Chapter 2 Part 6

Noah didn't explain anymore, leaving the other three slightly confused on the situation. They didn't question it though, in slight fear that Noah would just ignore them.

"Well come on then. We're leaving," Noah said because he saw the group just awkwardly standing in the same spot. The three were brought back into reality and immediately went to get their stuff, only to realize they didn't have many personal belongings with them. Maverick was out on the front porch so Troy went to go get his faithful companion while Emma just waited for everyone by the front door. Lily waited too but over by the couch, no where near Emma. Troy got back into the house, Maverick followed by his side. Without saying a word Noah left the small cabin and the rest of them quickly followed behind.

The Ballestin Laboratory: What is it used for now?

By Philip Henricks

BBC State Department correspondent

🕙 13 hours ago

For years we have not heard of any activity from the old Laboratory that floats in the sky. We simply forgot about it or at least stopped caring. It was formerly used as a shipment sight for bringing robotic parts into the US. However, lately there has said to be obvious signs of activity coming from the grounds. We can't help but wonder if new technology is being created there. The government has not issued any reports and has not informed the people of Ballestin intentions, so it is easy to assume that they do not want us knowing, or they are not aware themselves. Transportation to the lab has been cut off to the public. The sky lines are only accessible to those that possess an access key. For now we do not have enough evidence and information to reveal what they are creating or doing there but we plan to share with the people of England when we find out.

If any new information if revealed in the next 24 hours it will not be shared until next week for we will need to first confirm it's correct. If you have information regarding the situation please reach out to the BBC via email. We will respond as soon as possible. Exercise caution when visiting further south in the outskirts of London. If any paranormal activities occur we will need evidence of the event.

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Ballestin Public Skyline Transportation


More on this story

History on Ballestin (24 July, 2764)

London public Skyline (12 August, 2764)

Lily read the new article on her phone from the BBC as the group followed Noah. She didn't share the information but she planned to at least tell Noah when they got to their destination. Noah was in front, leading the rest of them who knows where. No one talked to each other but occasionally Troy and Emma exchanged a few words. They walked more south, away from the city, but closer to the laboratory. Maverick stayed close to Troy, never leaving his side. After a while the lack of conversion started to feel awkward. Emma beamed up. She always felt like the only one willing to be friendly but she couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"So Noah, Where exactly are we going?" she asked as she walked a little faster to catch up to Noah.

"I told you, we're going to see someone."

"Yeah, but who? Where does this person live?"

"You'll find that out when we get there." Emma knew she wasn't gonna get an answer from the kid so she just gave in to the silence. Noah and Lily walked ahead while Troy and Emma walked behind them. Emma tried to start conversations with Troy but they never seemed to go anywhere. They passed by some houses. None of the civilians looked twice at them. To everyone else they just seemed like normal kids. Even if they did have a few robotic limbs no one would think it was abnormal. This was London, after all. The technology gold mine of the world. The cars didn't even touch the ground, parts of the world floated even though there was gravity. This had been the "normal" for everyone after the war. The United States used to have everything. Now they practically had nothing. England's population had tripled since the end of WW7, leaving America with only the people who couldn't afford a plane ticket.

Of course, not all of London was perfect. The outskirts were full of people that you didn't necessarily want to be friends with. Most of which were against the rules and believed that London was just trying to use people. Here, everything was just like it was 700 years ago. No fancy suits, no robot butlers. They believed it was better this way, and maybe they were right.

It seemed like they were getting nowhere. It was nightfall now and were seated on the rough pavement of a deserted road. They planned to spend the night here considering no one had or even thought to bring a flashlight along. Still, no one talked to each other. They felt like strangers now. It was for their own good though. If they were found by Ballestin they would most likely be killed, or worse.

The stars weren't as bright tonight. Probably because of the luminescent light from the city. Besides the road was a grass field in while Maverick enjoyed running around in. Troy and Emma laughed as he chased his tail.

"Put your phone down, Lily, everything you read on there is just junk," Noah said as he observed what Lily was reading. She was scanning over the same article again. She had been for hours. The more times she did the angrier she got.

She didn't listen to Noah, she didn't even give him a response. Noah didn't like that. He took her phone out of her hand and put it carefully in his pocket.

"I'll hang on to this for you."

'Great,' Lily though, 'he's about six years younger then you and acting like a father.' Father. Lily didn't like that word. She didn't feel like arguing with Noah anymore. Her anger turned to sadness. She laid down, the pavement was hard and felt sharp. As she closed her eyes she felt Noah's on her. Even without looking she could tell her was mad.

"Such maturity he has for his age," Lily thought. After a while Maverick was out of energy. Troy and Emma took this as a sign that they should sleep too. Noah refused to close his eyes for too long considering they were completely out in the open. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his friends, or himself. He knew it would be safer if one person just kept watch.