got up from the bed and quietly and swiftly walked out to the front porch. She tried to close the door softly but Noah heard from the couch he was sleeping on. He was also having trouble sleeping and decided to follow Lily outside.

"Little late isn't it?" Noah asked as he closed the door behind him. Lily was startled but made sure not to show it.

"Couldn't sleep," she sighed as she looked up at the stars. London was a popular place but tonight the stars were very visible. Lily sat on the ricked up bench and Noah without hesitation sat down next to her. They sat there in silence for a while both staring at the star-light sky. They observed everything about the city. At the moment they were only in a market, the market placed on a small hill above the city. The neon lights of London danced below them but the towns and buildings that floated in the sky were dark, making the stars brighter than they had been in years. Noah was the first to break the silence.

"You're missing someone," He said without making eye contact with the red head sitting besides him.

Lily sighed, "Yeah." She got up and rested her arms on the railing of the deck.

"Who?" Noah asked. He had a feeling she wouldn't tell him. They didn't really know each other and Lily didn't seem like the type of person to tell her life story to strangers.

"My dad," she said as she continued looking up at the stars. "Something happened to me and I haven't seen him in a while." Noah smiled to himself. Sure, it wasn't because of her missing father but rather because he felt like he was making progress. He knew they would be seeing each other for a while and he felt the need to get on good terms with the three of them.

"Come on, we should go back inside. It's getting cold out here," Noah said as he tugged on Lily's boysenberry colored coat. Lily didn't respond, instead she just followed Noah back inside the house. It was still very early in the morning so the other two were still asleep. Lily observed the 'twins' sleeping uncomfortably on the floor with a blank face. She saw the resemblance between them but the whole story of theirs seemed off. Noah didn't bother to look at the duo and found his way straight to the broken couch. They both knew they wouldn't be able to fall asleep but they had nothing better to do.

When Troy and Emma finally woke up it was a quarter past 11 A.M.

"Morning!" Emma greeted everyone at the table with a bright smile. Lily and Noah sat at the old table, eating a cheap looking shepherds pie. Two dishes of the same meal sat on the opposite end of the table. This was Lily's way of saying 'thank you' for letting her stay the night. Troy and Emma sat across from Noah and Lily. Emma refused to let them sit in silence and told them a story that she found interesting but the only one who actually paid attention was Troy.

"Did you know that over 740 years ago everyone almost died from a terrible disease?" Emma said in her perky tone. Of course she wasn't happy about people dying, she just thought the topic was so interesting.

"Yeah, I heard about that," Troy replied. The two talked to each other for a while because Lily and Noah weren't listening. They both had a lot of things on their minds and seemed to be the only ones mature enough to realize that something was wrong.