Chapter 3 Part 1

"Where did he go?"

"Where'd who go?"

"Lucas. Didn't you see him run out of the building a few days ago? He hasn't come back since."

Larisa Daniel was trying to find the reason for Dr. Henricks sudden leave while her roommate Nora Algar read a book quietly on her bed.

"I just don't understand. He's always been really secretive but usually tells me when he has a drastic plan to do something," Larisa sighed as she put her head in her hands.

"Maybe this time it was really serious," Nora suggested.

"That's what I'm worried about."

The group woke up to another new day. Yesterday it rained during the night so their clothes were damp. Today however, was full of sunshine. They had no new clothes to change into so they had to wait for them to dry as they continued their journey. Ahead, on the road, was a small town. It had a convenient store, a singular charging port for cars, and a residential building. Noah smiled to himself.

"Here we are everyone. The town of Wellestell," Noah informed as they stepped onto the pavement of the charging station. "Dr. Daniel lives in Cottonville Place. At least I hope she still does." The rest of the group gave nervous looks to each other as Noah opened the door to Cottonville Place.

"May I help you? Renting a room perhaps?" a lady at the front desk greeted as she looked up from a book she was reading.

"We're looking for a Larisa Daniel."

"The privacy of my residents is my top priority. I will not tell you her address," she went back to reading her literature.

"So she is here?" Lily asked.


"Can you tell her that we need to speak to her?" Noah responded.

"I don't see why not." The woman left her desk and went to the second floor of the building. The four of them sat down in the chairs placed in the lobby and waited for her return. After a few minutes the receptionist and a taller, younger woman came down the steps.

Noah immediately shot up from his seat and ran over to the woman. He jumped a bit and hugged her abruptly. She smiled after she realized who the young boy in her arms was.

"Hi Noah!" she said, swaying the child from side-to-side. After a few seconds she put Noah down. Her eyes were instantly met with four pairs of eyes looking at her. Without even asking she knew who the other kids were.

"Come on, let's talk in my flat."

They followed her to the second floor. The side of the door was marked as 2-B. That was the door they stepped inside. Larisa ran to the curtains, shutting them instantaneously. They all sat on the couch, knowing they had lots to discuss.

"You people shouldn't be here. It's too close to 'The Place'," she said in her deep Russian accent.

"We know, doctor, but we need your help," Noah explained.

"Noah, I know I helped you escape that place but I'm still bound by their laws. His power, it's growing. The mind games, the illusions, the power, it's becoming unbearable."

"We can stop it. We just need Dr. Henricks. We need to know where he is. We need to get to Anolon," said Noah.

"Anolon? I remember seeing you enter that portal in the wall," Larisa nervously said, "you didn't come back for 4 months. Besides, Henricks isn't here."

"I entered under Ivano's control. We'll find Dr. Henricks, it'll be different. Do you know of any place he might go?"

"There is one, but the probability of the reporter accommodating him is questionable."

"Maybe so, but where do you think he is?" Noah asked as he adjusted his seating position.

"Nackalin Rode. In the Neon City."

"Thank you doctor, and please, stay safe," Noah got up from the sofa and the rest copied him.

"Wait, before you leave, let me find you all some dry clothes." Larisa quickly went into her room and searched for clothes that would hopefully fit them. First she pulled out a dark blue shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. She threw this outfit at Emma who went into her bathroom to change. Next, she grabbed a forest green hoodie and brown trousers. These were tossed at Troy who held them in his arms until Emma was done so he could change. A black tank-top, black trousers, complete with a crimson red coat were thrown at Lily who changed after Troy. Finally, Noah was handed a large, brown coat that would fall a little past his knees, and a loose pair of brown trousers that were about five inches too long. Larisa also gave him a shiny pair of snow boots, unlike the others who were still wearing their soaked shoes and socks.

"There. Be safe," Larisa said as the group exited the flat. On their way out, Lily swiftly stole a pair of black combat boots. This action did not go unnoticed by Larisa, however, who just smiled and let it pass. They had a new objective now. Though, they did not know who they were looking for, at least they knew where they were going.