Chapter 2 part 7

After a few hours of keeping his eyes on the rode, Dr. Lucas Henricks arrived at his destination. A small house in the Neon City on street N. It had grey, terracotta roofing tiles. Clean wood walls, a white garage door, complete with a off-white front door. The lawn was neat and the driveway and the path that led to the door was swept clean.

"Philip!" he yelled as he pulled into the driveway of Nackalin Road. He stepped out of the car without grabbing any of his belongings.

"Phil," he said as he knocked on the door. Moments later he heard a hand carefully remove the chain and someone quietly unlocking the door. It opened slowly and soon Dr. Henricks was face to face with his eighteen year old son. His hair was dark brown, his chocolate-covered skin gleamed as it came in contact with the sunlight. Philip looked exactly like his father, except for his eyes. Philip's eyes were a soft blue while Dr. Henricks were a deep shade of brown.

"Dad?" Philip said as he opened the door for the taller, older man to step inside.

"Hello Philip."

"I thought you were still in Ohio," Philip said as he closed the door and locked it. He guided his father over to the couch and they sat across from each other. Philip lived in a small town home but the inside was well organized and freshly cleaned.

"Yeah, well I'm only staying at your place for a while. I need to find my own flat. Preferably in the downtown part of the city."

"Why?" What happened to everything you said before? About how you would never leave mom's grave. Never leaving that house. Being afraid of forgetting the memories," Philip said with noticeable anger in his voice.

"Something happened. I couldn't stay there anymore. I had to move here." Philip had nothing more to say of this topic and he could tell his dad didn't either. They sat there in silence for a while.

"Would you like something to eat?" Philip asked, finally breaking the awkward silence."

"No thanks," Dr. Henricks said.


"What are we? British?" They both laughed a bit at Lucas' response. While Philip was happy to see his father again after he moved to the city of London a few months back, he couldn't help but wonder why Dr. Henricks was acting so strange. Philip had never seen his father in any other mood but joyful. Now, he seemed scared. Like something was after him, but Philip didn't feel it was his place to be concerned.

Philip was a writer for the BBC. It had always been his dream to write books. Instead, he settled on writing articles. The job paid well but definitely not enough for him to purchase his own home. When he moved from Ohio to London he left everything behind. He took a sky line straight to London, beginning his career from the moment he stepped into the UK. He told himself all he needed was the papers and the press but somewhere inside him he knew he needed something else. He wanted a family. Something that was taken from him the moment his mother died when he was no older than ten. His father was devastated and started to devote his life to figuring out what the name of illness was that caused the death of his lovely wife, Abigail. While Philip did not know the entire story, Dr. Henricks did. He was unsuccessful in discovering the illness but his work was not ignored. The Russians at the lab blackmail Lucas into working for them. He told himself that he would never tell his son about his work but now he was starting to believe that may have been a mistake. If he was to have stayed in that lab instead of running off, would he be dead by now? Do they want him dead? Do they want his son dead? Lucas never knew what Dr. Ivano was thinking or what his plans were. In the amount of time he spent there, he already knew that he had too much knowledge of the laboratory for them to want him to stay alive. He wasn't sure if staying with his son was a good idea. No, he knew it wasn't but he needed to stay somewhere and he didn't really know many people outside of the lab besides his housemates at his old flat. Though this wasn't the safest option for him or Philip he decided he would do it anyways. He read all the documents. All the experiments he observed. He knew of the kids' escape. He knew he needed to help subject #23. He only hoped that the young boy would be smart enough to come find the trustworthy, fired assistant.

Today was a rather windy day. The group trudged through the harsh breeze. Maybe the weather was because of Noah but he didn't know for sure. While he could manipulate the wind, he couldn't control how Earth desired to behave. Everyone's mood seemed to be happier today. Like a switch was turned on inside all of them. Conversations and laughter were heard as they strolled on the abandoned road. Even Lily seemed to be enjoying the company of her comrades. They didn't use their powers though in fear of being seen and someone thinking twice about it.

"Come on, Noah. Just tell us where we're going," Emma begged as she walked besides him.

"We're going to see an old friend of mine. She was my therapist. I think she might be able to help us find who we're mainly looking for." Emma's eyes lit up, they were filled with excitement.

"What's her name?"

"Dr. Larisa Daniel," Noah responded. "If anyone can tell us anything without question, it's her." They continued their walk. Everyone but Noah, wondering how much longer until they arrived at their destination.