(2) A new friend

8:04 AM, School

This doesn't happen often, but I found a gift on my desk when I reached school.

I knew who it was. Janice.

I'm pretty sure she likes me. She has been sticking up to me, stands up for me when someone says anything weird about me and even shared her lunch with me. It's not that bad to have a company. I usually ate lunch alone but these days I eat it with her.

" Why do you eat so less? Have some from mine. Have my cutlet and milk. "

" Janice. I've enough. I don't need that much. "

" Oh come on! I'll buy you choco milk if you finish all that. "

' As if I'm a kid. ' I thought. But who denies free food? And I'm getting choco milk free with it.

" Why do you eat so less? " I asked

" I'm already full. "

" You literally had nothing. " I laughed.

" Hey. Sun Ho. Come meet me. " said Sang Woo cutting our conversation.

" Why should I? "

" Just do as I say. "

" What is your problem? " Janice cutted in with a frown, " Why do you always disturb us? "

" I just want to talk to him. None of your business. " He replied Janice surprisingly coldly.

" I'll be back. " I told Janice.

I followed him to the back of the school. Two of his friends were also there.

' Oh shit. There's gonna be a fight. As if I'm scared. '

" Do you enjoy looking down on me? " Sang Woo's eyes were on fire

" Don't you know I'm older than you? Where are your manners? "

He grabbed my collar.

" Take your filthy hands off me. " I glared at him.

" Or else? " he glared back.

" Try me. "

He punched me on the face.

" How dare a filthy guy like you sit with her! Eat with her! You don't deserve to be next to her. I do! Bastard. "

I had to keep my calm. I must not fight back. I can't live my life recklessly again.

" I never asked her to. " I replied.

" You- ! "

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! " Our sports teacher saw us.

" Fuck! "

They started to run in the opposite direction.

" Hey. What are you doing here?! Don't you know you're not allowed here? "

" I'm sorry sir. "

" Are you hurt? "

" No sir. "

" Don't let me see you here again. "

Before my accident, I often used to fight. I lived recklessly. Maybe that's why mom wanted me to die because I made them suffer a lot.

Three years ago, Sun Ho's previous school,

12:00 PM

" This is the second time Sun Ho! " The teacher shouted. " This time I'm not letting you go without serious punishment. "

" You will clean up the toilets, sweep the windows, bring all the benches down from the roof, keep them in the store room and if you don't get grades in the upcoming test I'll let the principal know and make sure you get suspended! This is what you get for smoking at school!"

I kept quiet. What could I say? I WAS at fault. My friends helped me to clean the windows and to bring the benches down. But I had to clean the toilets alone. That was the grossest shit I had ever done. I nearly passed out three times. Imagine cleaning other people's shit! I had to clean toilets for two weeks!

But I had no idea how to get grades. I never got good grades. I never tried to. Although school sucked, I could never thought of dropping out.

There was only one person who could have helped me. The top student of our class.

" Mi Na. Help me with my grades. " I said.

" Ooohhh! Sun Ho what's up with you? You and studying don't go along well! Hahaha. " Mi Na's friend laughed.

" Why should I help you? " Mi Na said.

" Can you leave me and Mi Na alone for a second? " I asked her friend.

She gave me a look as if I like Mi Na and made a heart with her hands before leaving us.

" Mi Na, if you don't help me then you'll be in trouble. "

" I'm not afraid of you. What will you do hit me? Do you hit women? That's very cowar-"

" Shut up. " I cutted her in.

I unlocked my phone and showed her a video.

" You wouldn't want to ruin your image at school right? " I smirked

" How the hell?! "

" Help me with studying I'm not asking for anything else. If I get good grades I'll delete it in front of you. "

" What if you can't get good grades? Will you leak it? "

" Of course! "

" It's not my fault of you're born dumb! " She shouted.

" Cut the crap! Deal or no deal? " I was annoyed.

" ....deal. " she almost whispered.

" Louder. I can't hear you. "

" Deal. " She said gritting her teeth. " Meet me at the library after class. "

" Fine. "

Same Day, 5:35 PM, Library

" That's not the answer. You're not even trying! " Mi Na almost shouted for the third time.

" SILENCE! " The librarian shouted.

I smirked.

" Look at the librarian shouting to keep us quiet. Hypocrite. And why are you laughing? Focus on the problem. " she rolled her eyes.

Actually when I focused I found out that it wasn't that hard and I finished two chapters in no time!

" I think that's a lot for today. " I said.

When I looked at her, I noticed that she was sleeping. She was drooling. Look at her like a baby! I took it my phone and clicked a picture of her. That was so funny. But she looked beautiful even if she was drooling. I leaned in....

Present day, 4:00 PM, school

"Hey Sun Ho! " Janice called out.

I jumped. Totally startled.

" What did you guys talked about? "

' Where did she come from?! There was no one here a second ago. '

" When did you come here? "

" Right now. " Janice said.

" Janice. I've something to tell you. "

" Yes go on. "

" Can you sit somewhere else? " I paused "Also don't hang out with me anymore. "

" Why? "

" I don't want to be friends with you anymore. "